jujube tree root system

It only needs light pruning because of its unique self-pruning habits: fruit-bearing shoots fall off in the fall, mother-bearing shoots extend only ~1mm a year, secondary shoots die back year by year, and only the tops of the primary shoots can extend (Fig. High-density planting and protected cultivation systems have also been applied commercially after the beginning of the 21st century. Method 2: A self-fruitless or self-sterile variety is chosen as the female parent, and a variety with high pollen viability and compatibility is chosen as the male parent. Field Crop Res 100:249256, Ding SS, Su PX (2010) Effects of tree shading on maize crop within a poplar-maize compound system in Hexi Corridor oasis, northwestern China. Phytopathology108, 10671077 (2018). The method used to study the jujube tree root distribution was based on the trench profile method described by Smit et al. M.L., J.W., L.W., S.Y., and F.S. Jujube needs to be promoted to consumers around the world as a new superfruit by scientists and commercial companies with the aim of introducing its unique qualities for human health and longevity. Zhang, Z., Kang, C., Zhang, S. & Li, X. Transcript analyses reveal a comprehensive role for abscisic acid in modulating fruit ripening in Chinese jujube. Sci. Drain the fruit, and add rum and/or vanilla to taste. Eur. var. Sin.20, 8691 (1987). Change of several nutrients in Jun jujube during drying process. Chara cterization of a pectic polysaccharide from the fruit of Ziziphus jujuba. Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 2379), better known as Pliny the Elder, mentioned in his Historia Naturalis that a counselor of the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus introduced the Chinese date (jujube) for the first time from Syria to Italy; from there it was distributed to other Mediterranean countries and around the Black Sea basin13,14. For Ecol Manag 16:269279, Mead R, Willey RW (1980) The concept of a land equivalent ratio and advantages in yields from intercropping. These authors contributed equally: Mengjun Liu, Jiurui Wang, Lili Wang, Research Center of Chinese Jujube, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Mengjun Liu,Lili Wang,Ping Liu,Zhihui Zhao,Zhiguo Liu,Li Dai&Xuan Zhao, College of Horticulture, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, College of Life Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Sustainable Agriculture Science Center at Alcalde, New Mexico State University, 371 County Road 40, Alcalde, NM, 87511, USA, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 011464, Bucharest, Romania, College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, National Engineering Research Center for Agriculture in Northern Mountainous Areas, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-Environmental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees, Beijing, 100000, China, Propaganda Department, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, You can also search for this author in The Chinese jujube tree always presents some unfavorable performances because its vegetative growth is very vigorous. These dominant cultivars have replaced the traditional cultivars, which has greatly improved the cultivar structure in China. Qi, J. et al. & Wang, Y. Chinese Fruit Trees Record-Chinese Jujube (China Forestry Publishing House, 1993). Scientific Debates Cluj-Horticulture XX, UAMV Cluj-Napoca, 236238 (1997). Chen, D. The problems and solutions of Hami jujube mechanized drying. Acta Hortic. To estimate these risks . Zhao, Z., Liu, M. & Tu, P. A bioactive polysaccharide isolated from the fruits of Chinese jujube. This work was financially supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Project No. Sci. Study on the content of polysaccharides in different cultivars, growing periods and organs in Chinese Jujube. Regarding the obvious differences in distribution, morphology, usage, and historical knowledge of jujube and sour jujube in China, Liu et al. Three emasculation-free methods have been developed based on the discovery of two typical male-sterile germplasms and a group of self-fruitless/self-sterile germplasms that can replace male sterility42,43, which effectively overcame the key obstacle to artificial emasculation in jujube. The jujube tree is a well-known example of one such species. It was revealed that jujube has very strong resistance to abiotic stress, including drought, barren soils, and saline and alkali conditions. A set of new propagation approaches has been developed on the basis of traditional sucker division. The roots of Jujube tree can better stretch in the new pot soil