western civilization 2 quizlet

represented about 96 percent of the French population. and each indirect object I.O. "The unexamined life is not worth living". Nations could live in a state of peace and co-exist with each other. . The first inventors of coins in the Near East were the, The symbolic demonstration of the Covenant between God and His chosen people was, The first five books of the Hebrew scripture called, The earliest people to work with iron were probably the, What made the Hebrew religion unique at the time was the emphasis on, a split into two different Hebrew kingdoms Judah and Israel, All of the following Mesopotamian cultural elements were retained by the Hebrews except, Which is the most likely reason for the collapse of the Assyrian Empire, The strongest of the Assyrian successor States was, The destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem was accomplished by, The practice of interpreting the intentions of the Gods by reading signs was called, The political factor that Mesopotamian city-states shared was, none of these because they had no political unification, All of the following Technologies were found in river valleys prior to 3000 BCE except. His book HITLER AND NAZI GERMANY was first published in 1987 (7th Edition, 2014). Demanded the people wear western clothes and shave their beards. Britain possessed extensive resources, such as coal, iron, and water power History 102 - H001: World Civilizations from 1500. Example: Pumpkins are native to Central America. Ancient Egypt from 2000-1785 B.C., 11th-14th dynasties, it was called the Chinese Empire. changed Egyptian religion to revolve around the sun god, queen of Egypt and wife of Akhenaton (14th century BC). rachaelizabethgr. The king of Persia, founder of the Persian empire. Married women of the middle and upper classes began to stay home to raise their children. A nation's wealth is measured by the amount of bullion (precious metals) that the nation possesses. 1). A plain in southeast Greece, in Attica: the Athenians defeated the Persians here 490 B.C. The Western Civilization II exam covers European history from the mid-17th century through the post-Second World War period. Paragraph 15 is a rhetorical question. 1. Battle Axes = Burial accouterments. chp22 Teacher. Images. most european emigrants in the period of 1860 and 1914 went to? Ancient, heavily-armed, Greek, Infantry soldiers were called? 2. Influenced the ascent of modern science 1. 2 pages 2017/2018 None. emancipation of russian serfs took place in what decade? Christian neo-platonist. Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. and ended with the death of Cleopatra 7. Nicole Ceausescu was the ruler of what country? In addition, he is the author of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, first published in 1991 (10th Edition, 2018), and co-author (with William Duiker) of WORLD . They owed labor obligations as well as fees, generals in ancient Athens who eventually took a great deal of political power, one of three architectural systems developed by the Greeks to decorate their buildings. 3. Newton's scientific discoveries led to the advent of modern science and revealed a highly ordered, predictable universe that was guided by natural law. Were a series of three (3) wars fought betwenn rome and Carthage. France's army became the first modern army and the largest in Europe. Brilliant general from the city of Thebes who devised tactics to defeat the Spartan army. Example: If a person can challenge and win. Questions deal with the civilizations of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East; the Middle Ages; the Renaissance and Reformation; and early modern Europe. English expulsion from France Where France When 14th-15th century Why 1. Label each direct object D.O. 18th century b.c. seized throne herself. of 1832 gave most male property holders the right to vote in great britian, this country provided critical military aid in the process of italian unification, resulted in creation of austro hungarian empire, who designed the first electromagnetic generator. An Athenian who convinced Athens to build new warships called "triremes". Was a greek mathematician and is often referred to as the "Father Of geometry" Lived around 300 B.C. it included the rejections of traditional Christianity, this period followed the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, it would threatened the church, this movement led many to believe that they can make social changes, stressed the application of reason and the scientific method of all aspects of life. Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. This is a characteristic of Atenism, Bahai Faith, Christianity, Hinduuism, Islam, Judaism, Sabianism, Sikhism & Zoroastrianism, a period characterized by the use of copper & it's alloy bronze as the chief hard materials in the manufacture of some implements & weapons, the dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian conquest in the sixth century BCE. (D) colorful. A war between Athens and Sparta, 431 - 404 B.C., that resulted in the transfer of leadership in Greece from Athens to Sparta. Absolutism: Absolutism encouraged rulers in the period of 1660- 1789 Europe, to claim complete power within their territories. At what point in ''Lamb to the Slaughter'' does the rising action take place? Height of empire extended from Egypt to India, conquered by Alexander The Great. One work by Voltaire, Treatise on Toleration (1763) presents the view that "all men are brothers under God," which was an incredibly modern view on religious freedom and toleration in Voltaire's day. In 1633 he is called before the inquisitions in rome, found guilty of heresy, Copernus, Brache, Kepler, and newton all agreed with Galileos theories and John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. 4. Major successes that occurred under Louis the XIV, the 'Sun King', 1. Peter III is murded by faction of nobles his German wife Catherine takes the crown, inttelligent and enlightened ruler, she wanted russia to reform, but was aware that she couldnt alienate russian nobility, divided russia into 50 provinces which were then subdivided into districts with ruling officials that were chosen by the nobels, they rant the day to day governing, revolt errupted, cossacks (tribal warriors supported results, Poland lost 30% of its land and 50% of its population by Austria, Russia, and Prussia. for a code of laws, inscribed on a black stone pillar. Which was not a provision of the Benedictine Rule? Regarded as the first philospher in the greek tradition. 1. A Frenchman who is known for his strong opposition to censorship, organized religion, and bigotry, instead, he pushed for civil liberties, social reform, toleration, and freedom. Fontenelle stated, "A well cultivated mind is made up of all the minds of preceding ages; it is only the one single mind educated by all previous time." It was issued in response to the teachings of Arius who rejected the Trinity and the full deity of Christ. Voltaire, a Deist, was also skeptical and critical of the institution of the Church and of God himself. France remained at war in an attempt to enlarge its territory and influence. The united states dropped atomic bombs on ? was the main advocate of deductive reasoning. Draw a line under the root of the word. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Also, review ALL assigned readings in Canvas Lessons 3 & 4.. Find a Test Center and Schedule Your Test, Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present, Understanding important factual knowledge of developments in Western civilization, Ability to identify the causes and effects of major historical events, Ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate textual and graphic materials, Ability to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, Ability to reach conclusions on the basis of facts, Major figures of the scientific revolution, Economic and social impact on working and middle class, The economic and social impact of the war, The causes and course of the Second World War, Science, philosophy, the arts, and religion. a new type of monarchy in the late 18th century, the extent to which rulers followed the advice of the philosophes and reled by enlightened principles, in the 18th century, France experienced an economic revival as the enlightenment gained strength the french were not overly influenced by the philosophes and resisted reforms even as the french aristocracy grew stronger, 1757 replaces Robert Walpole , he advances the Britain imperial ambitions, during his tenure Britain acquired Canada and India, he was replaced when George III reigned. In the space provided, Indicate which question the adverb answers: where? Nations should have a trade surplus and export more goods then they import. Classical Greek culture has, and always will be, a topic of western civilization that is studied and taught amongst people of todays society, and those to c Oh Mighty Greeks! His views of the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. 'Western Civilization II CLEP Test - All Subj, Western Civilization 2 Test 1, Western Civili, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Donald Kagan, Frank M. Turner, Steven Ozment. Monarchy: for medium size states, grounded in the ruling of class's and adherence to the law Greek sophists / philosopher, involved with the question to whether virtue could be taught. Under which Greek leader did Athens reach the zenith of its military power and the peak of its cultural development? Who was the British naval officer that claimed the eastern coast of Australia for Great Britain, What country originally claimed much of Canada, as well as the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. ) There is evidence of opposition to a woman as ruler, and, after her death her name was frequently expunged. Contact your college to find out the score required for credit and the number of credit hours granted. 4. riding to the divine right theory, rulers received their power from. Bronze Age people living in Crete. Moved the capitol of Russia closer to Europe Westernized Russia after an extensive trip through Europe; he took the following measures: social, political, economical, religion, military, What people do or think, behavior or change. Save. Cicero is widely considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. How much do you know about absolutism. He also trained Philip II the father of Alexander the Great. was a French philosopher that argued that faith was superior to reason. Describe three of Justinian's major accomplishments. Son Of Darius The Great. Huge rich church and the original home church of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Fled to Sparta and told Sparta Athenian plan to capture Syracuse. and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Greek culture after the time of Alexander the Great mixed with that of the cultures of various eastern nations, this mixed Greek culture is today called?, What Greek ruler of Syria persecuted the Jews and instituted idol worship in the Temple of Jerusalem?, The Bosci were? Was a Zoroastrician Persian Emperor of the Achaemenid Empire. French Enlightenment philosopher Fontenelle wrote the book Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) in order to exposit and make known various discoveries of the Scientific Revolution, such as the astronomical findings of Copernicus and physics of Descartes. the labor of individuals farmer artisans and merchants constitute the true wealth of a nations HIS 102 Final. Sir Isaac Newton. Inductive reasoning became the basic procedure of new science. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like God, France and Spain, Richelieu and more. Russia, prussia and Austria take the remaining polish lands, poland is gone for the time being. Augustus won and became the Emperor of Rome. As the title says I passed WC2 with a 77. Exam 1 covers chapters 18 - 20 & 23 of Western Civilizations.Note that text chapters are assigned out of order. jacey1999. Born in Pelia in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. Nobles, who made money from collecting rent and fees from peasants. Beautiful temple dedicated to worship of the goddess Athena. Reigned from Sept 522 to Oct 486. "If I have seen further than other men, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.". The protagonist Gilgamesh is described in the beginning of the poem as two parts god and one part man. and creates the cosmos from her bifurcated corpse. The members of the First Triumvirate were? 120 terms. Athenian philosopher, student of Plato. Which political theorist inspired the Declaration of Independence? is the belief that God exists but is not active in the world. 16. Power was centralized in the monarchy and the power of nobles decreased. Ancient Egypt, 1580-1085 B.C., predominance of Thebes. The Doric order may be recognized by it columns, which include a wide sihft with a plain capital on the top, one of three architectural systems developed by the Greeks to decorate their buildings. from 312 to 631 B.C. The most significant characteristic of the Assyrians was their, The Assyrian King responsible for the conquest of Jerusalem and Judah was, One of the most significant developments of the Phoenicians was, One of the main reasons why the Hebrew religion was so constant was because, One of the unique products that the Phoenicians traded was, While the original Covenant of monotheism was made between God and Abraham the renewed finalized Covenant was symbolized by, The main reason that so much is unknown of Iron Age Assyria is that, Assyrian rulers maintain records of their accomplishments, The city of Nineveh under the reign of Assurbanipal was noted for, housing extensive libraries of cuneiform tablets. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Who painted the School of Athens?, Which French King built the palace of Versailles to demonstrate his power and authority?, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant reformation by nailing which document to the church door in Wittenberg in 1517? Info More info. European people who spoke a Celtic language. A systematic philosophy, dating from around 300 B.C., that held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason in instantiated in nature. Various quizlets, I won't recommend any single one since none of them I found were that great for this exam. Was an Ancient greek king of Mecedon from 359B.C. Voltaire despised social class inequality and cried out for human rights in society. Volume 3 covers topics including the . 6. The lower class people of ancient Greece were called? The most visible building in Mesopotamian cities was the, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. Built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in ca. Constantine called this meeting to deal with this issue. 4. 1 pages. Recognizing Adverbs That Modify Verbs. (C) new Both king and parliament shared power, Parliament would gradually gain the upper hand, died with out a male heir, the crown was then offered to another member of the family the ruler of Germany, a prtestant, 1714-27 George I, 1727-60 George II, Since George I did not speak English, the chief minister rant he country. develops and efficient civil service, it had its own code of obedience and honor, he also kept a very close eye on his officials, his admistration also had a ridged class structure, his military officials were Nobility, Aristocrats and land owner of huge estates. He conquered many city-states, in southern and northern Mesopotamia and is best known. A group within the Cavalier Parliament (1660-1679), that was made up of middle class men and Puritans who supported religious freedom and the power of Parliament over the monarchy, became known as the Whigs; this group emerged in opposition to King Charles II's (r. 1660-1685) Catholic brother, James II, taking the throne in England. Eighteenth Dynasty Analytical.docx. A naval league made in 478 by the Athenians and the islands in the Aegean Sea. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. nations are tied together by a belief in a common? defined as Enlightenment philosophers and writers. A well known German-born, British Baroque composer of opera seria and concerto grossi, such as Dixit Dominus, Messiah, and Rodrigo. What event in France became the center of national celebrations after 1789? Such monarchs embrace rationality, and embraced education and religious tolerance. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. A. Russia wants to provoke war, while Japan wants to avoid it. natural rights, undeniable privilages that no person should be with out, freedom of religion, speech and press, the right to assemble, hold property and seek happiness, all men created equal, Frederick II Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia, Joseph II of Austria, left France with an enormous debt, unhappy populatin and a 5 yr old successor, 5 yrs old he did not begin to rule until 1743, the governing was left to the Duke of Orleans, but he was a poor leader, France pulled back from foreign endeovors, they expanded their commercial empire, he then takes control and is ineffective and his grandson takes over, 20yrs old proves to be no better, He and Marie Antoinette could not foresee the effects of their poor leadership, knew little about the operations of the government and lacked the energy to deal decisively with state affairs. Western Civilization Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet, Amorite ruler of Babylon. A civilization centered on the upper tigris river, in mesopotamia, that came to rule regional empires a number of times in history. Western Civilization Chapter 2. (Make into a question.). According the to English Bill of Rights, the following were established What was the strongest sovereign state in the Dutch Republic? 4), A nation's wealth is measured by it's productivity. seperation of power, executive, legislative judicial Branch, each limited the power of the other, provide the greatest freedom and control of the state. required the purchase of stamps for any printed item. ) The leading archon in the city of Athens in ca. in what country were the germ nay death camps located? By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, strecthing from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. What seems to have caused the end of the Minoan Civilization? This was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The event that most changed the nature of the Holy Roman Empire was the, Frederick William I was ruler of King of Prussia, Russia began to Westernize during the reign of. Bronze Age people living in Crete. You have created 2 folders. The doctrine that all knowledge is limited to experiences by the self, transient knowledge is impossible. Those people who inhabited ancient Italy and Corsica before the Romans. Questions cover European history from the mid-17th century through the post-Second World War period including political, economic, and cultural developments such as scientific . He was the first historian to collect materials sysematically & test their accuracy, Greek historian & author of History of the Peloponnesian War, the belief in or worship of more than one god, belief in the existence of a supreme being, spefically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe, a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena, a person that believes in the doctrine of the Trinity, the Christian Godhead as one God in three persons: the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the ideal moderate position between two extremes. Studies the production, distributions and consumption of goods and services, Leader of the Physiocrats and his 2 laws: 1st Law, Land constituted the source of wealth, wealth increase agriculture, even the state revenue raise taxes for land, gold and silver should not be the primary determinates of wealth, Review the vocabulary list from the earlier discussion. A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority. It was named for its original capital assur. . The first institution for higher learning in the western world. Greeks defeated Persians in a naval battle near here. Lacked self-control and was charged with attacking idols in Athens and making fun of Athenian religion during a drunken party.

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western civilization 2 quizlet