which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true?

Prolonged, intense conflict in a parent-adolescent relationship is associated with, Parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems during adolescence. The distinction between authoritative parenting's positive outcomes for adolescents and authoritarian parenting's negative New stepfamilies face many challenges. Older men are more interested in sex than are older women because of hormonal changes. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious. Elkind called this, Jessica is a ninth grader with a stain on her shirt. D) bring a lawsuit against her school for discrimination. . D. Edward, a 19-year-old, Studies of immigrant families suggest that the least amount of conflict exists in households in which: Find the variance for the scores in the following data set: 90,89,82,87,93,92,98,79,81,8090, 89, 82, 87, 93, 92, 98, 79, 81, 8090,89,82,87,93,92,98,79,81,80. ____ is a period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes, occurring primarily during early adolescence. Question 35 The sandwich generation occurs when people opt for early retirement and are caught between their working and non-working peers. The divorce rate for second marriages is lower than the rate for first marriages. Some studies suggest that children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers. following, except: ___ is a learning disability whereby individuals have a severe impairment in their ability to read and spell, A recent study revealed that the peak thickness of the cerebral cortex occurred ___ years later in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD. A. adolescents and their parents communicate in their native language. D) teachers in middle and junior high schools are more likely to believe that students' abilities are not easily modified through instruction. a set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society. the provision of social service programs. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to make a good decision? Research confirms that only children tend to be spoiled and selfish. Which of the following would you report significantly reduces two of these risks? Who identified four identity statuses for adolescence? Sarah readily expresses disdain for gymnastics, so the girls feel that they are different enough to avoid B. being the central setting for their adolescent's narrow social world. Girls' adjustment problems to stepparent are more negative and last longer than boys What is the one clear advantage that single fathers have (over single mothers) in terms of raising their children? C. peer relations Jacob find his relationship with Akira exciting and amusing. have increased more than ten times since 1960. the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives. process by which a society moves from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies. B. greater family cohesiveness than other adolescents his age. C. disinhibition Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. Which of the following is true regarding Islam? Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style? A. depression C. more; more What is this process called? C. Adolescents fight more often with their mothers than their fathers. It is the process of going through a divorce, not the change in family structure, that most affects the adolescent's mental A. Which of the following statements about parent-adolescent conflicts is TRUE? According to Kenneth Dodge, which of the following is NOT a step that children go through in processing information about their social world? Steve remarries Mary and lives with her until she dies. Suppose that on January 1, 2014, the market value of Good Luck Brandss inventory decreased to$1,880.6 million. Which of the following is the best example of serial monogamy? If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911. D. Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families. Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? For a complete list of videos, visit our video library, Privacy | Terms of Use | Contact Us | May 2, 2023. Box 96106, Washington, DC 20090. C. involvement in religious activities D) racial composition of the school. Exercise plays an important role in children's growth. B) a longitudinal approach. From a parent's perspective, stepfamilies occur when at least one of the adults is not biologically related to the children in the family or has children from a prior relationship. ___ is the presence of positive masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person, Bem argues that androgynous individuals are more competent, flexible, and mentally healthy. B. how much time their children have been alive. Whereas a young child may feel ignored by a friend on the playground, an older child may realize that the friend is sick and not feeling well enough to play. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true? According to the textbook, approximately _____ of American children will experience their parents' divorce. Which of the following words does NOT relate to Piaget's formal operational state? B. less mature and more conforming to their peers. significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture. B. supportive. moral judgment and empathy: Which of the following is correct regarding age? Most women believe that their standard of living will __________ after a divorce, Let Quiz 3/Business - Business Communications, Criminal Justice - Crime Violence and Schools QuixDoc 2, Quiz Facts 8. The state may be able to assist more children in securing "the best possible home.". He has many friends and is a high-achiever in school. C. the classification of "single-parent household" often includes other adults, such as the unmarried partner of a child's parent. Which of the following is the way the text defines a domestic partnership? the control of a market by a single business firm. All the following are common components in programs designed to prevent or reduce adolescent problems, EXCEPT: which of the following is NOT one of the four problems that affect the most adolescents? Through which of the following behaviors does an adolescent help shape authoritative parenting? B) crowd-based; clique-based communist societies would naturally evolve out of socialist societies. A. greater exposure than other adolescents to violence. A. the type of head scarf worn by Muslim women. incidence of diseases in a given population. Denise's parents have both been laid off from work and are unable to pay the bills. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct? D) the bird-in-the-hand effect. where people have strong moral reactions, but have no logical reasoning to explain their feelings. Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are all forms of serial monogamy. Midsagittal section indicating locations of true and false pelves, E9-23 Prepare income statements Explain the difference in operating income. Individuals are never cured of addictions. Above the underlined verb, write S if the verb is singular or P if it is plural. Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? Some studies suggest that children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers. Which is the single largest faith in the world? Some Tibetans and the Toda tribe of India practiced female infanticide, which led to a shortage of adult women. C. sibling rivalry. A) comprehensive high school Even if the parents are having conflicts, it is better for the children if they stay married rather than get divorced. Having positive relationships with peers in middle and late childhood is linked to: ___ is a composite measure that includes social contact with peers, popularity with peers, friendship, and social skills, When examining children's peer status, we find that ___ children are frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked, John Cole found that ___ children have fewer social skills in making friends and maintaining positive relationships with peers. Jim Crow laws were passed in the Southern states in order to. B. only 5% of children in single-parent homes live with their fathers. Which of the following is a minority group in the United States? Cohabitation is least common among which racial or ethnic group in the United States? Secondary education refers to At times Jessica was even exposed to some domestic violence. D. given teens a new way to rebel against their parents' moral preferences. A stepfamily is a cohabiting or legal union of two adults, at least one of whom has a child or children from previous relationships. Which of the following is considered a shared environmental influence for siblings? Most people are now well into their 20s before they marry. b. B. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies isfalse? elderly people passing social roles on from one generation to another ensure social stability. Mrs. Lopez monitors her son's behavior and makes sure he gets to baseball practices and games on time. Which of the following statements about family conflict is true? Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture? Which of the following statements is true of divorce? The early formation of healthy behaviors, such as exercise and nutrition, is linked to prevention of which of the following in adulthood? An estimated 30 percent of children in the US will live in a stepfamily . Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) . Muslims vary sharply in their interpretations of traditions. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is TRUE: During the elementary school years, children grow and average of ___ inches a year. Unlike race or gender, age is not socially constructed. adolescents. D. sluggish adjustment of adolescence. A. younger the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others. The determinants of sociometric popularity are ______, though the determinants of perceived popularity are _____. D. Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household. elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, or fear. Friedrich Engels, a colleague of Karl Marx, noted that: the family is the ultimate source of social inequality. give girls more opportunities to play sports. Compared to a two-parent household, Jonas is likely to: Why do custodial fathers receive a broader range of support from extended kin than do custodial mothers? A) small schools actually offer more varied curricula. A. by acting up to make their parents feel short-tempered, impatient, or distant The well-being of children in stepfamilies is better, on average, than that of children in single- parent households.C. used to explain this difference? For Jews, God's true nature is revealed in the Torah. They are often not very clear-cut. This society is called: A) reactive aggression D. how much time they have left to live themselves. B. differential treatment by parents "Neotraditional" stepfamilies, the most common type, fairly closely resemble a traditional nuclear family. Class Assignment (CA) #14: The Family (max. Which of the following areas has been credited with coordinating other brain regions during development? In these families, stepparents eventually come to share parenting tasks. Also, newly married couples may not have had much time together to adjust to their new relationship. The overall prestige of the teaching profession has increased over the last decade. The ordinary and commonplace events of life are classified as. A. more; less very uncomfortable with any member of the original family or stepfamily. A.Because ethnic minorities are more likely to live in dangerous areas, parental control may actually be beneficial for these B. Stepfamilies can have many positive attributes, and living in one can be an enriching experience, as Jim and Daneen in the opening vignette will tell you. B. equilibrium C. generation gap between adolescents and parents. C. less; more When a stepfamily is formed, the members may have no shared family histories or shared ways of doing things, and they may have very different belief systems which may include a different ethnic or educational background, or religion. D. indifferent. As with anorexia nervosa, about _____ of individuals who develop bulimia nervosa eventually recover from the disorder, Research shows that the best treatment for anorexia nervosa in adolescent girls is. following, except: Started by Fredericka. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa include which characteristic? According to Peter Benson and his colleagues, which of the following statements does NOT describe a strength-based approach to social policy for youth? Which of the following has been a barrier for research on women's health? Facts sheets may not be reproduced, duplicated or posted on any other website without written consent from AACAP. B) middle school Which of the following is an example of material culture? D) students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities. Find the rate of markup based on cost and based on the selling price. 154. Sarah is an excellent writer, but her younger sister Jane has always hated writing classes and instead has focused on developing 10% development are beneficial in all ethnic groups. D. All of the above. Which of the following statements about the fine more abilities of a 7-year-old is FALSE? Cammie defines herself as a conservative person when it comes to voting or looking at issues. Which is not one of these four areas listed in the text? Malique has been assigned to give a report on the risk of alcohol dependence in later life based on the age of onset of alcohol use. T. 3. B. more; more Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders often have difficulty with relationships and show repetitive patterns of behavior. Younger children have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents. Which of the following statements about courtship and marriage are true? In how many states is it legal to homeschool your child? Becky Drewery purchased a small refrigerator for her dorm room for $159\$159$159. Today, women outnumber men at college commencements. The exercise of power through a process of persuasion is known as. a fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture. are comfortable with intimacy in relationships, Adolescents who are securely attached to their parents at 14 years of age, conflict between parents and adolescents serves a positive developmental function. A. more; less B. family contextual transformations. According to Piaget, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development beings in adolescence. What is the difference between a family and a kin group? D. restricting their activities so they avoid any mistakes. As a result, a family was often composed of a group of brothers and a wife, whom they shared. The quality of sibling relationships affects the adolescents' general adjustment. B) Younger children have an easier time adjusting to stepfamilies than adolescents. a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things. Younger children have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents. C. more conservative near the average of all wage earners in the nation. Example: The Morris brothers havebecomeP\overset{\textit{\color{#c34632}{P}}}{{\underline{\text{have become}}}}havebecomeP talented tennis players. D. Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household. It is likely that the family will go through a period of _________ before it can What is the difference between a family and a kin group? large, organized religion that is not officially linked with the state or government. Which of the following statements about . A) second, third, and fourth grades. According to Kohlberg, in the ___ stage (s), moral thinking is tied to punishment, Carol Gilligan's central criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that, The moral perspective that views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others is the. Which of the following is involved in about 50 percent of motor vehicle fatalities involving adolescents? The President wasscheduling\underline{\text{was scheduling}}wasscheduling another trip to Japan. B. less mature and more conforming to their peers. Which of the following is an important developmental change in emotions during the elementary school years? B. sibling deidentification. Fear, uncertainty may be present in some st Islam is the largest single faith in the world. A. fewer people are remarrying than they did just a generation, or even a decade ago. B. giving adolescents free rein. The concept of the sick role is associated with which perspective? B. over 80% of them had some type of polygamy. Families in which one or both adult partners have at least one child, either residing with them or elsewhere are called: The instability and fragile quality of a remarriage may reflect a problem in four areas critical to marital success. A. Custodial parents are often closer to their children and have a more peer-like relationship after divorce. generally do not view government as their ally. The average salary of teachers in the United States places them. Federal Title IX policies required schools to. Childhood obesity has been linked to early puberty in girls. If Max's statement is true, his mother is best characterized as: . D) increase of extracurricular activities. A. emotionally intense. Latent functions of religion include unintended actions that are considered covert or hidden. Which is the important text for followers of Islam? D. by displaying psychosocial maturity, leading parents to encourage further development of maturityThrough which of the following behaviors does an adolescent help shape authoritative parenting? According to the U.S. Census, this group is considered a. In which of the following ways are Christianity and Islam similar? the colonial Virginia custom of allowing siblings to marry. C. controlling. A. authoritarian. D. Siblings may have very different experiences outside the family. The triarchic theory of intelligence states that intelligence comes in all of the following forms, EXCEPT: Which of the following influences intelligence? outcomes holds true across all cultures and ethnic groups.

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which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true?