and quickly adapt to the new soil. To obtain Grades of Fresh Chinese Jujube Fruit (Standards Press of China, 2008). We can simulate the growth trend of the bearing jujube based on different length conditions and use L ( d) = l max 1 + e a - r d to calculate the length of the bearing jujube based on different growth days. and its wild ancestor sour jujube (Z. acidojujuba Cheng et Liu). A series of gene families and metabolisms responsive to phytoplasma infection were studied, showing that photosynthetic, carbohydrate, and energy metabolism play crucial roles during phytoplasma infection33 and that the MAPK-WRKY pathway is responsive to phytoplasma stress23,24,32. (2) The modern and highly efficient breeding system is still not fully established, and it is difficult to meet the demands of accelerated cultivar development. Since no new gene fusions or multiple trait combinations are available in autopolyploidization and it is difficult to make large breakthroughs via selection breeding, there is no substitute for cross-breeding, and its advantages are also incomparable. More farmers in China now graft or bud onto seedling rootstocks. Ecol Eng 29:319328, Imo M, Timmer VR (2002) Growth and nutritional interactions of nutrient-loaded black spruce seedlings with greenhouse natural vegetation under greenhouse conditions. Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M. & Qian, J. Construction of a dense genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of trunk diameter in Chinese jujube. Cv. J. proposed that they could be treated as two different species, Z. jujuba Mill. Genome size variation within species of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) The complex jujube genome provides insights into fruit tree biology. jujube, either of two species of small spiny trees of the genus Ziziphus (family Rhamnaceae) and their fruit. The book Qi Min Yao Shu of the Northern Wei Dynasty that was written 1500 years ago recorded the techniques of cultivar selection, planting, flower thinning, girdling, and jujube paste processing. Liu, D., Ye, X. A: In some cases, the Jujube tree is considered invasive in Texas.It has a very strong, contorted root system and will try to get to water no matter what. cv. The small yellow flowers are followed by dark brown, round to oblong fruits the size of small plums. Food Sci.33, 4851 (2012). The tree can be propagated by seed or root sprout. Acta Hortic.993, 209213 (2013). Ciceoi, R., Dobrin, I., Mardare, E. S., Dicianu, E. D. & Stnic, F. Emerging pests of Ziziphus jujuba crop in. during cool-storage. From 500 CE to 1949, the cultivation of jujube mostly followed traditional methods. A technique for the sorted extraction and comprehensive wasteless utilization of the main functional components of jujube has been developed on the basis of systematic nutrient composition analysis54,138,139. Jinsi 4 on its fruit cracking and nutritional quality in the South. 31121062). Sci.24, 487491 (2007). Comprehensive studies have shown that the most advantageous nutritional features of jujube fruit include its contents of soluble sugars (23 times the levels in other fruits), vitamin C (100 times the level in other fruits), cAMP (1000 times the level in other fruits), vitamin B, triterpenoid acid, proline, polysaccharide, flavonoids, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc. Plant J.2, 147153 (2016). Resour.11, 811816 (2010). Both species thrive in hot dry climates where winter temperatures do not go below 9.4 C (49 F). intercropping of cotton/9-year-old jujube trees. ), sour jujube (Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng) and Indian jujube (Z. mauritiana L.). cv. Evaluation of Six Natural Variants and Screening of Genes Associated with Twisted Branches in Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. The fruits of the tetraploids were 3050% larger in size, 47 days earlier to mature and better tasting than diploid fruits. cv. Sin.44, 195196 (2017). Approximately 1500 YA (the Northern Wei Dynasty), Jia Simiao wrote a famous agricultural book called Qi Min Yao Shu that not only recorded 45 jujube cultivars but also described cultivar selection breeding, orchard site selection, planting times and methods, flower thinning, girdling, harvesting, and jujube paste processing. and JavaScript. Yao, S. Past, present, and future of jujubesChinese dates in the United States. Dongzao. Here, we took China as an example to briefly introduce the historical evolution and major achievements in jujube production and scientific research over the past 3000 years. Plant Syst. Forests10, 392 (2019). China Fruits3, 4647 (1983). A historic leap has been achieved