Therefore, it's safe to assume that Oropher's wife was also an elf of Doriath. Calathiel and Thranduil married in TA 1, and the same day of her wedding, Calathiel was crowned. The White Gems of Lasgalen, though only mentioned in the behind the scenes featurettes, was originally Mrs. Thranduil's jewelry, thus explaining Thranduil's motivations in retrieving the "heirlooms of his people." In The Hobbit movies, Thranduil's wife is said to have suffered a similar fate, and her death haunts her husband and son. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders." "Silvan" is not a type of elf. Did the Golden Gate Bridge 'flatten' under the weight of 300,000 people in 1987? trilogy (though some would accuse it of being a little too flexible and carefree with Tolkien's timeline). Who is Thranduil's wife? - [11] The name Thranduil first appears in The Lord of the Rings, in which his title was given as the King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood. They were sent to the dungeon as well, in separate cells and unaware that Thorin was captured. Thranduil is one of the major character in The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson's film trilogy of the same name. Answer: Short answer: in both canons (movie and books) we have zero info about how Legolas's mother looked. This is all we know of her from the references coming from the movie. The published Appendix B of The Lord of the Rings, as well as one of its drafts,[5] mention Thranduil as King of the Woodland realm, founded in S.A. 750, suggesting (but not explicitly mentioning) that he was possibly its founder and first king. [9], Thranduil is one of the playable heroes in The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (2006) real-time strategy game, joining Elrond, Arwen, Glorfindel, and the Dwarves in destroying Dol Guldur in the final battle of the good storyline, and falling to the Goblins mustered by the Mouth of Sauron in the alternate evil storyline. As the Third Age progressed, however, a sorcerer known as the Necromancer (later revealed to be Sauron returned) took over the abandoned Elven fortress of Amon Lanc and turned it into Dol Guldur. The One Wiki to Rule Them All is a FANDOM Movies Community. He may have been born in the First Age, or early Second Age. When Legolas asks why he did that when the Orc could have told them more, Thranduil replies, "There was no more he could tell me." He chose to stand on his position to keep his daughters away from any denizen of Middle Earth. Fontenot found the lore behind Thranduil to be underdeveloped, as his name appeared more often in the Appendices than in the main narrative. tolkiens legendarium - What exactly happened to Thranduil's face while [3] The gradually-established friendship between the Dwarf Gimli and Legolas later helped to reconcile Thranduil's people with the Dwarves. After the fall of Sauron, Thranduil fixed the southern boundary of his realm as the Mountains of Mirkwood, and his realm flourished well into the Fourth Age. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? Thranduil has all of the same self-righteous arrogance that Thorin has, which is, in part, why they clash so much, but Thorins comes from a traumatic past of a broken family as he watched his grandfather slaughtered, and lost his father, his homeland, and many of his kin who were burned alive. Though we are offered this additional information, we still do not know if she was Sindarian or Silvan, her name, or how she met Thranduil. That, anon, is an excellent question. He was born during the First Age, and lived in Doriath at some point prior to the Second Kinslaying. Bard was aghast at the prospect of fighting for jewels, but Thranduil doubted that a Dwarf could be reasoned with. While there is no explicit mention of Thranduil's wife in Tolkien's works, it is suggested that Thranduil may have had a wife or partner at some point in his life. Calathiel began asking to visit Thranduil in SA 3230. The king gave Bilbo the title of "elf-friend" and returned with his host to their halls.[8]. After he found her, Celeborn chose to lock her in the royal city to avoid her to go away with a Sindar elf. However, the queen fell in Gundabad and never got to wear them. The Sindar were welcomed by these people, and some were made leaders and rulers over them. Theoden . complete answer on, View After the Siege of Barad-dr in S.A. 3441, when Sauron was defeated, Thranduil led the remainder of his people north back to the Woodland Realm, where he was crowned king.[2]. "Silvan" is a kind of Elf in the same way "Irish" is a kind of human; it's an essentially geopolitical distinction, but it's more than just "We who happen to live in Ireland", But then what's the distinction you're making between Thranduil and his wife? On his head was a crown of berries and red leaves, for the autumn was come again. @V2Blast And, of course, that's just a ripoff of what happened to Elrond's wife Celebran. By the time of the events of The Lord of the Rings, Thranduil's title was King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood. (There were a very few Nandorin . Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? He first appears as a supporting character in The Hobbit, where he is simply known as the Elvenking, the ruler of the Elves who lived in the woodland realm of Mirkwood. Thranduil returns to his wife after The Battle of the Five Armies and presents her with the necklace crafted by dwarves. lordofth. As Thorin refused to give away any part of the treasure for Dale and Lake-town under armed threat, Thranduil and Bard besieged the mountain. on, View [13], The partition of Eryn Lasgalen is the last reference to Thranduil in the histories of Middle-earth. The next morning Bard and Thranduil entered into negotiations with an angered Thorin, who agreed to pay one-fourteenth share of the treasure in exchange for the stone. Both tried to live alone, away from any other people. Thranduil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien 's Middle-earth