e1b1a in the levant

The TMRCA for each haplogroup-defining UEP (with at least 20 chromosomes) is presented in Table 3 along with regions and countries within which each haplogroup was observed. Salas A, Richards M, Lareu MV et al. The Greeks remained in control of the Middle East until the Roman conquest, then regained influence over the region during the Byzantine period. The original Phoenician M81 in the Levant could also have diffused across the Eastern Mediterranean over the centuries, during the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods. Montano et al. Only two other haplogroups exceeded 5% of the total: BT* (xDE,KT) (7.5%) and E* (xE1b1a) (5.1%). However, because each is, in effect, a single linked locus, interpreting observed differences among groups must be undertaken with a high level of caution. and Ancient East, West and North Germanics had different Y-DNA lineages). One of them was E-M34 (notably Levantine clades like Y15558 and Z21421), which makes up about 15% of modern Lebanese Y-DNA, but was probably higher before the Greek, Roman, Arabic, Byzantine, medieval crusader and Ottoman occupations altered the local gene pool. However, since G2a is the only lineage that was consistently found in all Neolithic sites tested to date in Europe, the absence of Neolithic G2a lineages from Scandinavia and the Baltic implies that no Neolithic lineage survives there, and consequently E-V13 does not date from the Neolithic in the region. ISSN 1018-4813 (print), Evidence from Y-chromosome analysis for a late exclusively eastern expansion of the Bantu-speaking people, Subdividing Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 reveals Norse Viking dispersal lineages in Britain, The role of matrilineality in shaping patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA sequence variation in southwestern Angola, Autosomal genetics and Y-chromosome haplogroup L1b-M317 reveal Mount Lebanon Maronites as a persistently non-emigrating population, Y-chromosomal connection between Hungarians and geographically distant populations of the Ural Mountain region and West Siberia, A comprehensive portrait of Y-STR diversity of Indian populations and comparison with 129 worldwide populations, Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267, The paternal and maternal genetic history of Vietnamese populations, North Asian population relationships in a global context, Early medieval genetic data from Ural region evaluated in the light of archaeological evidence of ancient Hungarians, Supplementary Tables S1-S2-S4 (DOC 141 kb), Distribution of paternal lineages in Mestizo populations throughout Mexico: an in silico study based on Y-STR haplotypes. [25] Kidzera was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroup L2a1a2c. Late glacial migration of E-M78 to Mediterranean Europe It is still unclear when haplogroup E first entered Europe. The Carthaginians founded cities in Spain, including Carthago Nova (the New Carthage, now Cartagena in Murcia), but also in Sardinia and Sicily, where M81 is the most common today within Italy. It is likely to have expanded south as the demographic events comprising the EBSP took place. They established that both men belonged to haplogroup E-M34, a subclade which is thought to have reached Mediterranean Europe from the Levant during the Neolithic period. Ronny Decorte, a geneticist from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, tested relatives of Adolf Hitler and determined that the Frher belonged to haplogroup E1b1b. Genetic history of the Middle East - Wikipedia Lewis MP : Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Although it is generally accepted that the EBSP has its origin in the so-called Bantu Homeland situated in the area of the border between Nigeria and the Grassfields of Cameroon, and that it followed both western and eastern routes, much less is known about the number and dates of those expansions, if more than one. Since then, this marker (now defining the E1b1a haplogroup) has been typed in many groups across sub-Saharan Africa19, 26, 27, 28 and, without exception, all studies have shown that the majority of NRY types in Bantu-speaking groups belong to this haplogroup. Lang Dyn Change 2011; 1: 5088. Mitochondrial, Y-chromosome and autosomal DNA analyses have been carried out in attempts to understand the demographic events that have taken place. Pereira L, Gusmao L, Alves C et al. Outside Europe, E1b1b is found at high frequencies in Morocco (over 80%), Somalia (80%), Ethiopia (40% to 80%), Tunisia (70%), Algeria (60%), Egypt (40%), Jordan (25%), Palestine (20%), and Lebanon (17.5%). [25] Wuta was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS7305 and L3e2b+152. Or it may have left Africa and became E1b1b after admixture with West Asians. Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of - Nature M81 has two immediate subclades A5604 and M183 (aka PF2477 or PF2546). CAS 1926), an English broadcaster and naturalist at the BBC explained in the Tree of Life how the Attenboroughs belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1. [17][18], At a San Jose de los Naturales Royal Hospital burial site, in Mexico City, Mexico, three enslaved West Africans of West African and Southern African ancestry, dated between 1453 CE and 1626 CE, 1450 CE and 1620 CE, and 1436 CE and 1472 CE, were found; one carried haplogroups E1b1a1a1c1b/E-M263.2 and L1b2a, another carried haplogroups E1b1a1a1d1/E-P278.1/E-M425 and L3d1a1a, and the last carried haplogroups E1b1a1a1c1a1c/E-CTS8030 and L3e1a1a. Haplogroup L2 (mtDNA) - Wikipedia and JavaScript. You should learn them by the mutations because the letters change, the mutations don't. E1b1a used to be E3a, but always was E-M2. The earliest known prehistoric sample to date is an E-V13 from Catalonia dating from 5000 BCE. (2010) found U175 in tested Annang (45.3%), Ibibio (37%), Efik (33.3%), and Igbo (25.3%) but did not test for U209. Genetics 2003; 165: 229234. The haplogroup E1b1a-M2 (and its sub-lineages) is widely spread in Africa and highly prevalent in all Bantu sub-Saharan populations, with frequencies above 80% in most populations 39, 40,46,47 .. Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. Besides, E1b1b was not found in Neolithic Iran or Anatolia, and only showed up twice among the hundreds of Neolithic European samples that have been tested. (2002) states: "A possible explanation might be that haplotype 24 chromosomes [E-M2*] were already present across the Sudanese belt when the M191 mutation, which defines haplotype 22, arose in central western Africa. Z830, M310.1's . An Indo-European dispersal of V13 subclades would not only explain why E-V13 is present in places like Finland, northwest Russia or Siberia, where Neolithic farmers had a negligible impact, but also why E-V13 is so conspicuously lacking from the Basque country and (central) Sardinia, the two regions of Europe with the highest Neolithic ancestry. Attempts were made to identify genetic relationships among EBSP groups in the context of Africa as a whole10, 11 (also see Supplementary Figure S112). The French footballer of Algerian origin Zinedine Zidane (born 1972), is a member of haplogroup E1b1b (M81) according to his brother's DNA test. (2021) indicates that Ramesses III and Unknown Man E, possibly Pentawere, carried haplogroup E1b1a. Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) - Eupedia Thank you for visiting nature.com. This era, which ended in a large-scale civilization collapse across this region ( Cline, 2014 ), shaped later periods both demographically and culturally. (Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2012) There is no backflow of E1b1a into North Africa until Trans Saharan slavery and that's in its mutated form of E1b1a7. The distribution of haplogroup E1b1a8a1* defined by U290 in the absence of U181 with a TMRCA of 14131725 YBP is similar to that of E1b1a8 and may be interpreted in the same way. The distribution of haplogroup E1b1a8a1a (defined by U181) with a very recent TMRCA of only 11001638 YBP is very different, however, being restricted to Nigeria and the east side of sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 2). The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: evidence for bidirectional corridors of human migrations. Am J Hum Genet 1999; 65: 829846. F1382 appears to have expanded during the Iron Age from the Levant to the Arabian peninsula, where it is almost exclusively found today. [31] 15% (10/69) of Hutus in Rwanda tested positive for M58. This page is not available in other languages. E1b1a1 is defined by markers DYS271/M2/SY81, M291, P1/PN1, P189, P293, V43, and V95. For comparison, the NRY haplotype diversity treating E1b1a as a single haplogroup ranged from 0.821 to 0.945, with the exception of Anuak who displayed a much lower diversity (h=0.516). The Trans-Atlantic slave trade brought people to North America, Central America and South America including the Caribbean. Correspondence to These are to date the oldest known E1b1b individuals. One of his patrilineal descendants was identified as a member of haplogroup E-V13 > Z17107. Farming, languages, and genes. This page has been accessed 678 times. There is clearly a radiation from the Greece (where E-V13 makes up approximately 30% of the paternal lineages) to the East Mediterranean (where the frequency drops to under 5%). Annu Rev Anthropol 2001; 30: 181207. Mol Biol Evol 2011; 28: 12551269. Proc R Soc Lond B 2002; 793799. This indicates that a single man may have had nine sons who went on to have numerous children of their own. This led to considerable confusion. Group-based pharmacogenetic prediction: is it feasible and do current NHS England ethnic classifications provide appropriate data? Further support for the EBSP origin from the Nigeria/Cameroon area comes from the observation that E1b1a component-haplogroup STR diversities are greater in West Africa than in either West-Central or East-Central Africa (Table 2). The basal node E-L485* appears to be somewhat uncommon but has not been sufficiently tested in large populations. As of November 2016, he was the 12th richest person in the world. The Moors also conquered Sicily. Amorim et al. [6][7][8][9] According to Wood et al. Both of them carried the Y-chromosome haplogroup is E1b1b1a1b1a6a1c (E-V13 > CTS12223 > BY3880 > E5017 > CTS9320 > Z17264 > PH1173). Hum Genet 1999; 105: 577581. They were supposedly descended from John Wright (1488-1551), of Kelvedon Hall, Essex, England, which allowed the Wright Surname DNA Project to isolate their paternal lineage based on the matching haplotypes of over 20 participants descending from that lineage. See Supplementary Table S4 for Guthrie classifications of all Bantu-speaking groups included in the analysis. Hum Genet 2005; 117: 366375. There is evidence that the Natufians already cultivated cereals like rye before the Neolithic period. [25] Kuto was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS2198 and L2a1a2. volume21,pages 423429 (2013)Cite this article. [69] This is the modal haplotype of STR markers that is common in carriers of E-U175. Google Scholar. Underhill PA, Jin L, Lin AA et al. Early genetic studies of Bantu-speaking people were based on classical gene frequency data. Newman JL : The Peopling of Africa: A Geographic Interpretation. [26] West Africans (e.g., Mende of Sierra Leone), bearing the Senegal sickle cell haplotype,[29][26] may have migrated into Mauritania (77% modern rate of occurrence) and Senegal (100%); they may also have migrated across the Sahara, into North Africa, and from North Africa, into Southern Europe, Turkey, and a region near northern Iraq and southern Turkey. People and Disease. BMC Evol Biol 2010; 10: 92. More research is needed. [20], At Cabeo da Amoreira, in Portugal, an enslaved West African man, who may have been from the Senegambian coastal region of Gambia, Mauritania, or Senegal, and carried haplogroups E1b1a and L3b1a, was buried among shell middens between the 16th century CE and the 18th century CE. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, 2006, pp 679685. Distribution of haplogroup E1b1b in Europe, the Near East and North Africa. The descendants of L791, Y2947 and Y4971, only appeared around 3500 BCE, during the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic period. [25] Anika was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS6126 and L2b1. A few isolated occurrences of E-M2 have also been observed among populations in Southern Europe, such as Croatia, Malta, Spain and Portugal.[49][50][51][52]. Destro-Bisol G, Donati F, Coia V et al. [25] Lisa was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-Z6020 and H100. Whilst E1b1a reaches its highest frequency of 81% in Senegal, only 1 of the 139 Senegalese that were tested showed M191/P86. Ancient East, West and North Germanics had different Y-DNA lineages, Johnson/Johnston/Johnstone DNA Surname Project, E1b1b (Y-DNA). Archaeological evidence suggests that the early expansion of proto-Bantu speakers was associated with pre-Iron Age farming technology and did not involve smelting metals.3 The first evidence of metallurgy south of the Sahara was found at Nok in Nigeria and is dated to no earlier than 2500 YBP.10 Therefore, it is possible that with the aid of the new technology, further expansions may have occurred after the first dispersal of farmers. [5] In Eritrea and most of Ethiopia (excluding the Anuak), E-V38 is usually found in the form of E-M329, which is autochthonous, while E-M2 generally indicates Bantu migratory origins. Samples in the Congolese data set have been divided into three pie charts representing Bantu H, B and C speakers. [5] The downstream SNP E-M180 may have originated in the humid south-central Saharan savanna/grassland of North Africa between 14,000 BP and 10,000 BP. For other uses, see. The pooled frequencies of E1b1a component haplogroups, based on their geographic locations, are also shown in Figure 2. Nat Genet 2000; 26: 358361. Behar DM, Thomas MG, Skorecki K et al. In this study, we analysed unique event polymorphism and short tandem repeat variation in non-recombining Y-chromosome haplogroups contained within the E1b1a haplogroup, which is exclusive to individuals of recent African ancestry, in a large, geographically widely distributed, set of