leo ascendant love marriage combinations

In terms of sexual aspects, both of them are bewitchingly romantic. Mercury shows confusion and the need for constant enjoyment of life. Do you know? Fourth House in our Birth Chart stands for Family, Eighth House for Intimacy and Twelfth House for Intuition. Water-related accidents, artistic and highly creative, home-loving, attached to loved ones, needs comfort, tends to become obese after 40, courteous, possessive. People find you irresistible and are drawn by your strong yet charming personality. Leo Ascendant Love and Compatibility. 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In Vedic Astrology, it is a very auspicious planet. Moon in the 7th house Virgo Ascendant . Love marriage is quite possible with this placement. 1) Leo - Aries. Body, mind and soul all will be affected. Simply click here and get to know your ascendant right away and then go ahead and check out if your love will turn into marriage or not! However, the downside is Aquarius may need to practice . Summary. Jun. So the demands for service/suffering increase after marriage/ partnerships. Only then will the route be visible. On the spiritual front, he is always lonely and hides his loneliness well. It is the second important planet love marriage indicator after Venus. Everyone is curious to know whether he/she will get married and whether they will have an arranged marriage or a love marriage. Sun here is an excellent position, guaranteed victory everywhere. They are ruled by the luminaries of the zodiac, the highest spiritualising agents, the, Leo is the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, a Kona/angle sign. I was just curious if an astrologer can tell if this possibility can be seen. While looking into sun sign compatibility is still worthwhile, the twins note it's more general and superficial than moon signs: "The moon sign is what's hidden. In case of Gemini ascendant, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus have a conjunction or a strong placement or have a strong placement or have a good relationship between each other (all the three planets) in the natal chart then the native is said to have high chances of materializing his or her love affair into marriage. The 1st and 7th houses are the rising and setting degree, dawn and dusk? His attitude, perceptions and outlook are stable, individualistic but regal, capable of appreciating the higher things. The planets Rahu, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury are responsible for influencing love marriages. Indastro.com horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . So the demands for service/suffering increase after marriage/ partnerships. This is the over-riding permanent goal, self-illumination, are opposite each other, together yet diametrically opposite. Check out what kind of a man, a woman desires according to her Horoscope Reading. Even after marriage, will not be seen much with the spouse, he will maintain his own separate circle. As per Aries ascendants, Mars, Sun, and Venus play an important role. Your marriage will work if you stay detached from your partner and control your wish to dominate. What will make you choose? But, with evolving technologies, our path to attain the truth has deviated too! I just saw how many articles you shared. Your blog is very informative by the way. Anything that provides you stability and pleasure, would be preferable by you. It is not a good placement for happy married life. Learn More. If they can surrender to the fact that spiritual growth is the only possible goal and instead of trying out the material and the subsequent anguish, it would be overall better. Leo is the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, a Kona/angle sign. If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 9th house, and the lord of 9th house is in the 10th house with the 10th houses lord, an arranged marriage will take place. (Mooltrikon is an important concept when interpreting planets and their own signs.). And equally important is what will feed you energy? Call to Expert Love Marriage Specialist Now! I have always considered Cancer ascendant to be the most challenging of the lot, written about it here. 8th house may not be as important as the 5th and 7th house but is a symbol of physical desires, body pleasures and hidden and secret aspects of romance and love relationships. Body is well built, he looks and feels huge. Slowest, he goes round the zodiac in 30yrs. Wastes energy easily, a radiating personality, wants to shine, needs standing, wants to be admired fully, passionate and protective, may be wealthy, generous. Moon rules Cancer the 12th house so passion, emotion and mentality will not come on the surface nor interfere overtly with his decisions. It is said that the Sun gives its results within ten days of its transit. Families can be a great life-time study samples. Leo ascendant does want to bask in his own radiance, but his unknown resources are lying in the 12th house! It is only when you are comfortable, that you show how sensitive you are. Submit details and our representative will get back to you shortly. He may be materially well-off but wants more, information, knowledge, intelligence. Related Articles: You may come across as fun, independent and detached. His convenience is paramount to him. Malefics in the 7th house or a badly placed 7th house owner will grant material pain, it is guaranteed. Will not have many friends, no enjoyment in life. They are ruled by the luminaries of the zodiac, the highest spiritualising agents, the Sun and the Moon. These two ascendants are somewhat similar. If you like it, share with your friends, family and network so that they also find out more about you and themselves. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict ones personality traits and how their future would pan out. You have not only used up the hoarded precious resource, but also created new karma. Your birth chart indicates clearly whether you will have a Love Marriage or an Arranged Marriage. Aquarius rules their 7 th house of love, marriage and relationships, so they are looking for a partner that does not bring too much drama into the relationship. Nowadays no one wants to spend their lives with the partner chosen for them by someone else. Which of your free will choices are going to boost you? Were discussing planetary combinations of the birth chart for marriage. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2015 - 2022 Astroswamig.com. The strength of the 7th house indicates the quality of your married life. This was your approach towards various areas of life as per your Ascendant Astrology. Mars can give both extremes, a good marriage or divorce. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. At present, Saturn has returned to his own Capricorn after 30yrs, will next move to his Aquarius. Your married life will be good. The 1st, morning dawn, things are coming out in the light, more optimistic. This is a general concept applicable across ascendants. In this case analyse this other planet too in depth. Best & Worst periods in your kids life Vedic Astrology, Best Career Path for your kid Vedic Astrology, Bring out the best in your child Vedic Astrology, Business (Entrepreneurship) or Job? The spouse is does not openly resent the superior attitude that the Leo shows towards him/her. venus is not a malefic fr leo but can give inclination fr flirting. You love to be the one in authority at the workplace and may find it difficult to get along with your subordinates. When 5th house is making Connection with 8th house or 5th Lord placed in the 8th house, then a new relationship is indicated. She's powerful and likes to lead, so she'll get many of the strongest men to be at her feet. If the lord of 7th house is placed in Gadant or in Mrityu Bhaga, a delay in marriage occurs, whereas if the sun afflicting the 7th house or Leo sign also cause marriage delay. He does not trust anyone in any case. Leo Sun Leo Rising Love. Male natives are having more of the feminine blend in behavior, activities, day to day business . Jupiter stays in a sign for whole year and thus exerts a significant impact on the lives of the people. If the Moon & Venus are conjucted or placed in opposition to each other, Venus causes problems in marriage relations. Saturn is not good here, after marriage there is depression, disillusionment and sorrow. Just in case they have conjunction in any house or have a strong placement then chances of love materializing into marriage are decently higher than usual. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House cause ill health to the individual now and then, chronically. You will struggle hard before attaining success in life. Jupiter has 3 special aspects, i.e. Marriage is very important in our life and we must judge our Horoscope in depth to understand about it. Mostly interested in the end-result and not the path taken, you are the one who prefers strict discipline in work. As per Vedic astrology, the accurate percentage of total chance of your love relationship of reaching its final destination of marriage can be figured out. Ketu is a shadowy planet and is the South node in Astrology. In the table below you can find your Ascendant and a description of the unique combined Sun sign-Ascendant meaning. Whatever he takes up he does so with full focus and commitment. (Cancer ascendant on the other hand can be unfaithful). On the business/ profession front, I have seen he generally does better in service, possibly government service or politics. house to power marriage/ business. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House can give indebtedness, though of manageable nature. It changes every two hours in a day and hence becomes a more accurate descriptor of us and our life. Debilitated and retrograde Venus, Jupiter and 7th house lord are the reason behind the delaying in the marriage of a native. Rahu/Ketu are dowsy. Seeking mental and physical comforts and pleasures. Get your Personalized Saturn Transit 2020 Report. These turn the soul more intensely into the spiritual if the horoscope grants the strength to bear this anguish. If the Sun is in the 3rd 6th 8th or 12th the houses of turmoil be careful. Here your personal connection to the divine spark (Sahasrara chakra), your individual soul, your self-ego, confidence, self-creativity, genius, final knowledge (anand-mai-kosh), love affairs, children, etc are seen. More karmic imbalances to navigate through. Second is that the 5th lord of your chart must not be combined with the 6th lord or in the Nakshatra of 6th lord. Sun becomes the 1 st Lord for Leo Ascendant. When you marry someone you take on the attributes of his/ her 7th house. Saturn the 7th lord is malefic, Venus the agent of desire is a malefic. 