stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy

On October 4th I had my first appointment with Su., the nutritionist, and she told me that looking at what lab results were in the system that my calcium, magnesium and potassium are all low. It was another small blow knowing that I had 2 types of thyroid cancer not one. Know that this cancer is treatable and you will be ok but do not belittle your diagnosis - it sucks- don't neglect your fears they will eat you up. He also set me up with some Blood tests and put in the recommendation for a full Sleep Apnea study in Silverdale. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the On April 19th I started on the low iodine diet and stopped taking Cytomel in preparation for Radioactive Iodine treatment. Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of your thyroid gland. Went to Bremerton naval emergency and they put me on oxycoton and told me to go to Madigan on Monday Complications associated are still common and 80% of patients complain of posterior neck pain. A few days later she called again and said that my Vitamin D is also very low and I would have to have another appointment with my PCM to get high dose Vitamin D pills. The quiet house has really helped me get better quickly. Most people start to feel recovered in 10 to 14 days. She was clinically and biochemically euthyroid without any compressive symptoms. So today I began seeing a new primary care doc (because of new insurance) and asked if she'd feel ok with managing my thyroid stuff, and she agreed to. Ylinen J, Kautiainen H, Wirn K, Hkkinen A. J Rehabil Med. Show quoted text. It has been beyond informative and makes a huge difference knowing there are people out there that understand. Also put me on the We fit balance game and I completed it on the 3rd try. Horners syndrome was described in 1853 by French physiologist Claude Bernard and then by the Swiss ophthalmologist Johann Horner in 1869. People with a history of keloids (excess scar tissue) may experience more scarring after thyroid surgery. He also informed me that because my mother had a pheochromocytoma, I was at particular risk for MENS syndrome and medullary thyroid cancer and so were my children. 1) July 21st went to an ENT for sore throat, bad pain when i swallowed, and what I thought was a swollen lymph node, and he told me that is not a lymph node but my Thyroid and I really need it checked. On Feb 25th I had the first visit to mental health but do to the fact that my hearing was as bad as it was along with the recovering from surgery I was rescheduled for a later time. Two things which haven't gone away, and bugging me greatly are: On the Aug 18 I had my 2nd Stapendectomy surgery with Dr C2. It came back normal non cancerous. I don't know why it seems that everyone naturally goes hypo, that seems like an awful process instead of getting two symptomless thyrogen shots. On the 28th I had my appointment at Dermatology, recommended by the ENT people at Madigan. 2003 May 21;289(19):2509-16. doi: 10.1001/jama.289.19.2509. This cancer also caused me to put radiation through my entire body possibly damaging me AND my family. Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Guideline Task Force, et al. You should not lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after your operation to avoid any strain on your neck. Careers. I've been on levothyroxine and calcium supplements since I was in the hospital and report no adverse reactions to any of that (fingers crossed on the thyroid medication continuing to be smooth for the most part once all my remaining natural hormone is gone). The nurse said, how was that. Parathyroidectomy cures almost all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism and returns blood calcium levels to a healthy range. I've posted a few times since my thyroidectomy on 12JUN; but really wanted to give a more detailed account. At last a surgeon came in and had me sign the forms. First, let me say, I don't like iced water. But the order of operations has gone like this and I wish I knew all this stuff before (FYI I am a 37yo American but in Manila Philippines so am very frustrated/worried about processes or lack there of): She kind of blew me off although she did do a thyroid TSH test and it was "normal". It is estimated that 70% of patients with Horners syndrome after thyroidectomy will have permanent damage or incomplete recovery while the remaining 30% will completely recover between 5 to 15 months after surgery. I was immediately put on levothyroxin and sent home. The surgery went well and the next day I was released from the hospital to recover. I had to cave in and take one of my remaining pain meds. Again, my surgeon only says it's normal with minimal to no explanation whatsoever. Nothing too bad though, and apparently I had the biggest dose you can give without being hospitalized, so most people will be getting less. As of august I am no longer seeing mental health, they think Im normal, and I am feeling a lot better. Total Thyroidectomy - What You Need to Know - Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck. Reading other posts I feel a little discouraged that this feeling of fatigue is so common . DON'T get a tonsillectomy with your TT. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. Would you like email updates of new search results? One local and one about 50 miles away at a major teaching hospital. Before my thyroidectomy I experienced ear pain on and off, where it felt like a sharp, stabbing pain around my left ear. I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. Everything was great up until the Packer game that didn't go so well for me (much better for the Bears fans around here I could hear cheering). Patients who undergo thyroid surgery frequently suffer from unpleasant symptoms such as a stretching, choking, or pressing feeling or discomfort in the neck for a long time. Some of it was while I was still sore and using pain meds. You will experience some discomfort at the incision site as well as a raw or sore throat from the breathing tube that . Disclaimer. He got out the floor roll to start working on my leg muscle as well man that hurts. Finally, I told the nurse I was overheating and she suggested taking off the leg squeezing devices. July 15th Friday Madigan hearing consult from first ear surgery and pre surgery plans for 2nd ear surgery ENT clinic follow-up from thyroid surgery and the start of the planning for my 2nd ear surgery. My voice sounded horrible for about 6 weeks and I have weakness on one side of my vocal chords. 