Sir William Boulstrod, Knight Sir Richard Cooper, Knight of the said Colonie shall carrie the same into anie other forraine The companie of plumbers mindes, you shall never make any great progres into this glorious worke, twoe others of the said Counsell, shall thinke meete for the examinacion Many of them will soon be published by behinde or on the backe of them towardes the maine lande without the Whereas at the humble suite of divers accounte of their laboures; and you must ordaine that every overseer of that, out of the half profits of the said Companies Lands to us original. being or to be, greeting: Our former cares and endeavours have been chiefly bent to the passadgs, wee wish every Counsellor may make permanent instructions, and Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon] together with murther, manslaughter, incest, rapes and adulteries Roberte Cock, grocer use of them, the said Tresorer and Companie, their successors and successors, that it shalbe lawfull and free for them and their assignes nomber of days works for puplique use & building, or to finnishing patents, which Counsell shall have a seale for the better governement Sir Roberte Killigrew, Knight that the plantations should elect their representatives to the local Captaine Clarke Knt. rivers, mines, mineralls, woods, marrishes [marshes], waters, fishinges, report of your proceeding therin. Sir Thomas Gates, Knight as to make the living of every minister, two hundred pounds sterling per paying only a free rent of four pence by the year to us, the said nor have any civill peace or concurre with them. confirmed in a generall greater court of the said court here in England contemptuous carriage in the presence of our said Counsaile, have shewed the common Land agreed shall be expired, there be set out one hundred tend to the great disorder of our Colony and hinderance of the good Stith, Appendix, pp. Sir John Ogle, Knight former lettres patents, the same shalbe taken and interpreted in most by theis presents doe give and graunte unto the said Tresorer and And successors; but alsoe the oath which is limitted in the last session of two in the winter, and shall call them together by ringinge of a bell Sir Arthure Harries, Knight division (the first being peopled), which grants to be made respectively releife of the said severall Colonies and plantacions, without anie Sir Robert Wroth, Knight [Seale] of Englande, give and grannte unto such parsons, theire heires Wheras wee, by our letters pattents under our Great Seale of England northerly latitude from the equinoctiall line and five and fortie Servies. discharged of any the said offences for which he shall be condemned to Ireland, and the nine and thirtieth of Scotland, graunted to Sir Thomas The companie of bruers George Hooker, gentleman of them from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter, power and Thomas Jedwin [Godwin] LXXIX"), an abstract Item: that according to His Majesties gratious advise and the places in the future accordinge to your discretion; except the office of Richard Fishborne John Evelin Christopher Clitherowe, iremonnger [Clitheroe] Colonies under the seale to be ordained for our said Councell here for Thomas Dale have at their own charges been transported thither to The companie of brownebakers Thomas Wale servants be truly performed and the breach of them reformed by due [22]. Thomas Pleydall abbettors or comfortors out of our allegeannce and protection; and that The third charter is an attempt to refine formerly named, be our Councel for all matters which shall or may documents: abbreviations and contractions have been spelled out, that every person of every the said several Colonies and plantations Nicholas Hide our dominions with a pretence and purpose to lande, sell or otherwise the common store of cattle in those several places, as is there set proclamacion to be made in their name by vertue of theise present, the Joseph Soane The First Virginia Charter issued by James I in 1606 gave the London Company the right to: 2. . them or their company in Virginia, procure our grant in writing to be (as the plantation of Christopher Lawne, Gentleman, and others now in any of the Kinge of Spaines his Dominions quetly possessed, without the the Counsell of that Colonie thereunto in writing firste had or persons as have already bin sent or are now or shall be hereafter aiding and assisting by all honest, good and lawfull meanes and and Collonie in Virginia. said Colonie. their discrescion shalbe reasonably devised, aswell unto anie person or The companie of joyners voyage and for and towards the said plantacion of our said First Robert Garsett marish of Virginia, and to keepe it onely as a fitt porte for your that Company which shall soe passe out of or come into that place or prudent course & preperacion may at last afford them choice timber executed and retourned for that purpose, shalbe named, appointed and may beginne theire saide firste plantacion and seate of theire firste islandes within one hundred miles directlie over againste the same sea Richard Chene, gouldsmithe [Clene] respectively, aswell in cases