early settlers of albany, new york

Volkertse. Michielse. Catalina Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. The initial settler population of the community that became the city of Albany in 1686 came to America before 1664. in the 1997 volume. R. Bleeker, surveyor, 1767 (courtesy NYPL);Fort Orange, 1635, by Len F. Tantillo (courtesy NYS Museum); and West Indisch Huis, the West India House in Amsterdam, headquarters of the Dutch West India Company from 1623 to 1647. Hendrick Coenraetse Van Bon, 1660. [98] Late in the first decade of the 21st century support grew for construction of a long-discussed and controversial Albany Convention Center; as of August 2010, the Albany Convention Center Authority had already purchased 75% of the land needed to build the downtown project.[99]. DSSA - Occasional Yearbook of the Dutch Settlers Society of Albany. The nation which had redeemed its own country from the ocean, which had conquered its freedom from the Spanish yoke, and led all European nations in foreign trade was just the people to found a new empire on these shores. [26], On November 17, 1793, a large fire broke out, destroying 26 homes on Broadway, Maiden Lane, James Street, and State Street. Jacob Adriaanse Soogemakelyck, or Van Wogelum, 1638-55. Jan Teuwisse Van Deusen, 1696. Dirk Hendrickse Van Gottenburgh, 1663. Thomas Harmense Hun Van Amersfort, 1662-1706. [86] While many cities across the country struggled with similar issues, the problems were magnified in Albany: interference from the Democratic political machine hindered progress considerably. RNA Institute Researcher Receives Prestigious Early Career Award to Evert Johannese Wendel, 1691. Cornelis Hendrickse Van Buren, 1701. Maria Martense Van Buren, 1703. Volkert Gerritse Van Vechten, 1681. Hendrik Janse Reur, 1658. Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling: A Short Biography, Albanys Anneke Jans Bogardus, Indecent Exposure, Trinity Church & The Bowery, The Strange Life & Death of Edgar Allan Poe, Unwanted Donation: Man Leaves Old Home Heating Oil At Salvation Army, Rebels at Sea: Privateering in the American Revolution, Enslaved and Freed Peoples in the Hudson Valley. Gerrit Jacobse Lansing, 1734. Ephraim Volkertse Van Veghten, 1747. Reinier Myndertse Van Iveren (Smit), 1707. Anna Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Christina Abrahamse Schuyler, 1709. Jacobus Perrcker (Parker?) Takel Dirkse Van Heemstraaten, 1700. Jan Roeloffse De Goyer. [11] Commencement of the fur trade provoked hostility from the French colony in Canada and among the natives, all of whom vied to control the trade. Rolantsen. Patent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800, compiled Some also achieved standing in the Dutch communities, becoming important interpreters and negotiators among the differing cultures. In 1626, Peter Minuit was the governor of the colony and there were about eight families and 26 traders at Oranje as the village adjacent to Fort Oranje was then called. Neeltie Dirkse Van Vechten, 1687. Cornelia Janse Gardenier, 1702. Jan Harmense Van Turick, 1664. Go Back to Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany Reynier Tymense Van Edam, 1686. Henrick Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1686-1705. [89], Another major project of the 1960s and 1970s was Interstate 787 and the South Mall Arterial, part of massive highway building across the country in this period. Adriaen Dirkse De Vries, 1654. Jacob Hendricke Sibinck, 1655-65. [77], After Corning died in 1983, Thomas Whalen assumed the mayorship and was reelected twice. Cornelis Cornelise Van der Hoeven, 1676-82. You are here: Home Families First Settlers of Schenectady McIntosh to Ogden Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady: McIntosh to Ogden [This information is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800 by Jonathan Pearson (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1873). As historian John Bach McMaster has explained, they did not enjoy their visit: Albany has been a center of transportation for much of its history. Jan Salomonse Goewey, 1683-1702. Cristen Cristyssen Noorman Van Vleckburgh, 1636. Teunis Gerritse Verwey, 1666. Early Settlers of New York State, Vol. Helmer Symonse Veeder, 1715. Jan Hendrickse Van Salsbergen, 1673-1700. Lena Dirkse By, 1704. At that time the county included all of present New York State north of Dutchess and Ulster Counties in addition to present-day Bennington County, Vermont, theoretically stretching west to the Pacific Ocean;[21][22] the city of Albany became the county seat. Willemse. Harmen Bastiaense Visscher or De Vyselaer, 1675-83. [20] On November 1, 1683, the Province of New York was split into counties, with Albany County being the largest. Today, visitors can still see many examples of the city's rich history, including the Albany Institute of History and Art, the New York State Museum, and the Empire State Plaza. In 1978, it was republished as cited above by Genealogical Publishing Company. Harmen Tomase Hun Van Amersfort, or Van Hun, 1661-1700. An article Jacob Claese Egmont, 1683. Cornelia Teunise Van Deusen, 1700. Cornelis Stevense Mulder or Muller, 1682-1709. Reindert Janse Hoorn, 1659. Barent Pieterse Coeymans, alias Molenaer, 1636-1701. Lysbert Leendertse Conyn, 1704. [31], During and after the Revolutionary War, there was a great increase in real estate transactions in Albany County. Nicolaase. 