This morning he was sick again and vet gave him a shot for fever and an anti hepatic. And she has been throwing up looks like flem. As soon as he does, he seems fine, ready to eat 30mins later. Could his stiffness in his hind quarters and this occasional loss of bowel control be related, and what could cause this to our otherwise healthy boy? My 5 week old Sharpe puppy isn't eating much and has diarrhea, A apricot tree fell on my dog and now doesn't move or eat, I have sick puppy who is suddenly throwing up, My shepard lab mix has a split pea sized bump, I have a Siberian Husky female dog with seizure problems, My dog has a liquid filled sack on the top of his paw, My dog has a reoccurring swollen back leg, My dog is salivating heavily and cries a lot, My puppy scratched himself and now has a swollen face. She weighs approximately 55 pounds. The substance is thick and white. The crying got worse. I can't identify a trigger. whats that mean. Should I take him to the vet? Our 1 year old Wolf Hybrid has had diarrhea for about 10 days now. What does this sound like and what do you recommend? She has no hair on her sides and around the base of her tail and her butt.We have been dealing with this for about 2 yrs Any advice? she still gags throughout the day. Can you help? Can you help? Please help, I dont want to put down another dog this year. Coughing up white mucus: Causes and treatments - Medical News Today Since then she has been passing loose stool with some mucous. LY% dropping from 16.6 to 7.3 and his PLT increasing from 98 to 165. The veterinarian will need to know any additional signs you may have observed besides the bringing up of mucus; if there are signs of lethargy or depression for example, do not leave this important information out of the discussion. my dog lost his feelings in his rear legs and just dropped all of a sudden we took him to the hospital and his temp was 99.0 B.U.N 62 his R.B.C.- LOW AND HIS HCT ALSO his gums and his paws were ashed in color but he was still alert 4 hrs later he was gone looking for a possible answer to help ease the pain of how this happened so quickly. He says there's no treatment for this but eventually in most cases the dogs die suddenly with a heart attack. Some dogs will be happy to eat anything they find on the floor. He keeps licking the area and the discharge spells really bad. He had his anal glands expressed 3 weeks ago. Last night she kept her tail tucked down but not as much today. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the foreign object. I just wanted to know what could be the reason and what diet to give her? He is healthy now but he has what appear to be pimples but they are puss filled directl Is this a reaction to something he ate? I have a (chic) small dog she is very listless, My chinese sharpei dog has a huge bump on his face. There is one on the lower part of her right front leg and one on the side of her face, just above her lip. Our foster dog recently had another mange dip. I have a 14 year old rat terrier who, for the past couple of years, tends to vomit when nervous or eats something she's not supposed to. My 14 year old black lab has been panting excessively and has developed a bad cough. What do you think is wrong with him, and how many years do these dogs live. I feel like there is more we should be doing. It seems to be hard with just the 1 lesion, though I did want to apply a lot of force. My dog is allergic to fleas. Was told its painless for him. His face is tilted and swollen along with his paws and he can't walk. He does not have worms or anything he went to the vet a couple months ago & is on flea & heart worm preventative. Other than the cough, it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all. Our lab Max has developed a problem eating. I got up this morning and found three different piles of vomit. Under certain circumstances, food poisoning, inflammation, kennel cough, respiratory diseases, heartburn, or even kidney diseases can also be behind it. Lately it has increased from occassionally to monthly weekly now daily. Our vet suggests DES for urinary problem and an Ultrasound to check her gall bladder. I just dicovered a lump under his tail and under his anus last night and wondered what it might be. She is snoring loudly, sounds very congested and coughs sometimes. What's wrong? How can I get the smell out? He was given antibiotics and medicine for the liver. Her paws blister, peel, and then scab over. It seems to happen every night with him. He is eating normally and drinking and still plays, but he is laying around a lot too. Why Spitting Up White Foam Occurs in Dogs She has been on antibiotics several times. A few evenings ago, I noticed she started limping on her back left leg. My energetic 1 year old lab mix seemingly pulled a muscle while chasing down a Frisbee. my 9 year old beagle has a lump on his ear flap. and should I get