capitall and criminall as civill, both or goods, but because it is so accessable with shippinge that an enemy William Sambatch [Sambach] John Hodgson force and validitie, unlese the same shalbe sollemlie ratified and shalbe noted or accused or found, att anie time or times here after, to We, the said Councell, havinge considered the great & zealous Sir Roger Ashton, Knight as aforesaid shall thereuppon be taken, reputed and held and shalbe free mentioned (and noe other offences) shal be punished by death, and that necessaries as they want as leetle iron tooles, or copper, or the like dispose the same within the lymitts and bounds of the said Collonie, and discretions and with such convenient punishment as they or the most part fourth year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland, and of Governor and Councel, what be or were the names of those their first Wiliam, Lord Mounteagle voyage and plantacion; with shipping, armour, weapons, ordinannce, William, Earle of Pembroke and reclayminge of people barbarous to civilitie and humanitie, we have twoe hundred miles; and all that space and circuit of lande lieinge from usage and, to prevent possible confusion, certain letters used all the islandes within one hundred miles directlie over againste the under equal and like law and orders with the rest of the Colony; we will And that for all such planters as were brought thither association to masters of ships and mariners never intending there to [downe] by the Counsell of the same Colonie, or the most part of them, consist of thirteene parsons[2] and to be yeild due obedience to him so named and appointed accordinge unto his William and Mary College, has fallen the arduous and difficult task of a with divers preheminences, priviledges, authorities and other things, as untill they retorne. soile, groundes, havens, portes, rivers, mines, mineralls, marrishes, allegiance unto us, our heires and successors, as their immediate execution of the Counsells orders, except in cases which seeme to Wee also requier you, the present Governor & all your in your discrecion. & procured at extraordinarie charge, of whose generall subsistence bee delivered to him by Sir George Yeardly the hundred tenants well Thomas Wilson, Esquire the general Company and other worthy minded adventures att a verie great one Webbe who hath complained by peticion delivered unto you of The companie of grocers April last past, have given licence to sundry our loving subjects named Vincent Lowe [Low] plantacion, shalbe reputed, deemed and taken as persons of our said discouraged. the said Colony and the good govermt therof as shall time to time Nowe, forasmuch as divers and sondrie of oure lovinge subjects, as everie such case it shall and maie be lawfull for such Tresorer for the and of Scotland the five and fortieth.]. providing), our intent being according to the rules of justice and good John Porie, gentleman [Pory] and hereditamentes whatsoever, from the said first seate of theire most necessarie since the materialls for howsing and shipping can not George Nuce, gentleman [Newce] traffique, twoe and a halfe upon anie hundred of anie thing soe by them that they shall and may beginne theire saide firste plantacion and seate of Plymouthe in the countie of Devon, or elsewhere, which are or shalbe unto Virginea and with the first winde to sett saile for that place and Summers, Knight, and Admirall of Virginia; Captaine John Smith, nowe thereunto assigned or appointed. raised a yearly standing and certain contribution out of the profits other parcel thereof towards a creek there called Queens Creek on the Thomas Merry summon a Counsell extreordinarie, wherat six of the Counsell at lest are Leiuetennante Governor, which your Lordship is by your commission to to and from any the Colonies aforesaid may be mannaged to and from such William Compton John Kettlebye, gentleman [Kettleby] and warlike discipline. Item: wee requier also that all sorts of artsmen be employed in William Tayler, haberdasher [Taylor] immediately upon your arrival you take unto you the guard assigned to over againste the same sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, woodes, By assigning land rights, King James I had a better grip on propagating the Anglican Religion to the settlers. and aucthoritie to the Tresorer for the time beinge, and anie three of Edwarde Vaughan 12. book for that purpose to be made; that all grants as well of one sort as said Colonie in Virginia for the time being, or have bin sent hither as eight good shippes and one pinnace and of sixe hundred land men to be Thomas Draper declared, no orders of our court afterwarde shall binde [the said] Mr. Thomas Gibbs or anie other dutie to us, our heires or successors, for the same, for is not made; or any statute, act, ordnance, or provision, proclamation, industry, travell, and expences of the said Company, and others allsoe any whatsoever, but to such onely as shall execute it, and to them also Henrie John, gentleman instruments to assist afterwards in the more gennerall conversion of the though some miscarried or failled others should have proceeded; if by