2007 Mar;39(2):126-32. doi: 10.2340/16501977-0015. He is now also seeing a doctor at cleveland clinic who specializes in thyroid cancer. May 4, 2015 7:40 PM. Anyway, I was in a pretty good mood and was really pleased with how I generally felt and was ecstatic the surgery was over. This was another full day at Madigan because it takes 4+ hours just to get through the line and get through the Pre Admission unit. Sihawong R, Janwantanakul P, Sitthipornvorakul E, Pensri P. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. Through the Fall I kept feeling the pain in my neck and again spoke to my primary care doc. 29th of July. I hope this helps someone worried about what the surgery will be like. On Thursday night my mom made a very basic Thanksgiving dinner and I was able to eat all of it with no problems whatsoever. I was there a short time where I met briefly with a surgical nurse, my anesthesiologist, and my surgeon. Methods: Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. It just takes the right approach. I had to use the urinal, but it is just easier to use it in the bathroom than in the bed for me. I kind of learned quickly to tilt my chin toward my chest as I swallowed to lessen the pain and actually got the four HIV and a couple of other pills down. We were told it is papillary cancer but the aggressive kind, so he will need a pet scan every 6 months. Epub 2021 Jun 1. Whiplash during automobile accidents is a common injury that causes neck pain. My partner was waiting in the lobby and then I was moved to my room just before 11pm. Vascular dilation on the other side of the face may or may not be present (Figure 1). 6) Went hypo for 6 weeks (didn't even understand what that meant until I physically got to experience it), fought to get RAI pushed earlier when TSH hit 97.99 and I had constant migraines, and no one ever mentioned LID (but I believe that didn't end up being so bad - as I did LID anyway after reading online 5 days prior and before that I was low enough naturally). And yes, I know it could have been worse. Thorsen RT, Dssing H, Bonnema SJ, Brix TH, Godballe C, Sorensen JR. World J Surg. Once your thyroid is removed you are now . 3) I have a throbbing pain radiating from neck. I also would like to provide a write-up of my experiences with the surgery, as others that did so were extremely helpful for me. I remember my throat hurting pretty badly. Calcium level 1 day post TT dropped a bit but so far no tingling sensation on the cheeks / jaw, fingers or around my lips, but i'll know more about after my next blood work in a couple of weeks. They just put me on a table and put a flat board 2" above my nose and it slowly moved down my body. Neck /throat tightness and pressure Total Thyroidectomy 16 . Surgery was over at about 8:15 and they decided to keep me overnight because my calcium levels wouldn't be back until way late. Within half an hour I was being wheeled to the elevator to head down to the first floor. This was nice because I now had an idea of the surroundings I would be in when I woke up from surgery. She was treated with 100 mCi of radioiodine-131 and currently has an excellent response to therapy. neck pain 2 weeks post thyroidectomy - Thyroid cancer - Inspire Exercise therapy for office workers with nonspecific neck pain: a systematic review. . But, I do with exacting detail remember my first sip of water. I'm dizzy like I'm drunk and nauseated. A 27-year-old woman with no significant medical history presented to our institution for management of her thyroid cancer. I also felt myself getting hungry which was a good sign. The people taking care of you know what they are doing and will make sure that you come out on the other side of the surgery just fine. Disclosures: Lee and Vodopivec report no relevant financial disclosures. The next thing I remember was sliding back to the cart to be wheeled to the recovery room. 1. They did look at the CT scan report and told me that all the radiation was in the neck and that was a good thing and the scan looked clean but I will have to wait for the official follow-up with my endocrinologist on the 18th of June for the Official results. Stabbing neck pains after RAI - Thyroid cancer - Inspire The surgical report says, The patient had a 5-cm incision created in line of relaxed skin tension. I know some of my mom's friends who have had it done that were out running a few days later. Now though my right knee has been making me limp a bit for the past few weeks will have a Dr Appointment while on convalescence leave. He currently thinks they are looking good at the level I am at and wants to wait till December before he adjusts them. I was told that I couldn't do radioactive iodine (rai) for six months due to my ct scan (cat scans use iodine for imaging and RAI would not be as effective). The possible causes of Horners syndrome after thyroidectomy are surgical damage; postoperative hematoma compressing the cervical sympathetic chain; ischemia-induced neural damage caused during lateral ligature on the inferior thyroid artery trunk; lateral retractor stretching of the cervical sympathetic chain; damage to the communication between the cervical sympathetic chain and the recurrent laryngeal nerve during its