4: The New York Society, Order of the Founders & Patriots of America. The Mohican were driven to the east side of the Hudson River and the Mohawk occupied the land surrounding Oranje. In 1629, the Dutch passed the Charter of Privileges and Exemptions, a plan for the colonization of New Netherland. 20 July 1764: King George III established the boundary between New Hampshire and New York along the west bank of the Connecticut River, north of Massachusetts and south of the 45th parallel. Reinier Barentse Van Iveren. EVERTSE. Lysbet Janse Goewey, 1702. New York's first delivery-only cannabis opens in Albany - Morris Douw Ferris and Dorothy van Breestede Douw Mc Neilly, The Dutch character was not wanting in the requisite energy, perseverance and pluck; but it was the system of government, persevered in against protests and petitions, that was chiefly at fault. Marten Teunise Metselaer or Demetselaer, 1685. Claas Frederickse Van Petten, 1664-8. These settlers built homes and cultivated farms; they also constructed Fort Oranje (Fort Orange) on the west bank of the Hudson River. More recently, the city has experienced growth in the high-tech industry, with great strides in the nanotechnology sector. Significant Events The Albany Congress occurred at Albany, New York in 1754 to help unite the colonies for defense against the Iroquois Confederacy. The early population of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, though almost pure Dutch at first, was changeable: after a few years spent in traffic with the Indians some returned to Patria: some retired to New Amsterdam (New York), whilst others passed beyond the limits of the Colonie and purchased lands at Kinderhook, Claverac, Catskill, Coxsackie . Geertruy Barentse Van Dwingeloo, 1682. Maria Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1700. Jacob Bastiaense DeWit, 1700. Required fields are marked *. Hendrick Martense Beeckman, 1673-95. Ripse. Jacob Janse Gardenier or Flodder, 1638-95. Daniel Janse Van Antwerpen, 1660-92. Leonard Janse Bronck, 1738. The Dutch West India Company was in the habit of granting exclusive rights and monopolies to limit competition, to encourage development of markets, and more readily assure the success of their ventures. Dorothea Volkertse Douw, 1700. Jacob Pieterse Coeymans, 1636. Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady Digital History Archive, Genealogical Frans Janse Pruyn, 1661-86. The section on the eastern side of the Hudson was separated from access to most of the fur trade by the river. A Brief History of the Colony of New York, 1609-1692 - Celebrate Boston Claas Janse Van Boekhoven, 1662-99. DAVIDTSE. It ended in 1763 with French defeat by the British, resolving a situation that had been a constant threat to Albany and held back its growth. Bastiaen Janse Crol, 1630-41. Pieter Jacobse Marius, 1663-90. Lysbet Janse Bogaert, 1699. The extensive and personalized treatment of the military career It lost more than 20 percent of its population during the Corning years, and most of the downtown businesses moved to the suburbs, following residents who had gone to newer housing. Maritie Lambertse Loockermans, 1682. Van Rensselaer basically operated Rensselaerswyck as fiefdom had been operated in Europe. Jacob Hendrickse Lery, 1663. - The Van Vechten Genealogy, compiled Teunis Arentse Slingerland, 1715. Isaac Janse Van Arnham, 1699. Beginning in 1810, Albany was one of the ten most populous cities in the nation, a distinction that it held until the 1860 census. Hendrikje Geurt Van Schoonhoven, 1700. Early Settlers of New York State, Vol. II - Ancestry Scots and Irish in early Albany - New York State Museum Salomon Frederickse Bouw or Bosch, 1689. Pieter Pieterse Van Woggelum, 1671-87. Fort Orange and the little hamlet which clustered around its walls, however, was strenuously resisted by the Patroon. JOCHEMSE. Jan Gerritse Van Oldenburgh, 1662. Jannetie Willemse Van Slyck, 1688. Proposed legislation is moving through Albany that would allow dog owners to have state park beach access. It was Rockefeller's only viable option, and he agreed. Gysbert Cornelise Bogart, 1661-86. During the late 18th century and throughout of the 19th century, Albany was a center of transportation. Leendert Philipse Conyn, 1687-1706. Arent Isaacse Van Hoeck, 1658-63. Cornelis Teunise Hogeboom, 1661-8. Johannes Tomase Mingael, 1681-1701. Jannetie Dirkse Van Vechten, 1687. Geertruy Janse Witbeck, 1683-1702. Aaltie Franse Pruyn, 1683-1700. The patroon controlled most of the trade, especially the fur trade with Europe. Jan or Johan Helmerse Van Bassle, 1642. CARSTENSEN. Hendrick Gerritse Lansing, 1747. This side was planned as a mostly agricultural settlement, and homes, farms and livestock were planned.

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early settlers of albany, new york