legendarium. The character is properly named in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and appears briefly in The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? The chief of these were Thranduil in the north of Greenwood the Great, and Celeborn in the south of the forest. It's true that she's not mentioned in The Hobbit, but nether is Legolas, so perhaps they were just off somewhere, doing something else. Calathiel confessed everytime to her sisters how she loved Thranduil and imagined herself next to him, wearing a crown, standing in Mirkwood. It was then that he encountered Tauriel, who declared that he would not depart, for the Dwarves would die if he left, but his response was that it did not matter as the Dwarves were mortal. Thorin refuses, recounting Thranduil's refusal to aid the Dwarves in the attack by Smaug on the Lonely Mountain. In Appendix B of The Lord of the Rings Tolkien states that Thranduil was one of the Sindar who migrated eastward early in the Second Age and established kingdoms among the Silvan Elves. The Hobbit: BOTFA Extended Edition - Thranduil Wife Gems Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Also notable is that Thranduil is identified as Sindar, but Legolas is not: Thranduil father of Legolas of the Nine Walkers was Sindarin, and that tongue was used in his house, though not by all his folk. Her husband, Thranduil, came to Erebor to retrieve them, but due to a dispute over payment, was denied them, leading to a severing of his alliance with the Dwarves of Erebor. So the Battle of Five Armies began, "upon one side were the Goblins and the Wild Wolves, and upon the other were Elves and Men and Dwarves. Legolas chose to erase all of his memory and kept his sister away from his father who changed forever. Legolas is clearly struggling, having just watched Tauriel, whom he loves, be banished, and defied his father by going with her. Thranduil dismisses Tauriel after she threatens to kill the Orc, commenting that he doesn't care about the death of one Dwarf. [13], On 6 April[14] (the day of the Elven New Year), the Elvenking met with Celeborn in the midst of Mirkwood and renamed it Eryn Lasgalen, "The Wood of the Greenleaves". Although his concern was primarily for his realm, the memory of the end of the Second Age and what lay outside his borders haunted him: But there was in Thranduil's heart a still deeper shadow. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A lonely Sindarin Elf, Thranduil of Greenwood, falls in love with a thoughtful girl. I feel like theres an untold tragedy there that begs to be told. Believing the Dwarves to be dead, and desiring a share of the treasure, he set out towards the Lonely Mountain with a company of Elves. Thranduil's Mother - Ask About Middle Earth [15], Nathan Caddell from The Georgia Straight observed that Pace "tried to stay as loyal as he could to the source material that he loved, using any small crumbs to try to gain more information about his role", and noted that while it is debatable as to whether Thranduil is an evil character, the "vindictive elf" is a departure from Pace's previous roles, which reflected his warm personality. Thranduil laid Orcrist on Thorin's tomb, where it was said to glow in warning when foes approached. All four elves face the joys and perils of Middle Earth and the company of mortals, as they visit places that are familiar but changed, or wholly new, and meet some descendants of their old friends. Thranduil was born in Doriath, and Oropher (his father) is always described as an elf of Thingol's court. "[8] Despite this weakness, he was wise and would not wantonly go to war, risking his people's lives, over treasure. [T 7], Being far in the north, and on the eastern edge of an increasingly perilous Mirkwood, Thranduil's realm was somewhat isolated, but he traded with the Dwarves and Men who lived nearby in Erebor, Dale, and Esgaroth (Laketown). Despite Bard's thanks, he told him that his true purpose for coming was to reclaim a jewel necklace in Thorin's possession - the White Gems of Lasgalen, which was revealed much later to be a remembrance of his late wife, who had died at the hands of the Witch-king. However, Calathiel was the first argument to settle a peace between Lothlrien and Mirkwood. His father Oropher was originally one of the Iathrim of Doriath. What did Thorin say to Thranduil when he declined the Elven King's offer? Elsewhere, Legolas revealed to Tauriel that his mother (Thranduil's wife) had been taken prisoner to Gundabad, where she died, and Thranduil never spoke of her, as if she had never existed to begin with. Celeborn taught her the great history of Middle Earth while Galadriel tried to make her learn the ways of the Noldorim. She was born and raised in Mithlond in the region of Lindon before heading to Lothlrien. Later, Thranduil confronts Tauriel, telling her that as a captain of the guard she must drive the Giant Spiders out of Mirkwood. Orofin died when Thranduil was young, after the Battle of . Can you track your dog if its microchipped. They turned the tide and the battle was won. My friend and I have been trying to put a profile together for her, but the universe is complicated and we both wish to try and get it as close to what could have been real or is real if she has been mentioned anywhere other then where we have found her. When Bilbo and Gandalf bade farewell to Thranduil, Bilbo gave him a necklace of silver and pearls. Lee Pace[4], Pace called Thranduil the "Elvenking" instead of his actual name during interviews, following Tolkien's usage in The Hobbit, which Pace read as a high school student. In this manner was Thorin separated from the company, and captured by Thranduil. He came into an agreement with Celeborn that the southern part of Mirkwood would be counted as East Lrien. While at Gundabad, Legolas makes a reference to his mother to Tauriel. He was the father of the Elven. [note 2], Thranduil's birth date and early life are not recorded. thranduil, his wife & legolas | family - YouTube Who or what is the oldest sentient being in Tolkien's lore? Not that hard edit to me for you my LOTR and Hobbit fans! It is only when Thranduil does finally get involved in the war, does finally engage in the wider problems of the world beyond himself and his grief, that the audience can see him begin to reconnect with his thoughts and feelings, rather than locking them away. Completed legolas shortchapters tolkien +4 more # 9 But One Star of All by Ivy 9.1K 353 15 Enjoy watching.. Thranduil never supported Calathiel's departures to her homeland. On 15 March, T.A. Thranduil is once again seen when Legolas and Tauriel return with an Orc hostage, Narzug. My father does not speak of it. Under his malign influence the Greenwood grew dark, becoming known as Mirkwood, and infested with Orcs and giant spiders. It also has a really heartfelt but angry emotion contained within, because it hints that Thranduil feels betrayed by her and her decision to give her life for her sons, because she loved the boy more than Thranduil, and because she left him as if it were a conscious choice. "[11] Thranduil's host was positioned on the southern side of the Mountain, and they were the first to charge. In the 1968 BBC radio series, he is voiced by Leonard Fenton. He was the father of Thranduil, who would succeed him, and grandfather of Legolas. [T 3], Tolkien described Thranduil in The Hobbit as having "golden hair" with a crown made of red leaves and berries in the autumn, and wearing a similar crown of flowers in the spring. Oropher and Thranduil's backstory were never incorporated in more "canonical" narratives, and the drafts exploring them were published in the Unfinished Tales. Thranduil's Wife : r/lotr - Reddit But we can assume a few things about her. 2013: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: 2014: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: 1980: Der Hobbit (1980 German radio series): 2006: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: 2021: The Lord of the Rings: Rise to War: Thranduil's birth is unknown, but some things can be deduced from two passages in, Thranduil's deeds during the Fourth Age are completely unknown and his fate remains uncertain; yet the later can be deduced by combining the conjecture made in regards of his birth (which is displayed in [note 1]) and a passage from, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Thranduil never fully recovered after his wife's passing. In the Rankin/Bass 1977 animated version of The Hobbit, Thranduil was voiced by Otto Preminger. Son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood, Legolas was Mirkwood's prince, a messenger, and a master archer. ", Tolkien had a nasty habit of not naming most of his female royals even though he wrote extensively on family trees. [T 1] Following the end of the First Age and the destruction of much of Beleriand during the War of Wrath, many Sindar migrate into the east of Middle-earth. So it is either left entirely to the imagination or we can go by The Hobbit [6], With those little clues, we kind of fleshed out the character, and I'm really excited with what we've come up with. He arrives with his army at the edge of the cliff, holding his hand up to halt his warriors. 1 When Thorin reveals that he and his 13 companions are traveling to try to reclaim Erebor, Thranduil suddenly poses that they strike up an alliance, because he wishes to claim back the white gems of Lasgalen, a very rare and beautiful set of jewels that were crafted into a necklace on his behest, many years prior. They take in the destruction, the fleeing dwarves, and the missing dragon. Tolkien himself never mentions Legolas's mother within the books, only that of his father, Thranduil and his grandfather, Oropher (who are Sindarian Elves). At that moment, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains and Grey Mountains under Bolg were using the opportunity to march after the hoard, and he was accompanied by a cloud of great bats. After the third disturbance, the Elves captured Thorin who refused to reveal to Thranduil the reason for their journey through Mirkwood. So where does Thranduil come from, and what terrible things could have happened in his past to make him so unfeeling, so shut off from the world, and so hard-hearted, even towards his own son? I wanted at best to bring out again and make people understand what the Hobbit hides in their films in relation to Thranduil's past. Thranduil's Wife Original Male Character (s) Original Female Character (s) Legolas Greenleaf Sauron | Mairon Elrond Peredhel Celeborn (Tolkien) Galadriel | Artanis Gandalf | Mithrandir Radagast | Aiwendil Tauriel (Hobbit Movies) Bard the Bowman Bilbo Baggins Self-Sacrifice Grief/Mourning Romance Resilience Angst Courage Trauma Heroism [5] In the film series, Thranduil rides a giant elk resembling a Megaloceros;[7] the "elk" was a horse named Moose, made up to look like a deer. Thranduil and his wife - more than life - YouTube And after the passing of Sauron, the forces of the Lord and Lady of Galadhrim stormed Dol Guldur and threw down its walls, finally cleansing the forest. The present convinced Celeborn to let his daughter go with Thranduil. Once Thranduil has released this pain that he has been carrying, he is able to reach across the void to Legolas, and to finally start building a bond and a bridge that should have been there long ago, telling his son about Aragorn: the father was a good man, but the son may grow to be a great one. This is also an acknowledgment of Thranduil that he has done wrong, and that he hopes to make amends by trusting Legolas to go and live a full life away from Mirkwood. Touched by the sight, along with the memory of his wife's death at Angmar's hands, he replies "Because it was real", and agreed with her plan to bury Kli. War with the Dwarves was averted by the intervention of the wizard Gandalf upon the arrival of the allied forces of Orcs and wargs.
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who was thranduil's wife