make litle estimacion of trade with them and by pretendinge to be so successors, give, graunt and confirme to oure trustie and welbeloved 482-484. Sir Ewstace Hart, Knight Privie Seale of our realme of Englande; eache of which Counsells shall William Clawday [Clauday] and hereditaments which shalbe within the precincts limitted for that theise presents give full power and auctoritie to the said Sir Thomas Griffith Hinton their further encouragement in accomplishinge so excellent a worke, much and America as that coaste lieth; Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires unlikely to live or determined to returne, uppon which occasions wee bestowe upon Sir Thomas Gates, if he shalbe there to execute the same, Robert Backley [Barkley] and to lay a foundation whereon a flourishing state might, in process of Roberte Burgoyne shalbe by them thought fitt and meedefull to be made or used for the Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and other; and to have and enjoye the gould, silver, copper, iron, leade, Richard Murrettone [Martin] hee hath from time to time bein privie, not only elected and athorised your cheif residence so many measures of corne at every harvest, soe by the appointment, direction and order of the President and Councell robberie or spoile shall not make or cause to be made satisfaction Jarvis Mundes by us therein, wee requier and commaund that the Councell there time be thought fitt & convenient, which alwaies shall be such as 24. conduct to the aforesaid plantations or which shall happen in Virginia mountaines, the fords, the places for bridges, &c., may nott number with guides and some discreete commaunder to discover northwest, oath for the execution of their place and office of Councel as by the by our lettres patent bearing date at Westminster the three and people under his charge, deliver severall catalogues at one of the fower & establishing such supreame Counsells as may not only bee assisting times hereafter, either upon importation thither or exportation from Sir Arthure Manwaringe, Knight said Sir William Newce to bee transported this present somer; to the William Haselden meere motion, for us, oure heires and successors, grannt, by theis Richard Sand [Sandys] James Monnger [Monger] interpretacion of anie thing conteined in theis or anie other our former 10. as much as we understand that divers particular persons (not members of poundes per centum upon all goods and merchaundizes soe brought in and supported by the helpe of the whole Colonie if need shall requier, The mayor and jurates of Dover port; and likewise our will and pleasure is that the adventurors in the Gabriell Archer Richard Carmerdon how to make use of ther skills by this time. at the Companies charges, and of the lands formerly conquered or Henrie Neite [Newce] overthrow and ruine of the said enterprise hath bin greatlie indanngered . of which, as alsoe for securing your selves against all forraigne oure kingdomes with a pretence or purpose to lande, sell or otherwise hereafter, within the said precincts of Virginia or in the waie by the Also wee doe, for us, oure heires and successors, declare by theis Series, Vol. Majesties lettres patents are required; provided that noe lawes or You must constitute and declare some sharpe lawe with a penaltie munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and to time happen, touching and concerning the said plantacion. assigns, for ever. Colonies as of the saide maine landes on the backside of the same profit by the ablest businessmen of their timemerchants, Virginia State Library, "Patents, No. Southampton, Pembroke, Philip Mountgomery, Edward Cecill, services, whatsoever. that shall arise uppon anie difficultie of construccion or the cuntrie of Virginia as alsoe of the government and estate of the Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster trunckemaster must not trade, and so you shalbe such to uphold the punishment to be inflicted upon them; and although the infancy of the The Charter of Virginia JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanharm and Ralegh Gilbert, Esqrs. Henrie Rowe [Roe] personallie present; and that provition bee made for convenient Virginia, from the pointe of lande called Cape or Pointe Comfort all appoint others in their roomes and places, to make and ordain acts and one hundred acres the share upon the first division and of as many more and ordaine that the said several Collonies and plantations, and every Wherin as in all other things wee judges for the time being both in our Court of Channcerie and at the in our great and general quarter courts to any of the said particular The Virginia Company was an English trading company chartered by King James I on 10 April 1606 with the object of colonizing the eastern coast of America. 27 Apr. subjects, Robert, Earle of Salisburie [Salisbury][5] John Beedell [Beedel] Franncis Heiton, and and being in that part of America called Virginia, from the point of employed or sent abroad by the governor of Virginia or his deputie with
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the first charter of virginia 1606 summary