why did the battle of marathon happen

We are victorious! echoed across the expectant crowd, and in the second before they broke into a jubilant celebration, Pheidippides, overcome with exhaustion, staggered and fell to the ground, dead or so the myth of the origins of the first Marathon goes. The Spartans toured the battlefield at Marathon, and agreed that the Athenians had won a great victory. "Persian Wars: Battle of Marathon." 2. If your web page requires an HTML link, please insert this code: The Battle of Marathon: The Greco-Persian Wars Advance on Athens. Pursuing the enemy, the Greeks were slowed by their heavy armor, but still managed to capture seven Persian ships. He also knew that Marathon was far enough away that the Athenians wouldnt be able to surprise him while his own forces unloaded the ships, a scene of utter pandemonium that would have placed his men in a vulnerable position. Losing 300 ships and 20,000 men in the disaster, Mardonius elected to withdraw back towards Asia. This victorys importance would become even more critical some years later, when Darius son, Xerxes I, launched a colossal invasion of Greece. Ten years later the Persians returned and achieved several victories before being expelled from Greece. The result of the battle was, however, indecisive and on news of Leonidas' defeat, the fleet withdrew to Salamis. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. The Greeks, who did not have cavalry or archers, could not safely cross the plains while the Persian cavalry were present. The Greco-Persian Wars Results & Significance | What Caused the Greco-Persian Wars? Though the Persians did try again with a second invasion in 480 BCE, that, too, was ultimately beaten back by the Greeks in 479 BCE. Anticipating this, Militiades quickly returned the bulk of the army to the city. She has taught college History and Government courses. Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. The Clash At Marathon Shaped Greece, And The West Military historian Jim Lacey says the battle of Marathon, where the vastly outnumbered Greeks defeated the Persian army, had a profound impact on Western civilization, and opened an East-West political and cultural divide that shaped the ancient and modern worlds. The Significance of Marathon - Livius on the seaside Grecian plain of Marathon. In a phalanx formation, the hoplites would stand close together, usually in columns of eight. And, showing up a little late only a few days after the Athenians victory 2,000 Spartan soldiers arrived, having marched immediately upon the conclusion of their festival and moving their entire army over the 220 kilometers in only three days. The Battle of Marathon - National Geographic As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Marathon As Herodotus claims in his account of the battle in book VII of The Histories, the Oracle at Delphi had been proved right when she proclaimed that either Sparta or one of her kings must fall. And that perfect distance was all the allure needed for Datis to settle on Marathon as a landing point for his army. The Battle of Marathon marked an important shift in historical momentum as the always quarrelsome, squabbling Greeks managed to stand together and defend against the powerhouse of the Persian Empire for the first time after years of fear. The Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. Darius the Great Accomplishments: Lesson for Kids, Mycenae Civilization & Culture | Facts About Mycenaean Greece, Athens vs. Sparta | Life Differences Between Athens & Sparta. 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Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This made the Persian archers much less effective against them. Why did the Athenians win at Marathon? Along with the tangible and strategic factors that propelled the Athenians to victory were several intangibles that factored in their favor , including their love of freedom and rights as citizens that they did not want to lose; the fear of what the Persians would do to their city and families if they were to lose the We care about our planet! But he took no time to mourn. Persian Wars Q & A Using innovative tactics, he succeeded in trapping the Persians in a double envelopment and nearly surrounding their army. of History, US Military Academy (CC BY-SA). Battle of Marathon. Fink, Dennis L., The Battle of Marathon in Scholarship, McFarland & Company, Inc., 2014. Thermopylae is a mountain pass near the sea in northern Greece which was the site of several battles in antiquity, the most famous being that between Persians and Greeks in August 480 BCE. Battle of Marathon: Summary, Facts & Map - Study.com At close quarters, the longer spears, heavier swords, better armour, and rigid discipline of the phalanx formation meant that the Greek hoplites would have all of the advantages, and in the narrow confines of the terrain, the Persians would struggle to make their vastly superior numbers tell. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. They also relied on more mixed tactics. Persian soldiers, on the other hand, were more lightly armored. The Spartans declined to send aid at that time, due to a religious ceremony, but promised to come after the next full moon. According to Herodotus, an Athenian runner named Pheidippides was sent to run from Athens to Sparta to ask for assistance before the battle. In 490 BCE Greek forces led by Athens met the Persians in battle at Marathon and defeated the invaders. The Greeks' favored way of fighting was in a formation called the phalanx. We want people all over the world to learn about history. The Spartan army couldnt possibly assemble and provide Athens the aid they requested for another ten days. The Greek army inflicted a crushing defeat on the more numerous Persians, marking a turning point in the Greco-Persian Wars. Athenians led a small group of Greek coalition forces to victory against the powerful invading Persian army, which was much larger and much more dangerous. With this declaration, Pheidippides likely thought it was the end of everything he knew and loved. Free men, in respect of their own laws, had sacrificed themselves in order to defend their way of life against foreign aggression. Datis chose to land his army at the Bay of Marathon, a largely sound military decision, as the natural promontory provided excellent shelter for his ships, and the plains onshore offered good movement for his cavalry. In those days Greece was not a unified country, but a collection of independent city-states. Enraged and preparing himself for another attack on Greece, he sent messengers to every one of its major cities and demanded they offer up earth and water a symbol of total submission. There was a single disadvantage, though the hills surrounding the plain of Marathon offered only one exit through which a large army could quickly march, and the Athenians had fortified it, ensuring that any attempt to take it would be dangerous and deadly. The Spartan king, on the third day of the battle, rallied his small force - the survivors from the original Spartan 300, 700 Thespians and 400 Thebans - and made a rearguard stand to defend the pass to the last man in the hope of delaying the Persians progress, in order to allow the rest of the Greek force to retreat or also possibly to await relief from a larger Greek force. Athens, along with the smaller port city of Eretria, were amenable to the cause and readily pledged their assistance. Displeased with Mardonius' failure, Darius began planning a second expedition for 490 BC after learning of political instability in Athens. Peloponnesian War Causes & Results | What Caused the Peloponnesian War? Athens and Sparta were able to galvanize a number of cities, previously petrified at the thought of a Persian attack, into defending their homeland. Although the Persian tactic of rapidly firing vast numbers of arrows into the enemy must have been an awesome sight, the lightness of the arrows meant that they were largely ineffective against the bronze-armoured hoplites. They joined with the Spartans and King Leonidas during the legendary suicidal stand in the pass of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartans stood against tens of thousands of Persian soldiers. The Spartans toured the battlefield at Marathon, and agreed that the Athenians had won a great victory. But their utter victory at Eretria, an ally of Athens and a city that they had laid siege to and enslaved after being offered surrender, was a tactical mistake that showed Persias hand. Persia, with the largest empire in the world, was vastly superior in men and resources and now these would be fully utilised for a full-scale attack. World History Encyclopedia, 16 Apr 2013. They had no choice but to make this stand with nothing but the help of a small allied force numbers and morale only bolstered by a detachment of soldiers from the nearby Greek city of Platea, repaying the support Athens had shown them in defending against an invasion some years prior. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/the-battle-of-marathon/. In their mutual refusal to bow down, the traditional rivals for power in the Grecian Peninsula had tied themselves together as both allies and leaders in the defense against Persia. Boston Marathon 2023: Results, news, and updates The Battle of Marathon still has influence on the world today, remembered in the worlds most popular international sporting event the Olympics. This experience provided him with something invaluable: a firm knowledge of Persian battle tactics. How did the Battle of Marathon affect Athens? Moving a brisk pace, possibly a run, the Greeks advanced across the plain towards the Persian camp. Meanwhile, the Immortals now entered the fray behind the Greeks who retreated to a high mound behind the Phokian wall. While many have criticized Herodotus' works, the general consensus among modern historians is that his accounts are reasonably accurate, though some of his details, such as the number of soldiers who fought, should be viewed skeptically. The date was either August 12th or September 12th in the year 490 BC when the battle commenced. When he arrived, exhausted, and managed to sputter out the Athenian request for military assistance, he was crushed to hear a refusal. Mound (soros) in which the Athenian dead were buried after the 10 generals at the head of 10,000 soldiers set out for Marathon, tight-lipped and fearful, but ready to fight to the last man if necessary. The Battle of Marathon occurred in 490 BCE, when the Persian Empire was at its height. A soldier by the name of Pheidippides burst through still clad in full armor, splattered with blood and dripping with sweat. A Grecian named Yiannis Kouros was the first to win it and still holds the fastest times ever recorded. Darius I, king of Persia whod likely set his sights on Greece as far back as 513 B.C. This stubbornness forced the two armies to remain at a stalemate for about five days, facing one another across the plain of Marathon with only minor skirmishes breaking out, the Greeks managing to keep hold of their nerve and their defensive line. By the end of the battle, between 5,000 and 6,500 Persians lay dead on the field. The Battle of Marathon: The Greco-Persian Wars Escalate Tomb of the Plataeans at Marathon. Herodotus: History & Persian Wars | Who was Herodotus? Defeated, the Persians departed from the area and sailed south to attack Athens directly. Battle of Marathon - Definition, Facts & Who Won - History But the Greeks had managed to overcome insurmountable odds and succeed in protecting Athens, the jewel of Greece, from total annihilation. Upon arriving at Marathon, the Athenians drew up battle lines, but, seeing they were outnumbered by the Persians, waited to attack. Few dared to refuse, but the Athenians promptly threw those messengers into a pit to die, as did the Spartans, who added a curt, Go dig it out yourselves, in response. The wall was in a state of ruin, but the Spartans made the best repairs they could in the circumstances. The Athenians also famously used day runners to send messages asking for help. Why did The battle of Thermopylae, and particularly the Spartans' role in it, soon acquired mythical status amongst the Greeks. Herodotus of Halicarnassus. In 490 BCE, the Battle of Marathon took place between Athenian Greeks, with help from Plataea, and the Persian Empire. And though the Persians a civilization rich with its own intricacies and motivations have been vilified by the conflicts victors, had the Greeks fears been realized, the collective path of revolutionary ideas and the growth of societies would probably look nothing like they do today, and the modern world could be much different. The Battle of Marathon Moving south towards Greece, Mardonius' fleet was wrecked off Cape Athos during a massive storm. The story of these day runners is the origin of the marathon race. Having somewhere in the region of 80,000 troops at his disposal, the Persian king, who led the invasion in person, first waited four days in expectation that the Greeks would flee in panic. Battle of Thermopylae - World History Encyclopedia Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/thermopylae/. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A victory that proved to them that, together, and with the use of careful timing and tactics, they could stand up to the might of the great Persian Empire. Battle of Marathon - Wikipedia The remaining hoplites, now trapped and without their inspirational king, were subjected to a barrage of Persian arrows until no man was left standing. Darius the Great Overview & Quotes | Who was King Darius? WebWhat happened at the battle of Marathon? The story of Pheidippides run from Athens to Sparta was recorded by Herodotus and then later corrupted by the Greek historian, Plutarch, into the tragic declaration of victory in Athens just before the runners own demise. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Seeing that the opportunity to strike the previously lightly-defended city had passed, the Persians withdrew back to Asia. Bantu speaking migrants had recently arrived in modern-day South Africa. Create your account. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 429 lessons. Figure 1: A map of Ancient Greece with regional dialects. Last mile update 11:39 a.m. Sailing with orders to attack Eretria and Athens, the fleet succeeded in sacking and burning their first objective. Not only Greek military ideas, but also Greek philosophical ideas survived and flourished thanks to the Greek victory over the Persians. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mary has a Master's Degree in History with 18 advanced hours in Government. In 490 BCE, they were stopped in their tracks largely by the efforts of a single Greek city, Athens. ThoughtCo, Sep. 9, 2021, thoughtco.com/persian-wars-battle-of-marathon-p2-2360876. Most of what we know comes to us from the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who was writing of these events decades after they occurred. Although the Persians had enjoyed the upper hand in previous contests during the recent Ionian revolt, the terrain at Thermopylae would better suit Greek warfare. Here are 10 facts about it. World History Encyclopedia. The Spartans assured him that they were eager to help, but they were in the middle of their festival of Carneia, a fertility celebration associated with the god Apollo; a period during which they observed a strict peace. The struggle between the rapidly growing Persian Empire and Greece had been an ongoing conflict for years, before the Battle of Marathon itself took place.

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why did the battle of marathon happen