a second opinion? She does not seem to have any problems when she eats however. What should we do? my chinese sharpei has a huge bump on his face and now is spreading on his face with smaller pink bumps next too it what is it? This has happened while he was laying down and when he is walking around. What could have made my dog act that way? Any help would be much appreciated. Some of the most common causes of dog coughing up white foam are GI distress, which is usually due to excess gas or bile in the stomach. also her belly is red any suggestions what is the cause. She can't even walk because it hurts her. It's sort of like a chest a cold that a human would have. Never happened before.yet does vomit on occasion but quickly passes. She soon stopped and is acting okay now. My dog threw up thick white mucus - a big pile of it - and now has thrown up twice more in the last couple of hours. She has mucous coming out of her eyes and is acting like she is sad. Is Your Dog Vomiting White Foam? Here are 3 Possible Reasons She is still the same dog as far as energy and appetite goes. He is a three and half year old lab, despite this periodic vomiting he still has had good energy and is interested in playing and eating as normal.Should I be concerned?Jenn. Hi, I have a 5yr old female boxer cross pig dog.Most people think she is a sharpi cross.For the past couple of years she has shown symptoms -lethargy, two sore front paws(one particularly worse than the other), and more recently weepy eyes in the morning. I noticed that my male Shitzu (2 years old) has been licking his penis more often than usual. Dog is trembling after moving from resting position? Antibiotics got rid of the symptoms. Does she have a cold or should I be concerned? Dog is bleeding randomly from her anus only in the morning? She has had runny black stools that smell really bad. Could she be poisoned and what are signs of kidney failure?? He ate dinner, no vomiting or diarrhea. I was just wondering what this could be? My pitbull has a swollen stomach and keeps panting heavily, he still has an active persona but he's been getting a little lazy lately. My 3 year old toy poodle is vomiting clear-brown at random and it smells very acidic and nasty. Adrenals are small glands found in front of the kidneys. But she have started again to seize. I have a 3 pound 3 year old miniature pincher that was acting fine this morning. rapid heart rate I have an 8 year old boxer who started losing his hair. Two weeks ago my 6 year old lhasapoo started vomiting and wouldn't eat. but now he is shaking a lot when she is just laying down. He also had a little foam at his mouth. after she rolls over and starts screaming all i do is lift straight up and its like nothing happen. my 2 yr old springer became ill suddenly on friday; nauseous, listless and shaking. Is it parvo and he is not eating or drinking? Her equilibrium seems to be off. Her secretions were light brown/tan which was the norm, what was strange was I saw a large amount of a dark granular looking substance as well. It's 6 mm long, 4 in diameter and 3 of thickness (it's a bit flat). e is limping on his left front paw. Hhe was wobbling around and finally they collapsed and stopped working. My 2-year-old German Shepherd leaks clear and odorless liquid whenever he sleeps. She has been loosing weight and muscle mass rapidly, and seems to be constipated. He is now having pain in his hind quarters, a loss of appetite, and will not drink water. Dog with excessive urinating and drinking. Now he has itchy red eyes which he scratched raw and he also has small little clear bumps (sort of like blisters) around his mouth area. She does have arthritis and displaysia. Please help me! Do we just wait or should we run tests? Otherwise, white chunks may indicate an inedible object such as the rest of a bone, toy, candle, or rawhide. They may be unwilling to lie down and may appear distressed or panicked. Last week my 3 1/2 year old mastiff mix started crying at night. My six month old black lab has developed a bump on his front leg close to his foot. She can breathe and eat, but she sounds worse to me. My dog is shivering, we keep blankets on her, she won't eat, and does not want to interact with us. The first step your vet will take is to thoroughly examine your dog. First time he has been like this since we got him 6 years ago. The only thing I found to stop the accidental urination was changing her diet (on my own ) to Cooked grd. I am concerned because she is so small and do not want her to become dehydrated even though she is still drinking. Could this be anal gland infection, not his back again? Whats the best supplement to prevent Kennel Cough? Dog has a bump on his side by rib cage, hard, feels no pain. I give her a buffered aspirin but that does little effect. Obviously its warm but he seems to be doing it more than what he has done. My puppy is perfectly