11) Libra - Aquarius. Spouse is hard working, dour, not shining, dull, methodical. Conjunction of Rahu and Venus in planets of Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, or in Houses like 5th, 7th, 8th and 2nd gives a strong indicator that the native will have Love Marriage. Both of them have a strong desire to be together and let go of petty issues. How will you choose? Venus and Mars conjunction without any benefic aspect, a person may indulge in multiple relations or marriages. But a yoga of love marriage is created when maximum of the above are present in the horoscope. The Sun stays in a sign for one month, and then it moves to the next sign. For the other ascendants, all this might sound crazy. His challenges are all the one-one relationships in the family/ friends, profession/ business, spiritual practice etc. It is also good for . The woman with the Ascendant in Scorpio has the ability to completely transform things and make them better. One can know about his future marriage or love life through Kundali Matching by date of birth, Kundali matching, Janam kundali. It is wasted. Mars is indicating Passion or Fire inside. If the Lord of the 7th House is in the 1st, 5th or 12th House, you would get married to someone known to you form a very long time before marriage. This is the most important question. Describing life events, specific personal traits and characteristics can never be based upon the Sun signs alone. During this process the Janam Kundalis are also matched. Venus is a feminine planet. They are also big boned and although they may be of average height, they may have broad . Sudden decisions or life-time decisions will not give favourable results. This is the most important question. But as the lord of the 7. house will mean that the one-one partnerships which he will choose will have karmic repercussions. Cancer. He is not made for equal one-one partnerships. Cancer ascendant has the resource but not the interest in self-realisation, would prefer wasting the resource in the material treasure gathering activities. It is among the main houses in horoscope reading to check for Romance. In your birth chart, if the 2nd, 7th and 11th house lords are connected to each other, the marriage of a native will be successful. Likes using luxury items, generally materialistic by nature, sometimes interested in spiritual stuff and likes a comfortable life. The career horoscope 2023 would help you to know about your career prospects in the coming year. Venus, also known as the "Goddess of love" is all about relationship, life companion, physical pleasures, and love. Venus and Moon are the planets which impact a romantic relationship. (I have observed Leo ascendants, some in my own family. According to Libra ascendant, Venus, Saturn, and Mars in the case have a conjunction or are strong placed or share a strong relationship amongst one another, then the chances of love affair turning into marriage are extremely high. He is completely involved in whatever has his attention at the moment, he will ignore the other aspects of life. You have chosen the highest luminaries as your ascendant owners, why did you do this? But if the Saturn is still immature,should be careful. But your are not very attached to them. Leo ascendent internally knows that he will Integrate his flame into the infinite fires of Reality. Cancer ascendant is deeply disinterested in the game of Creation. If Parabrahma now appears before you and tells you that you were going to be a Guru in this life, but you have lost the opportunity, now you will need more lives, as many as the leaves on this tree! Meditate on this and arrive at your own conclusions. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). Half in the dark half in the light. AA. With Tenth House in Taurus, you are inclined to earn more to spend more on luxuries. So, you have Leo as your Ascendant Sign. ), house when I am supposed to be analysing the ascendant sign. Prone to (traffic-)accidents and head traumas/injuries, passionate. It will have a favourable effect on his karmic requirements of service/suffering. He aspires to higher things, will maintain useful contacts, connect with people who are higher placed than him. Saturn is the worst malefic for Leo ascendant. Mars is very good here, can give all power and position if he can control his aggression. Astrology is a lot more than your Sun Sign. (This is more intense for Cancer than Leo.). At present, Saturn has returned to his own Capricorn after 30yrs, will next move to his Aquarius. Leo Ascendant Career, Finances, Workplace and Health And when placed in the 7th house, it gives an extra privilege to the natives. Always remember that the goal of all life and living is to rebalance karma and attain self-realization. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the 8th, 10th, 11th or 12th house, and the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th or 12th house, this will increase the chances of an arranged marriage. This was your attitude towards Career, Success, Money, Health as defined in your Birth Chart Astrology. You take your time in creating your career and profession. Together Jupiter and Mars in the horoscope bestow several challenges. Seventh House in Aquarius makes you independent in relationships. Both Capricorn and Leo are leaders in their own ways, and both seek power and status. When the birth chart or Kundali has a Rahu-Moon combination or when Moon combines with Mercury then it is a suggestion of Romance. Note these things, the spouse will take care of the house, the children, all domestic stuff everything, he/she will be over-worked, physically ill, often a chronic long term disease, emotionally suppressed, sexually dissatisfied. She really knows how to control her energy and can turn the situation in her favor. Simply say, while Rahu affects different astrology houses differently, with Venus, one's sexual desires are to rise. Worried about your career prospects? You will enjoy good relation with your friends. Astrology, Numerology, Vaastu and Spirituality to guide you, Ascendant Sign plays an equally important role, if not more, as your Sun Sign. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Solar eclipse Apr 2023 astrologicalpredictions, Analysing the ascendant lord usingfriendships, Jupiter transit Aries 2023 predictions for signs part2, Jupiter transit Aries 2023 predictions for signs part1, Follow psychologically astrology on WordPress.com. Health is generally good, but there is a propensity for heat related disease, pitta unbalances, blood diseases, fevers, piles, etc. If the 7th house lord is making a connection with these planets, there is a possibility for love marriage. So the partner does not change his basic personality for 30 long years and dislikes sudden changes. It gives a indication for Marriage and that also love marriage with a beautiful woman. Get rightful astrology prediction for love marriage or arrange marriage just on a phone call. At Astroswamig, our free online astrology service also offers remedies for problems or obstacles in your love life. saturn is a malefic fr both cancer and leo ascendants. When these houses are connected with the moon or sun, it means an arranged marriage as a result. He is not made for equal one-one partnerships. This behaviour can be viewed as ingratitude by others but is inherent, natural to him. The Sun is the king of all planets and thus is highly influential. These . 8th house is House of Sex and Physical pleasure. I also understood that you do not do personal readings. Cancer ascendant too cannot change. (Cancer ascendant on the other hand can be unfaithful). Everyone says marriages are made in heaven and certainly as far as astrology is concerned that is absolutely true. You are tactful and diplomatic in your talks and can easily judge the conflicts. How will free will operate? Want to grow in your career? Saturn is linked to the lowest Mooladhar chakra. It is wasted. Venus here will give him material gain from females, but can also make him selfish. When ignored, it's possible for him to just look for praising into someone else's arms. If he wants real happiness, he will have to stop his pre-occupation with his individuality. All one-one relationships are a source of dissatisfaction to him. Trying it out on the material here will have its repercussion on the spiritual. Their advice and remedies can change your life. For Love Marriage, it is important to study- 7th house, 8th house, 5th house and 11th house. The descriptions will be updated when new information becomes available. With long-term commitment and marriage compatibility, Leo women find a great "power couple" partner in Aries, but often feel more stable with Libra, whose contrasting personality acts as a . If your rising sign is Leo, people tend to see you as confident, charismatic, caring, and a little self-centered as well. For instance, let's say that Sun or Mars are moving in the retrograde motion . In case of Pisces, if Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury have a conjunction or are strongly placed in the natives chart or share a strong connection between each other then the chances of your love story reaching the final destination of marriage are higher than you can imagine. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. So will this happen in this life or not? Read Your Yearly Prediction 2023 here for English, Read Varshik Rashifal 2023 here for Hindi. The only consequence is the likelihood of not getting support from society and family. When Mars is placed in the 7th house to Libra ascendant, which is Aries, the native turns lucky after marriage. Rahu/ Ketu axis here can grant spiritual gifts on the material planes they cause suffering physical, mental both. With a strong work ethic between them, this can be a high achieving relationship, and they do admire one another's skills. If the spouse stops being subservient, the marriage collapses. But I see it would require more exact details obviously. This combination of eclectic Aquarius and showy Leo creates a dramatic and powerful persona. are providing free astrology. Weekly Horoscope, Yearly Horoscope, Blogs, and Free Online Kundli software. The degrees and position of the Sun and Venus with respect to each other . There are numerous other factors that color the Sun sign, like the Ascendant and the other personal planets and bodies. clients at unbeatable price. Note these things, the spouse will take care of the house, the children, all domestic stuff everything, he/she will be over-worked, physically ill, often a chronic long term disease, emotionally suppressed, sexually dissatisfied. Ltd. India's Leading Astrology Enterprise Since 1987. Known for your generosity and warm nature, you are quite extravagant. I would answer the second question later . If Venus and Saturn are conjucted with Mars in a strong position, the person will have a love marriage. Exploring your personality through the Sun Moon combinations. Spiritual practices cannot be sustained for long, he loses interest. What will make you choose? If you want to know about your future marriage or love life through Kundali Matching, Janam kundali using Vedic astrology then speak to our astrologers today. But Leo ascendent is generally not unfaithful, sex is not very attractive to him, so he wont have affairs outside marriage. If the houses are connected with the Sun or moon, the marriage is likely to be arranged by the parents. Please help me find it. As per the Vedic astrology, Sun and Mars play a vital role in the success and stability in the career of an IAS Office or Civil Services profiles. On the off chance that these planets have conjunction in any house or have a strong placement in the natives chart then the chances go higher. You will get along with your siblings and family members. Spouse is hard working, dour, not shining, dull, methodical. According to the Vedic astrology, the Seventh House is analyzed to know the level of chemistry and commitment shared by the couple on the basis of which one can decide as to what level of commitment