from the initial stage of focusing on summarizing production experiences to a new era of innovative research throughout the whole industry chain covering breeding, cultivation, pest management, fruit storage, transportation, and processing; from morphological research to comprehensive research at the levels of the plant, organ, tissue, cell, molecule, and gene; and from the research of a few individuals to national and international research collaborations. (8) International exchange and cooperation: enhancing global jujube research, production, and marketing; promoting more international research, including multicountry, multisite variety, and technology testing, within bilateral agreements and especially with the help of the Jujube Working Group of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences. Among them, stimulating sucker propagation by cutting off the roots at the periphery of the vertical projection of the canopy and separating fasciculate suckers can increase the reproductive coefficient, while gathering and nurturing the suckers in a nursery can greatly improve the quality of the root system. At present, the jujube industry in China has entered a new era of transformation, upgrading, and globalization150,151. Agrofor Syst 80:117129, Droppelmann KJ, Ephrath JE, Berliner PR (2000) Tree/crop complementarity in an arid zone runoff agroforestry system in northern Kenya. Wu, Y., Zhang, J. PLoS ONE10, e0134519 (2015). Jour. This evidence showed that the traditional jujube cultivation technology system had been established at 1500 YA, and many of these processes have been used continually until the present. Acta Hortic. Qu, Z., Li, S., Wu, Y., Sun, P. & Hu, J. Sin.33, 374377 (2006). After the Asian Olympic Games in Beijing in 1990, dense cultivation was developed for dwarf fresh jujube, and even superdense plantings (grass orchards) with densities of up to 15,000 plants per hectare were established. & Liu, M. A high-efficiency regeneration system for immature embryo of Ziziphus jujuba Dongzao at very early stage. Evol.303, 413417 (2017). Even though agronomists have considered the spatial root distribution of plants to be important for interspecific interactions in agricultural intercropping, few experimental studies have quantified patterns of root distribution and their impacts on interspecific interactions in agroforestry systems. BMC Genomics21, 191 (2020). In addition, due to the economic decline of the comparative benefits of jujube, jujube witches broom is becoming serious again in orchards due to poor management. For successful grafting there are five important requirements: Liu, M. & Wang, Y. Agroforest Syst 87, 929939 (2013). PLoS ONE9, e109850 (2014). First, jujubes can satisfactorily meet the various needs of growers. Zhang, C., Bian, Y., Hou, S. & Li, X. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing (2016). Yan, X., Wang, W., Liu, M., & Zhao, Z. Dongzao. Effects of controlled atmosphere storage and calcium treatment on the storage of Chinese jujube in fresh state. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Acta Hortic. A total of 23,996 genes (73% of the total annotated genes) were allocated on the 12 pseudochromosomes. & Li, X. Transcript analyses of ethylene pathway genes during ripening of Chinese jujube fruit. This species, 7.6 to 9 metres (25 to 30 feet) high, has alternate, three-veined, elliptical to ovate leaves 2.5 to 7.6 cm (1 to 3 inches) long. Zhang et al. var. Luo, Z. et al. and cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.). var. Google Scholar. 2014). South Univ. and wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Twenty-four million years ago, jujube trees appeared in Northern China10. 387 (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 6177, Atkinson D, Johnson MG, Mattam D, Mercer ER (1978) The effect of orchard soil management on the uptake of nitrogen by established apple trees. In this latest period, research achievements have been very fruitful. In addition, the distinct trait of the bearing shoot falling in winter is related to the ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA) pathways12. In this agroforestry system, the jujube trees are grown simultaneously with cotton for 180-200 days. Chen, Y. Guo, Y. A strategy combining WGS sequencing, BAC-to-BAC and WGS-PCR-free library was employed to address the impact of the high complexity of the jujube genome, which has a high heterozygosity of 1.90%, a low GC content of 33.41% and a high density of simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) (378.1 per Mb). China Fruits2, 6470 (2015). Thus, the level of jujube production in China has long been