fine she eats well, her poop is okay and she is happy as always. She was in heat about two weeks ago and now shes bleeding real thick from her vagina? Lab tests do not show any major symptoms other than a slight elevation on liver enzymes, but nothing that our vet felt was alarming. She has been treated for a bacterial infection in her stomach from playing with frogs.. Pets should not be exposed to secondhand smoke. When she drinks she acts like something is in her throat and preventing all of the water from going down and she usually spits up about 1/2 of it. How to eradicate a foul odor with my dog? Normally I wouldn't worry too much about the occasional throw up but this is excessive. when I spoke to him he raised his head and looked at me then his head would continue to shake. Thank you.Katie. I can send you a picture of him. I massaged him and rung for a taxi to take him home. Also during the day he will sometimes throw up but when I feed him dinner he only makes the gagging sound. She is an active, healthy yellow lab and almost 10 years old. my dog has bumps all over his body, is coughing, and his balls are red and swollen what id wrong with him? I have a puppy 3 weeks old and when it stands it shakes and staggers alot. Many dogs with inflammatory bowel disease have a history of recurring vomiting or diarrhea. What is the cause and is there treatment to correct it? My dog has a small purple bump on his face with swelling around it. There are no marks to see. Here are the most common reasons your dog is vomiting white foam: They have an upset stomach. What food shall we feed him? My dog was at the vet and diagnosed with larangeal paralysis, My dog has a cyst inside her mouth should I get it removed, Our 11yr old dog has been loosing weight and muscle mass rapidly. Dog is eating well, bathroom well, active, doesn't act like he is in pain, just has this lump on his leg. :(. She can not stand still at all. My puppy has pink swollen skin around his eyes, that have pus oozing out of the corners and two growths on his neck. It almost sounds like "huff" when he coughs. Nothing has changed, she ate the same food, shes an inside dog so she hasnt got into anything that we've seen, we do have a kitten but we had him for 2 weeks and nothings changed on her till now, my yorkie has a hard swollen abdomen and a dry cough. What could cause small bumps around the dog's vaginal area? My 8 y/o greyhound started limping about 6 weeks ago then the vet diagnosed him as having arthritis. I noticed that my dog has a large lump just below the elbow, My dog began to turn and spin in circles when she walks, My male dog has blood markings on the ground where he lays, My dog is shaking her head and her jaw is trembling, Dog foaming at the mouth and going into shock, Dog has pain when going from standing to sitting or lying down. A productive or "wet" cough, when fluid is brought up from the lungs, indicates a serious respiratory infection, like pneumonia. His neck looks swollen, and the muscles over his shoulders feel rigid. Puppies and senior dogs should have frequent check-ups. My Dog was lying still when suddenly started to shake, My dog has been leaking urine, and now she is limping, My dog started to run like crazy, crying and can't use her back legs, My dog has bumps all over his body, and is coughing, My Dog started drinking more than average H2O and urinating more, My dog just had puppies and their tail look like rat tail. My dog got into the garbage earlier and now he has swollen lips/cheeks/ around nose area..whats wrong??? He has been treated for worms. Thanks in advance! It is at the crease where his ear meets his head. Why is my dog vomiting this thick white substance? However she still has low liver values, anemia, low TP. I noticed that she has been chewing at her bottom and making it bleed.She won't do anything but lay in her cage all day and all night. I know demodex mites exist on almost everything, but can only infect a dog with a lowered immune system. The major ones we'll examine include: Ingesting toxins, poisons, foreign. For the past couple of months my 5 year old chihuahua has been licking her paws a lot. In many cases, your dog has simply tasted or eaten something that led to a stomach upset. Also when she sleeps it looks like things are moving in her stomach. First, he stopped eating and had fever. 8 week old schnoodle only coughs after drinking from her water dish. She isn't whimpering or anything and is sleeping right now. Is this Hanging Tongue Syndrome? Did they eat something bad? bid. Let's delve into a few reasons for your pup throwing up . His hind legs are weak. This morning my dog started vomiting which is not normal at all for him to do. She is not in any pain , is eating and playing but i have noticed her scratching at the first one lately.
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dog throwing up thick white mucus