sub-Saharan Africans (groups=43, n=2757), all of whom, except one Nilo-Saharan-speaking group, spoke a Niger-Congo language and most a Bantu tongue. Karafet TM, Mendez FL, Meilerman MB, Underhill PA, Zegura SL, Hammer MF : New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree. Populations in Northwest Africa, central Eastern Africa and Madagascar have tested at more moderate frequencies. [67] The place of origin and age is unreported. [15] It was impossible to determine his cause of death. E-V13's presence in this culture would explain why modern Iranians and Kurds possess E-V13, in addition to R1a-Z93 and R1b-Z2103. E-M2 is approximately 7.77.9% of total US male population. The first colonists were Phoenicians, who came from present-day Lebanon and the Tartus province of Syria. It has been hypothesized that E1b1a, including its subbranch E1b1a7 (defined by M191, and not tested in the present study), arose in west Central Africa and was later taken southward through a demic expansion ( Cruciani et al. Distribution of haplogroup E-M123 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. So we know for sure that E1b1b was present in southern Europe at least since the Early Neolithic. Ann Hum Genet 2002; 66: 369378. Cruciani F, Santolamazza P, Shen P et al. Forensic Sci Int 2000; 114: 3143. The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 3000-5000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. Alexander's conquest of the Middle East would have taken Greek male lineages much further afield, perhaps as far as Afghanistan and Pakistan, although only at trace frequencies. Traces of earlier inhabitants, however, can be observed today in these regions via the presence of the Y DNA haplogroups A1a, A1b, A2, A3, and B-M60 that are common in certain populations, such as the Mbuti and Khoisan. Luis JR, Rowold DJ, Regueiro M et al. This suggests that E1b1b may indeed have appeared in East Africa, then expanded north until the Levant. E-M2 is found at low to moderate frequencies in North Africa, and Northeast Africa. Underhill PA, Shen P, Lin AA et al. L791 and Z21466 have a mostly European distribution today and their ages point toward a Neolithic diffusion. They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. L576 forms a subclade immediately after the previously mentioned SNPs. There is an increasing evidence that the expansion was a more complex process than originally thought and that neither a single demographic event nor an early split between western and eastern groups occurred. The haplogroup E1b1a-M2 (and its sub-lineages) is widely spread in Africa and highly prevalent in all Bantu sub-Saharan populations, with frequencies above 80% in most populations 39,40,46,47. Frequencies of over 75% have been reported among the Tuaregs of Burkina Faso and Mali. The J haplogroup is of Semitic origin and is overwhelmingly present in The Middle East. The geographic distribution of the six main branches show that E-V13 quickly spread to all parts of Europe, but was especially common in Central Europe. [59] It has also been observed in a number of populations in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America among people of African descent. Genetic and demographic implications of the Bantu expansion: insights from human paternal lineages. M81 is especially common in western Iberia, notably Extremadura (15.5%), Andalusia (13.5%), southern Portugal (11%), the Canary Islands (11%), north-west Castille (10%) and Galicia (10%). His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South's secession from the Union in 186061. [15] Gad et al. Autosomally they could be modelled as 2/3 Natufian and 1/3 Sub-Saharan African (West African), confirming the close genetic link between Late Paleolithic North Africans and Mesolithic South Levantines. A combination of the two scenarios could provide an even better explanation. This branch split from E1b1b during the late glacial period, approximately 14,000 years ago. (2018) tested the DNA of seven 15,000-year-old modern humans from Taforalt Cave in northeastern Morocco, and all of the six males belonged to haplogroup E-M78. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Neparczki et al. The most prominent member is probably John C. Calhoun (17821850), who was the seventh Vice President of the United States. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). Was E-V13 a major lineage of Hallstatt Celts and Italics? E1b1a is also known as E-M2 and E1b1b is also know as E-M215 or as E-M35. For many years the vast majority of academics have assumed that E-V13 and other E1b1b lineages came to the Balkans from the southern Levant via Anatolia during the Neolithic, and that the high frequency of E-V13 was caused by a founder effect among the colonisers. This is consistent with the analysis of de Filippo et al,31 which is also supportive of a rapid expansion. Franz Kafka, a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, who is widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature probably belonged to E-Y161794, a Jewish branch of haplogroup E-M81, based on the Y-DNA test of another Kafka from Czechia at FTDNA. Am J Phys Anthropol 1987; 30: 151194. The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 30005000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. [26] West Africans (e.g., Yoruba and Esan of Nigeria), bearing the Benin sickle cell haplotype, may have migrated through the northeastern region of Africa into the western region of Arabia. The Bronze Age (ca. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994. A combination of UEPs and STRs in the paternally inherited NRY was typed in eight Congolese groups (n=591). According to the equation, the minimum frequency at which a haplotype is present for it to have a 95% probability of being observed, given that n chromosomes are typed, is q=110(log(0.05)/n). Because the Bantu languages on the eastern route are more homogeneous than those on the western route,11 it is reasonable to speculate that later expansions occurred mainly on the eastern route. M310.1 itself dates from the Late Paleolithic and could have come to Italy via Anatolia and Greece any time between the Late Glacial period and the Iron Age, including with Neolithic farmers, the Minoans, or the Etruscans. The Indo-European migrations would certainly have brought some E-V13 early on, from circa 2500 BCE. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in [13][14], At Kindoki, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there were three individuals, dated to the protohistoric period (230 BP, 150 BP, 230 BP); one carried haplogroups E1b1a1a1d1a2 (E-CTS99, E-CTS99) and L1c3a1b, another carried haplogroup E (E-M96, E-PF1620), and the last carried haplogroups R1b1 (R-P25 1, R-M415) and L0a1b1a1. Gusmao L, Sanchez-Diz P, Calafell F et al. PDF The genetic history of the Israelite nation Last update February 2023 (famous members). This includes some E1b1b subclades like V22 (12,000 years old) and V32 (10,000 years old), but also undeniably Near Eastern lineages like T1a-CTS2214 and J1-L136. E1b1a2 E1b1a2 is defined by the SNP mutation M329. Under the latter no less than eight subclades have been identified at present: A930, A2227, CTS12227, FGC22844, PF2578, PF6794, MZ99 and Z5009. Yes, I'm aware of Ramesses III belonging to Haplogroup E1b1a, but additional genetic testing suggest that the remains may indeed belong to y-dna haplogroup E1b1b[citation needed] which split from E1b1a about 40-50 thousand years ago, and tends to be common in the Levant, Northern Africa, and the Rift valley region in modern times. . He is Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Sephardic Dominicans - Results | FamilyTreeDNA The first Indo-European migration to Greece was that of the Mycenaeans from c. 1650 BCE. The testing of ancient DNA from the Natufian culture (Mesolithic Levant) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant confirmed a high incidence of haplogroup E1b1b in that region. Of these lineages, the most common subclade is L2a, which is found in Africa the Levant and in the Americas.. Haplogroup L2 has been observed among specimens at the island cemetery in Kulubnarti, Sudan, which date from the Early Christian period (AD 550-800).. Haplogroup L2a. and (b) If so, did those expansions take different routes? remains uncertain. In whichever scenario, it is clear that M81 benefited from a potent founder effect in the Maghreb, a region that was first dominated by the Carthaginian elite, but quickly became one of the favourite regions of residence for the Roman elite within the empire (along with Spain, France and Greece). (2012) recovered the DNA of Napoleon Bonaparte from beard hair follicules and compared his Y-DNA to that of one of his present-day descendants, Charles Napolon. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Genome Res 2008; 18: 830838. Detection of numerous Y chromosome biallelic polymorphisms by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. Iranic tribes, La Tne Celts, Romans, Goths, Slavs). Because the West-Central African E1b1a data set is sufficiently large (n=516; eight groups), we would have expected to observe the E1b1a8a1a haplotype, if present at a frequency as low as 0.0058. The PF6759 subclade seems to have reached Sardinia during the Neolithic period. But in any case E-V13 was definitely not the major Neolithic European lineage it was once alleged to be. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

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e1b1a in the levant