at the forefront of fruit tree production in history, and jujube production has made an important contribution to the development of fruit tree science and technology (Fig. The tissue culture of jujube began in 1978. Liu, M. The challenges and countermeasures of jujube industry during transition period. Construction of a high-density genetic map of Ziziphusjujuba Mill. Third, jujube fruit can satisfactorily meet the various needs of marketers. The practical techniques include cold storage, controlled atmosphere storage, decompression storage, and controlled freezing-point storage119,120,121,122. Chen, Z., Wang, R., Qi, S., Wang, C. & Yan, H. Preliminary studies on the storage of Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill) in fresh state II. Agric. Xue, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, P. & Wang, L. Effect of hypobaric storage on physiological and biochemical changes of Dong jujube fruit during cold storage. Acta Hortic.390, 161165 (1995). & Liu, M. Expression profiles of genes and enzymes related to ascorbic acid metabolism in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Hortic.249, 263270 (2019). contributed to the final draft. Int.39, 917923 (2006). Twenty-one jujube cultivars were recorded in the book Guangzhi written by Guo Yigong in the Jin Dynasty, 1700 YA. The observation of flowering characteristics of Chinese jujube. Wang, L. et al. Acta Hortic.840, 529532 (2009). J. The novel field technique for homogeneous polyploidy induction has been successfully applied in sour jujube78 and in elm (data not shown). Qi, J. et al. It only takes 10 days to differentiate flowers whenever there is new shoot growth1. Google Scholar, Maghembe JA, Kaoneka ARS, Lulandala LLL (1986) Intercropping, weeding and spacing effects on growth and nutrient content in Leucaena leucocephala at Morogoro, Tanzania. Food Mach.12, 910 (2003). In addition, 11 jujube cultivars were recorded in Erya, a book written 2600 years ago. performed reference collection and analysis. In addition, the International Cultivar Registration Center for the Ziziphus genus was established in 2014 at the Research Center of Chinese Jujube, Hebei Agricultural University under the authorization of the International Society of Horticultural Sciences. Liu, P. et al. In the last 30 years, various new products, such as jujube juice, jujube powder, jujube slices, jujube tea, jujube beer, jujube essence, and jujube pigment, have been developed149. Wang, L. et al. Liu, Z. et al. var. Shi, Q. et al. under a variety of conditions. The rate of obtaining hybrids in jujube is usually <0.01% by the traditional crossing approach. The problem of hybrids not being obtained due to heavy early embryo abortion was solved by embryo rescue based on the understanding of the mechanism of embryo abortion and the factors affecting very young embryo culture. Zhao, Z., Liu, M. & Tu, P. Characterization of water soluble polysaccharides from organs of Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. However, in addition to the storage conditions, the duration of fresh jujube storage and the percentage of fruit losses are also influenced by the preharvest cultivation technology and directly by the pathogen load on the fruit in the orchard14,100,113,127,128. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. It originates from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese people. Omissions? J. Liu, M. & Wang, M. Germplasm Resources of Chinese Jujube (China Forestry Publishing House, 2009). Consumers like fruits that are delicious and nutritious and that appeal to appearance and status. To meet the needs of large-scale development, grafting propagation with sour jujube as the rootstock has been widely used since the late 1980s. Sci. Google Scholar. Agrofor Syst 40:215225, Chirko CP, Gold MA, Nguyen PV, Jiang JP (1996) Influence of direction and distance from trees on wheat yield and photosynthetic photon flux density (Q Analysis of QTL for needle length in Chinese jujube. Wang, J. et al. China is the country with the longest history of jujube cultivation. Sin.43, 966974 (2016). Sin.40, 426432 (2013). After the beginning of the 21st century, outbreaks of pests and diseases, including Lygocoris lucorum, Euzophera batangensis, Ceratitis capitata, jujube flies, fruit cracking, and fruit shrinking, have become increasingly severe102,110,111,112,113,114. This is a result of several key obstacles, including the extreme difficulty of emasculation of small flowers (~5mm in diameter), the low fruit-setting rate (only ~1%) and the high embryo abortion rate. Sci.

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jujube tree root system