to these two shares as a couple. First House in Leo gives you a persona of regality. But Leo ascendent is generally not unfaithful, sex is not very attractive to him, so he wont have affairs outside marriage. The presence of Rahu increases the chances of falling in love with a person having a distant geographical background. Whatever he takes up he does so with full focus and commitment. Leo pride is sometimes interpreted as vanity. We can estimate its power from the fact that its presence in a specific house or sign can change the whole path/scenario of someones life. Can be egoistic, selfish, self-centred, has secrets, likes company, spends time with his friend circle. When the planets of 7th house are strong, they will benefit your marriage. What you do with the essence of yourself? He can be a loyal ally but can abruptly abandon his friends mid-stream and not look back. He can be a loyal ally but can abruptly abandon his friends mid-stream and not look back. Which is ruled by Saturn. His/her dress sense will be like a servant, shabby, drab, personal grooming is not on a priority etc. There is a subtle conflict always, the 7, house to function then naturally the energy of the 1, house will be consumed. These 5 ways are the precise ways as per marriage astrology by which one can know about his/her marriage prediction love or arrange. However, they do not have a stable and successful married life for a long period of time if it is a love marriage. The 7th Aquarius is owned by Saturn. The Sun and Venus conjunction is all about creating various relationships with others. Your Kundali has clear signs that will tell if you are going to have a Love or Arranged Marriage. Consult Love Astrologer. Humorous, superficial, expressive, attractive, numerous love affairs, the comedian, needs more sleep. His convenience is paramount to him. Aries native will get success in their career, education, business, or in the matters of love, romance, marriage, politics at these certain ages. Astrology Prediction, Career and Money Astrology Prediction Report, Career, Money and Wealth Vedic Astrology Prediction, Educational Path for your kid Vedic Astrology Prediction, How wealthy will you be? All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. But becomes more crucial for the spiritual. Libra Ascendant: For Libra ascendant, the 2nd house is Scorpio and its lord is Mars. So just in case, you want to know if your love will reach the final destination and will you have a forever after, just click here to get your love compatibility and related services available with Indastro. (Desire can upset Foundation) If you give your 1st house energy to the 7th house to function then naturally the energy of the 1st house will be consumed. One can know everything about their marital life after analyzing this house. So there is sheer power vibrating about him, he exudes royal vitality and energy. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. These two ascendants suffer from very deep internal conflicts. house so passion, emotion and mentality will not come on the surface nor interfere overtly with his decisions. At other houses it may bring positive and negative results based on its lordship. Whether this wish will be fulfilled is very easy to predict with Love Marriage astrology. Love and romance are also indicated by 5th house and 5th house lord. Rahu/Ketu are dowsy. Moon here makes the Leo unfaithful in marriage. If you have Leo ascendants around you and their marriage seems to work, observe. You pay for these enjoyments with the essence of your own self. They also share high chances of having a happy, successful and prosperous love-marriage. Unfavourable for one-one partnerships of every type. Saturn and Aquarius change both him and his spouse after marriage. Also we He is not a gossip but will have information on others. But if the horoscope is highly spiritual in its orientation, you have chosen the spiritual path at birth, then this waste of energy will be highly uncomfortable, the soul will strongly rebel against this waste, this is a deviation from the right path, destruction of personal power and the resources hoarded through so many lives. When you are weak financially, it may take a toll on your physical health too. This is again the domain of the 7th. There is a subtle conflict always, the 7th (Kaam trikon) has the power to distract the soul from his true goal. Always in need of companionship, you have Eleventh House in Gemini. Leo is the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, a Kona/angle sign. Jupiter the benevolent benefic cannot be counted upon, Mercury shows his immature analytic processes. If the rest of the horoscope supports, that is. The desires for experience, Rahu, which pull him are antithetical to his basic nature, give him discomfort and he does not get deep satisfaction from anything he does. This love is warm, passionate and inspiring, and they will have a chance to create, perform and have fun together for as long as they feel this way. Since, fortunes would make them wealthy. Divorce or death of spouse is also possible if there are other combinations. Ascendant Sign plays an equally important role, if not more, as your Sun Sign. Saturn here is not good, grants hardship and ill health. The Love Marriage Yoga in your life comes only when both dasha and yoga are favourable. Then the wife dies and leaves you with a small differently-abled child. When it comes to love, the man with the Ascendant in Leo has his rising sign in a fixed sign, which means he can stay in a long-term relationship, but his need for attention may have his partner exhausted.

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leo ascendant love marriage combinations