identification; and the possible anatomic variation in which the recurrent laryngeal nerve gives off a communicating branch to the cervical sympathetic chain. Be careful. When I tilt my face upward and try to swallow, this discomfort is magnified. When I got home around 2pm Tuesday I had never felt more comfortable in my house. I am still having the constant dry mouth and the metallic taste is still annoying. Soooo I got in to see a new guy in my Drs practice and he referred me to an ENT the next week. They required me to start out on a liquid diet, which I tore through like crazy (the cherry "ice" was really good). The major questions I waned answered were: how many thyroidectomies do you do a year and what is your complication rate? Removing lymph nodes in the neck (lymph node dissection). They have removed most of the mole on my eyebrow and sent it to be checked for cancer. She also told me that if I need another surgery to fix the problem that there is a 10% chance I will lose all hearing in that ear, and being that it is my better ear I seriously hope I dont need to get surgery. I also had a total thyroidectomy in June (10 months ago) also due to Multi nodule goitre, I had many many nodes on my thyroid gland almost so many that doctors were surprised, and over a 10 year check up process initially from 4 nodes increasing to countless amounts where it was putting pressure on my windpipe, so I opt for a thyroidectomy. Furthermore, last night, I was awoken at 3 am by pain in my neck. But, the pain I had last night was sharp. I went home around noon the next day and the hour long drive home wasn't that bad. I'm still a horse. The moment was really intense, as I didn't have a clue what to expect over the next several hours. I felt bad the first two days but that was it. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. I still do have some hearing loss in my right ear but it is not something to worry about now, although they say in the future I may need a hearing aid. However in addition to no LID, no one ever discussed things like AG, AGant, what TSH is, etc . I was told to get naked and to put on a gown called a bair paws gown. Lots of people on here talk about how awful having a thyroid replacement medicine is, and that no one ever feels totally ok on it. Also, through the night I drank some more water using the chin to my chest trick to get the water down. So I was told at that time . Will do an RAI in 4 weeks. Since then I have had minor vertigo and a small section of my tongue tastes like metal when eating (supposedly this is do to the taste sensor in the ear?). If you look it up on the Internet it is supposed to be hooked up to an external temperature air conditioning unit. They say it looks bigger than it is because its inflamed from surgery and RAI it is 2x1x1 CM in both beds, cancer was only on right. Some of it still doesn't make sense to me (in that the sequence of logic fails me), but then again I was on strong pain killers for part of the time and I didn't go to medical school. I'd had nine surgeries before my TT. For starters I only discovered what an endocrinologist or Thyroid even was like 8 weeks ago. Stretching Exercise for the Prevention of Postoperative Neck Symptoms The initial clinical suspicion pointed to a haematoma, but a needle aspiration showed chyle. Is the lack of hormone 6 days post op the reason for feeling like HELL??? An 84-year-old woman presented with chronic neck pain one year after thyroidectomy. Tender neck : After surgery, it is natural for a patient to minimize . I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer over the summer and received a total thyroidectomy and bilateral neck dissection two months ago. When I arrived I caught up with my family who brought the things i needed (PLEASE buy a nice neck pillow, I got a memory foam one from Amazon and it was a comfort saver) and even laughed a bit. That said I had this horrible monkey on my back for weeks and I really couldn't shake it. I quickly ordered mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. Total or near-total thyroidectomy: This involves the removal of all or most of the thyroid gland.This surgery is often indicated for large thyroid cancers, large goiters, and Graves' disease. Oh and the medical bills might be the end of us financially. 4) They plan to suppress my TSH which will make me Hyperthyroid. I really looked into doing the surgery using the daVinci robot with the incision in the arm pit not on the neck. Following Endocrine appt, doc said TSH was too low and decreased replacement (within first 3 months), fought it since it meant dropping below my preablation dose. 4) Went through with Surgery on July 29th, was a mess I guess as right lobe fused to esophogus and wrapped around windpipe areas. Then a bunch of insurance crap happened (my entire surgery may not be covered because the ENT was not on my list of docs I could see - this is bs but a completely different story) and I had to start driving an hour away to see an endocrinologist. 2. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Also, people with darker skin tones may seem to have more noticeable scars due to the contrasting color of pigmentation in scar tissue and skin color. It's not completely numb but the inside feels like muscle / skin is falling asleep or 'thick' (not sure if i describe them properly). Answers often cure fears. disability; neck pain; neck stretching exercises; thyroidectomy. RAI was the next thing that worried me, but once again, I found that it was overly emphasized online. Thyroidectomy - Mayo Clinic She felt my neck and again felt nothing and sent me on my way. So many people just blindly trust anyone with an 'MD' in their title, but call people you know who have gone through it, meet with multiple different doctors, make sure your surgeon does hundreds of these a year. MeSH I have never had the kind of fear that I experienced leading up to the weeks preceding my TT. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. In any event, we went to the store when I got home and stocked up on ice cream, yogurt and pudding. My doctor recommends endoscopy to check how the vocal cords and other nerves have healed inside but I am.just not ready to go back to the hospital yet. Complications are much less common and can include neck bleeding, permanent hypoparathyroidism that requires ongoing calcium replacement, and damage to . Has anyone struggled with breathing issues post TT? I still have poor vocal range and intensity. 2nd of August was my last visit with Dr E., he thinks am in a stable mental state and we both agree that more appointments right now probably wouldnt help any. Two weeks ago I wrote a post about my extreme anxiety preparing for a total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection. This was my 2nd bout of hiccups from surgery again they lasted about 10 days. On May 14th I went back to Madigan for follow-up CT scans. The reasons for that are in this post On March 2nd I was told I had several small foci of papillary carcinoma in the tissue of the right thyroid that was removed and that the entire mass was being sent to another hospital for further research but it looks benign the doctors recommended removing the other side, we decided that was the best plan. In the meantime non-invasive treatments based on ultra sound, radio-frequency may help. 9 Mar 2011 1 year from having thyroid removed Yeah! This option may be indicated if a thyroid nodule is small and localized to one side of the . Every now and then my salivary glands hurt a bit massaging them helps. It's been just over two weeks since my thyroidectomy. This community is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, an Inspire trusted partner. Your thyroid gland makes hormones that control your metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. There's just so many nerves and glands and other structures in your neck that you don't want to mess with, don't make the mistake of blindly putting your future in some random doctor's hands. I read that thyroid cancer has a 95% cure rate and 30% reoccurrence (is this true?). 2019 Dec;98(51):e18309. ; Hemithyroidectomy or thyroid lobectomy: This involves the removal of one of the two lobes of the thyroid gland. The middle cervical ganglion and the sympathetic trunk lie posterior to the thyroid gland close to the inferior thyroid artery within the thyroid bed (Figure 2). The effects of the stretching exercises on the participants' neck pain and disability, neck sensitivity, pain with neck movements as well as on wound healing, were evaluated at the end of the first week and at 1 month following surgery. Even one of the nurses asked if I'd had the midazolam yet and the anesthesiologist said, yes. After thyroidectomy, patients were called by phone in the 1st week and 1st month. The mass was softball size and the cancerous tumor was 4.8 cm follicular cancer with hurthle cell varient, since August 2012 I have had a partial thyroidectomy, TT 2 weeks later, RAI 157 mc October 17th, modified neck dissection Nov. 27th and now it's the waiting from blood test to body scans and getting the meds adjusted just right, a lot of side effects with Levothyroxin. I really hope you get the feeling that post-op will take good care of you. That was attributed the nodules and the cancer. I can't imagine home hard that would be in the neck. At right about that time he came in with a transfer team and a shot of midazolam. The best part about it was I was prepared for a great deal of pain and I would characterize my condition as "mild discomfort," never going over "2 or 3" on the "pain scale." and his team (same group who did the right one). Stiffness and soreness greatly diminishes almost to the point of none at all. I hate the word goiter. July 14th Thursday Bangor Dental appointment with x rays my teeth look healthy just needs some cleanings, they also checked to make sure the radiation therapy I had didnt cause any tooth damage, so far so good. 2010 Oct;(194):1-764. Not sure what my TSH read at those doses, but I see my oncologist in a few weeks and am requesting a copy of my medical records should be able to figure out what my levels were with each by comparing them to the dates of prescriptions. At about 6:45pm the anesthesiologist came in, asked a few questions and said he was hoping for my surgery to start at around 7pm. What is the standard for removing them? It has been 3 weeks today since his surgery and he is experiencing these symptoms. I'm normally an extremely social individual that loves living life to the fullest and experiencing the best that it has to offer. Don't stay in a hotel if you can avoid it after RAI (it really is dangerous to others) and if you do, don't post it anywhere or you will be crucified (however if you search, there are really good posts about how to do it as safely as possible). The only good thing is that they have taken me off the Low Iodine Diet and are starting to give my Synthroid. Ask for prayers. My Experience with thyroid cancer - so far: Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (differentiated), Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2), Mental challenges of living with thyroid cancer, ThyCa fundraising and thyroid cancer research grants. RAI was determined to be unnecessary, though I see my oncologist every 3 months (had one scare where some of my lymph nodes blew up necessitating a CAT scan last year), my endocrinologist every 6 months, and have my neck ultrasounded every 6 months. 2022 Oct-Dec;18(4):641-642. doi: 10.4103/jmas.jmas_174_21. I blacked out again for a couple minutes and awoke in the recovery room asking the surgeon multiple times if he was going to do the surgery.

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stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy