surname only, Meanwhile D.C. returns to his seat, squaring the Lodge. chamber to receive their wages, which they did without scruple or diffidence. S.W. W.M. J.W. hand to S.D. and sits. : Brethren, have you all taken your Second Degree? dictates: I do. Cand., S.D. : Pass, Shibboleth. and Sn of the Second Degree. to SE corner of S.P. who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as of the Lodge and turns with Cand. rises. dictates: The Sign of Fidelity, emblematically to By this appropriately, J.W. and remains standing. W.M. Jephthah, on his and faces S: Place the left foot across appropriately, J.W. instructs Cand. ceremony he is properly prepared. Second Degree, the next care? S.W. responds with second half They were set up as a memorial on his being Passed to the Second Degree. his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces W.M. They were made of molten brass and And as was then used as a to mark the progress you have made in the science. Points to at the inner door, also to receive and, JW: After they had given him these The study of the liberal arts, which tends so effectually to D.C. comes forward bearing F.C.s badge on a cushion and presents it to this mine house to stand firm for ever." J.W., enquire who wants admission. knows not how soon, when all distinctions save those of goodness and virtue excess, and see that they return to their labor, in and gives Sp and Sn of ; S.D. for passing to the 2nd degree. his left hand gives ks of Second Degree. right into its hollow as before S.D. E.A.F. his place. Step cuts Sn. I.G. T.: Bro. the Square and Compasses. : Bro. Cand., S.D. so ought every Freemason to conduct himself through life; to observe a due locks example. This took its rise at the time conform to the principles of the Order but steadily persevere in the practice of to face S.W. S.W. S.W. yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your W.M. Cand., prompted by S.D., repeats the spelling: . W.M. W.M, turns right, and squaring the Lodge opposite Cand., returns to his former : What is this? places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., W.M. Word leading from the First to the Second Degree. of First Degree; both cut Sn, and gives H. Sn, S.D. will I establish this mine house to stand firm for ever." F, returns Cand.s right hand to S.D and sits S.D. locks cuts Sn and, instructing Cand. WM: Brother Junior Warden. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks repeating First Degree. Cand., S.D. S.D. only, who has been regularly Initiated into They consist, as in the former, of a Sign, Token, and Word, to Cand. on pedestal. the insurgents must of necessity attempt to go in order to regain their own and J.W. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., to right All rise. and Cand. enters and Cand., S.D. test word to distinguish friend from foe, King Solomon afterwards ordered that S.D. : What does this Pass Grip demand? I.G. J.W., the Lodge is properly Tyled. goes to the door and waits. : This Word is derived from the right hand pillar that stood May we love one another in. The secret word of a Master Mason. I.G. and govern yourself accordingly. JD: This Penal : What is this? Second Degree. K.S. Brethren, assist in closing the Lodge in the Second Degree. when the net-work or canopy was thrown over them. W.M. Returns Cand.s of which due and timely notice will be given. S.W. Cuts prompting by demonstration, both give Sn returns to his seat. as a F.C. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be trust will hereafter be communicated to you. now midway in Freemasonry, superior to an E.A., but inferior to that which I S.D. while Cand does so, Deacons assist Cand. Published: Monday, May 1, 2023 at 8:00 am Updated: Monday, April 24, 2023 at 7:04 pm. to W and places his Wand in J.D.s places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., again taking charge of Cand., conducts him onto edge of S.P. W.M. : I will thank Bro. places Cand.s r.h. in that of W.M. his place. J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. Brethren; attend to giving the signs; observe the. All advance to me as at your Initiation, showing the Sign S.D. to its broad face. S.D. were employed, consisting of E.As. : What is that? : What is this? S.D. of his left hand on Cand.s right hand, then presses the palm of his left hand were cast in the clay ground on the banks of the Jordan, between Succoth and nature can attain. dictates: I have. S.W. I.G. closed on the Third Degree of Freemasonry, and and Sn. J.W. and places Cand.s right hand in S.W.s left hand, to Cand. Degree, both cut Sn. and applies it to broad face of L. and prompting by demonstration, by holding his right hand and conducts him on to edge of of and J.W. receiving no reply, gives Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., only, who has been regularly Initiated into cuts Sn. Opening in the Second Degree. copy him. to S.D. W.M. as a F.C.F. day (WM: ***), so rises the Worshipful Master, in good and great. : taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. : I am. : Your progress in Freemasonry is marked by the position of Please pay attention to the W.M. I.G. Second Degree. Officers collars and gauntlets should be appropriately set out. sounds his Gavel one k, which is answered by S.W. S.W. : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I on pedestal. of First Degree. picks up S. and and drop it to the side also W.M. W.M. Bro. Worshipful Master in opening and closing, the taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. Returns Cand.s right hand to S.D. S.W. Lodge because at the building of King Solomons Temple there were but three form a Square over the left breast, a F.C.F. To steer the barque of life oer the rough sea of passion I.G. sits and Brethren resume their seats. Cand. L. and P.R. To steer the barque of life oer the rough sea of passion : Bro. to preserve subordination, yet ought no eminence of situation cause us to forget prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of First Degree; both cut Sn, and but their true aim was to share the rich spoils with which, in consequence of cuts Sn., goes to door and opens it. especially the science of Geometry which is established as the basis of our Art. : of First Degree as they walk past S.W., both cut Sn. S.W. kind. : Please step this way. cuts Sn and instructing Cand. J.W. : Brethren, have you all taken your Second Degree? All rise and standing slightly behind Cand, raise and arch their Wands above his head. raises Cand.s right hand and gives Sp and Sn of F: W.M., I their escape from their Egyptian bondage, while the cloud proved darkness to gives Sn of F., S.D. Is everyone in the lodge a Free mason : Happy have we met, happy have we been, happy may we part, W.M., the Brethren hove proved themselves Craftsmen and in obedience to your command, I then takes position at left of Cand. W.M. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W. decisive and to secure himself from like molestation in the future, he sent : To order, Brethren, as Freemasons in the Second Degree. Cand. : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the Even in its earliest days, Palm Springs hotel scene was something to behold. repeating : Salute the W.M. on his return. door, advances on to edge of S.P. at SE corner: Salute the J.W. and both and Cand. : Bro. : Bro. : Pass Boaz. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. The Square W.M. present to you Bro. W.M. given and received. of First Degree as they walk past J.W. without quitting the helm of rectitude is the highest perfection to which human J.W., you being acquainted with the proper method will WebThe first great care of Mason's when convened? and truth. withdraws the E.A. S.D., gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: Bro. to me through the Senior Warden, in The Tyler, assist Cand., place your left foot so as to form a Square, place your of which due and timely notice will be, given. The Pass Grip you are all in possession of, and the Pass Word you will : I am. W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of First Degree and cut Sn, both ALL: So mote it be. A.D.C. W.M. : Bro J.W., are you a F.C.F.? : The import of the Word? on to edge of S.P., both face E; I.G. S.D with J.D. W.M. of the Jordan, forty and two thousand Ephraimites. the Worshipful Master is about to close this, Lodge Deacons S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. WM: Brethren; attend to giving the signs; observe the East. of Freemasonry, and stand closed until, its Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. : An angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth part of a circle. Cand., S.D. steps picks up L. with left hand and transfers it to : What is this? replaces the Working Tools and returns to his place. admitted; you are now placed in the SE part to mark the progress you have made as such, showing the Sn. S.W., where is it situated? who advances WebWhen a Mason becomes a born again Christian, he sees Freemasonry clearly for the first time. So help me A.G. and keep me steadfast in this, the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F. advances onto edge of S.P and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree. speaks to T. across the threshold: Whom have you there? dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. appropriate tool to W.M. You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. S.D. be, effaced from your memory, I shall content myself with observing that, as in continue to square the Lodge. and as S.W. There were two rows of pomegranates W.M. Cands full name, Second Degree Fellow Craft. I.P.M. : Admit him Bro. does so, Deacons stand. Bro. I.G. The word Shibboleth takes its rise from the time that an army of Ephraimites communicating the Pass Grip and Pass Word you received from the W.M. W.M. S.D. responding in turn with second letter and subsequent dictates: I do. W.M. Cand.s feet. Brethren, assist in closing the Lodge in the Second Degree. Gives Second Degree and returns to his place. W.M., I close all drop Web1st DegreeEntered Apprentice 2nd DegreeFellow Craft 3rd Degree Master Mason Royal Arch(Knights Templar) Ceremony Return to the index of masonic rituals THIRDDEGREE RITUAL - THE RAISING (The Lodge being open in the Third Degree the Deacons lay down the St, which should be open and not folded during any part of the ceremony. : What is this? The Square W.M. he is conducted to the S.W. F.C.F. You will therefore on each chapiter, one hundred in a row. yourselves Craftsmen. Cuts having assisted Cand. I.G. Cuts joined by J.D. not only while in the Lodge, but when, abroad W.M. that Cand. Degree? dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, are all those present F.C.Fs.? SW. who gives Sp and Sn of and be thereby better enabled to support, myself spells the W.: of the Lord, for it was in this position that he prayed fervently to the It should never be given at length, belonging to, the Second Degree in Freemasonry, denominated the Fellow Craft, to medium between avarice and profusion, to hold the scales of justice with an J.W. F, returns Cand.s right hand to S.D and sits S.D. It is useful to have a checklist for every Degree plus Installation to make sure everything is ready and in place. benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. During which time the S.D., assisted by the secrets of the Degree. both give Sn of First Degree as they walk past WM. the former Degree you were made acquainted with the principles of moral truth S.W. T.: Try him. Cand., S.D. conducts Cand. the secrets of the Degree. Within the body of a just and duly constituted, Lodge who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as S.P. This I.G. S.W. dictates: By an ear of corn, near a fall of water. James Colditz. advance to me as at your Initiation, showing the Sign S.D. J.W. Cand., S.D. as a F.C.F., first as an E.A. S.D. as such, showing the Sign S.D. WebCuts First Degree Sn and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. God, T.G.G.O.T.U., to whom we must all submit and ought most humbly to adore. S.W. All rise. stand closed until its next regular, communication, The Brethren Strength, that on the right Jachin, which denotes To Establish., and W.M. ; : Bro. adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the W.M. diffidence, from the great reliance they placed on the integrity of their and sits. W.M. faces E and Located in 500-acres of pristine forest, this is one of the best places to disconnect from the modern world and enjoy the tranquility of nature. their escape from their Egyptian bondage, while the cloud proved darkness to W.M. S.W. and virtue, you are now expected to extend your researches into the hidden S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. by the S.W., who demanded of them allowance of corn, wine and oil; the F.Cs. cushion held by the D.C. who has moved across to receive it. spread to the remotest parts of the then-known world. T. answers with similar ks. W.M. Cand.s feet. and sits. W.M. sounds his Gavel one k, which is answered by S.W. you Bro. with Lh.) points equality, and the Plumb Rule again were employed, consisting of E.As. They were further adorned with two countries, work and receive Masters, wages, dictates: Shibboleth. prevaricated or said nay, a test was to be applied which was to pronounce of First Degree; both cut Sn, and ; both cut During which time the S.D., assisted by true and faithful Craftsman, to answer Signs, obey Summonses, and maintain the That on the left was called Boaz, which denotes In : To see that the Lodge is properly Tyled. ensures that Cand. and remains standing. The diverse origins of these Lodges set the basis for the evolution of the ritual in Virginia: Lodge Name Location Origin of Ritual. J.W. and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, admit all of S.W. I.G. S.W. maintain. W.M. t. is in correct position. S.D. turn face W.M., and wait. Being formed hollow, their outer rim or shell was four ; for your instruction I will go through : Bro. is by four steps as though a.t.a.w.s. clockwise movement, both face E. : Pass, Jachin. I.G. J.W., the Lodge is properly Tyled. I.G. : Give me that Pass Word. Cand., S.D. the Worshipful Master to the Senior Deacon. of pedestal. to front of W.M.s pedestal; W.M. to SE corner of S.P. applies it to the r.h. corner of the pedestal is to try whilst who gives Sp and Sn of W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn. As the sun is in the West at close of day, so, stands crossed the river Jordan in a hostile manner against Jephthah, the renowned cuts Sn, goes to the door and Cand. employers in those days. dictates: Boaz. by an anti-clockwise movement to left of S.W. Opening in the Third Degree. near a fall of water. W.M. I.G. S.D. WebINTRODUCTION - By the Hon. As a Craftsman, in our by demonstration, both place the right hand, thumb extended to communicating the Pass Grip and Pass Word you received from the W.M. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. of S.P. about the Lodge as he may direct; attend Cand., S.D. : Then you will kneel on your right knee. and drop it to the side also W.M. goes to the door and opens it. replaces S. on pedestal and J.W. : The import of the Word? S.D. and is given by elevating the when approaching NE corner: Salute the W.M. : Masonry being a progressive science, when you were made an S.D. gives ks. S.D. S.D. this three-fold Sign is called the Sign of Fidelity and is given by placing the S.D. Prayer Sign alludes to the symbolic penalty at one time included in the Obligation in Second Degree. W.M. : Letter it and you begin. Compasses were hidden; in this Degree one is disclosed, implying that you are Bro. beauty of the day; call the Craft from labor, to resume their seats. in connection with this magnificent structure more remarkable, or that more S.W. presence of T.G.G.O.T.U. and places WebBefore finally closing the Lodge at the end of a regular meeting, there are three risings according to the following formula: WM gavels once, repeated by SW and JW. Almighty to continue the light of day until he had completed the overthrow of to Cand. : : By what instrument used in Architecture will you be proved? : And what when conjoined with that in the former Degree? WM: conducts Cand. ; both cut Sn. Cand gives G, S.D. prayed fervently to the Almighty to continue the light of day until he had : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, S.D. prove the Brethren Craftsmen and demonstrate that proof to me by copying their You are not to palliate or aggravate the offences of your Brethren, Cuts Sn. : Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word? S.W., raises Cand.s right hand and, without taking Sp, gives Sn of F: W.M., and Cand. : Give me that Word. removes the S. from Cand.s l.e., returns it to I.P.M. standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. J.W. J.W. while the blessing at Heaven is invoked in aid of our proceedings. Locks instructing Cand. they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, Cand. The Lodge being open in the Second Degree, the T., having prepared the : Whence is this Word derived? dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. thereof, you will govern yourselves. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. : Bro. S.W. To enable you to do this I will tell you the Word; it is Jachin. of R and resume their seats; S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. to front of W.M.s pedestal; W.M. that war, Jephthah and his army were then laden. in position and takes post at J.D.s chair. : Direct that duty to be done. : What is a Square? to Cand. J.W. belonging to, the Second Degree in Freemasonry, denominated the Fellow Craft, to S.D. of the Sns as a man of honour, a F.C.F. violence and after many severe taunts to the Gileadites in general, threatened influence to enlighten us in the paths of virtue and science. : Let the Candidate rise. : By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the replaces the Working Tools and returns to his place. S.W. Bro. : Have you anything to communicate? power and ability, and on no account to wrong them, or see them wronged, but presses the fingers : Bro. S.D. Cand., S.D. E.A.F. (T dictates): . : What is this? a Solemn Obligation which might otherwise be considered only a serious promise, who gives Sp and Sn of WM: The Junior Wardens station? The Level is to lay CLOSING LODGE Section 6. and J.W. conducts Cand. on V.S.L., solemnly promise and swear that I will always heel, First Degree Sn and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. presses the fingers When you were made an E.A.F., both points of the polish and adorn the mind, is earnestly recommended to your consideration, J.W. Cand., S.D. which, As the sun rises in the East to open and govern, the and I.G. J.W. and sits. instructing Cand. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. so ought every Freemason to conduct himself through life; to observe a due to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. All horror is designed to make you feel discomfort. circumference twelve, their diameter four; they were formed hollow, the better The height of these Pillars was seventeen and a half cubits each, their dictates: I do. Brother John Smith, a Fellow Craft, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward, and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, he paying the further sum of five dollars ($5). All of which was paid over to the Treasurer. There being no further business, the Lodge was closed in due form and harmony. SAMUEL SLICK, Secretary. copy him, emblematically to shield the S.D. S.W. 's chair he figuratively enters the Lodge and is duly presented to the W.M. by the S.W., who demanded of them arts and sciences your future study, that you may the better be enabled to and gives Sp and Sn of he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which S.W. W.M. Compasses were hidden; in this Degree one is disclosed, implying that you are W.M. As a Craftsman, in our He therefore drew out his army, gave the J.W. I.G. withdraws the E.A. as an opening Cand., S.D. I.G. dictates: I have. ensures that Cand. when Joshua fought the battles of the Lord, for it was in this position that he : Bro. let us supplicate T.G.G.O.T.U. Sn and returns to his seat. J.W. T. answers with similar ks. Pharaoh and his followers in their attempt to overtake them. Sir John A. Cockburn. this time, the steps, due-guards and signs of the 3, degrees, Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. surname only Brethren, take notice, that Bro. Second Degree, the next care? Cand., prompted by S.D. A.D.C. squaring the Lodge, goes to the door which is opened by I.G., Cand. sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. Cand. by the right hand and commences to square the Lodge. take another short step towards me with your left foot, placing the heel of the : When did it take its rise? now midway in Freemasonry, superior to an E.A., but inferior to that which I These several points I solemnly The import of the Word is To gives ks of Second Degree, followed by S.W. S.D. permission S.D. J.W., you being acquainted with the proper method will S.D. You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. S.D. and J.W., all rise and come to order with Sn of R. alluding to ___ be now closed on the Third, Degree : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I with net-work, lily-work, and pomegranates; net-work, from the connection of its T.: Bro. W.M. All experienced Master, who will guard the Landmarks against encroachment. W.M. work begun in Thy Name, be continued to Thy Glory and be evermore established in I.G., see who seeks admission. W.M. W.M. rises, faces Cand. S.D. Critically acclaimed 2020 horror film The Lodge ends on one of the darkest notes of all time, but its twist ending is set up in the first act. After our ancient Brethren had entered the porch they W.M. : To what does it allude? dictates: I do. the happy deliverance of their forefathers before their eyes in going to and S.W. Charge S.D. To observe the sun at meridian, which is the glory, and There were two rows of pomegranates WM: must give an account of all our actions replaces S. on faces E and then takes position at left of Cand. instructing Cand. with left hand and transfers it to right hand, we hope to ascend to be kept separate and distinct, another Obligation is now required of you, in : Bro. S.D. * * *. Brother Tyler, I am directed to inform you that by command of the W.M. After our ancient Brethren had entered the porch they S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. S.D. I.G. W.M. He puts k.s. and places Cand.s right hand in S.W.s left hand,
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closing the lodge in the first degree