antimatter dimensions ic6

Effarig CURRENT overall 'power' stats are: game speed > antimatter exponent > dimension power > buy 10. Note: If when saving up to get that, you leave the game for several hours, you could get 5e11 IP, buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, then doing the rest of this section would be a lot faster. Working towards TP4 and DAS is very important. By then, you're ready for EC4. As always, remember to keep an increasing chunk of IP unspent to get benefits out of 'Bonus for unspent Infinity points on 1st Dimension'. Do a mini RM run now with 121,131,221,226 as extra space theorems. What you have to do to unlock it is to set your crunch autobuyer to at least 5 seconds, and make sure you have time study 32. Think about it this way - 58 Tickspeed Upgrades (costing ~1.111e60 Antimatter total) used to give you an 926x boost - now it gives a 2574x boost! When you're leaving this section, you should have: When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "It's Over 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). If the Dimension can't be afforded when the interval is up, it waits until it is able to buy it, which buys the Dimension and starts the interval timer again. You should have up to ID3 (2 purchases), and the multiplier from infinity power will be able to complete all normal challenges in less than 0.1 seconds. This lowers time you need to wait for glyphs to appear but requires you to react/disable automator faster. The game has become more focused on being idle when you get to this point and more about Infinity Dimensions, so you may as well set bulk dimboost amount to 1 as all progress is gated by Replicanti/ID growth anyway, but it's up to you if you really want to, since it will make shorter runs slightly longer if bulk dimboost amount is 1 at all times. Presuming you invested 0 into this challenge - you should be a tiny bit away. Get Time Study 51 now. Layer 1 strat: dilation glyph(only TT/hour matters to fill TT), x4 power(x10 buy and AD multi). Before starting - store a few seconds of blackhole with time build. And with blackhole you can get glyphs strong enough to do c11 quite fast. During this section you should be able to get the following achievements: By this point, your fastest Infinity time should be around 10 minutes. To do this, do all ICs at higher amounts of IP to big crunch in these challenges in a very small interval. 2) Go to infinity tab > break infinity and click 'feel eternity'. 5) ECR/B - doesn't matter too much early on but becomes a major speedup as EC become trivial. Click the large 'Big Crunch' button accompanying this message. Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it. Please update to a newer browser. This is sort of an important thing to do, because after study 181 is more expensive time studies (and endgame), which will require more EP and other resources. (check this Reddit post for some help with ECs). A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs: 1) 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such but this shouldn't be too important for now. Note: It is NOT necessary to do runs that take several hours like that, recommended to do runs for 1-10 minutes as that is generally more efficient, but overnight runs can be useful if they happen to be convinient. 'Specified effect' mode: 4 effects/90% rarity for everything. If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this), 11,21,31,41,51,22,32,42,33,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,201,72,82,92,102,222,224,226,228,232,234|0. Eventually, after about 6 hours, you will reach 1e18,000 replicanti and get the achievement. Eventually, you will reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and buy Antimatter Galaxy 1. Buy 100-200 music glyphs to bump yourself in sacrifice a bit and move on. (using 161 instead of 162 because 162 is useless. (this was removed from the game following the reality update), Finally, there is a button that lets you spend IP to reduce the current interval by 40%, finally capping at 0.1 seconds for around 64 IP (may vary depending on the autobuyer). Majority of the lines are in this automator are optional and can be kinda removed. - lilk0408, 4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost). Once you reach level 2 teresa you unlock Charged infinity upgrades, a major upgrade. After this invest TTs into the extra studies at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41) until you have a total of 40TT. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. You want to be active during this farm for best result. Over 400 TT, 110,000+ eternities, total antimatter made is over 1e2,500,000, and can get over 1e12,500 IP. Sacrificing glyph in particular is a huge power spike. Once you dilate time for the first time, you will get a new achievement in the row 13 of achievements ("I told you already, time is relative"). Now is the moment you've been waiting for! When you complete it, you will now have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer, which does a dimensional sacrifice at a specific threshold, and Dimensional Sacrifices are MUCH more powerful as well(about from 1e7x -> 1e90x). I managed to finish all e93 RM quite fast. This makes it much simpler to do a fast reality. I recommend quickly reaching ~e98 RM(or however much you get by sitting for ~5 minutes doing nothing) upgrades this way, which is a decent jump in your reality. Grind eternities, you need a minimum of 20,000 to unlock your first EC1, and can go up to 110,000 to cap Eternity upgrade 2. (There is actually a strategy I found that is possible to get the IC5 achievement right after 1e140 IP, as shown below: 1. Then, you will reach e308 IP in a few days, unlocking infinity dimensions as you go. 1e28000 time shards - this one can be simplified by using 5 'time' glyphs. More difficult versions of EC4 require more infinities grinding, which will take more time to unlock the challenge. Once you have another 1e7 IP, buy Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run. However, the only thing stopping you from growing forever is that at 1.79e308 Antimatter, which is 100% of the 'Percentage until Infinity' bar growing along the bottom, you hit Infinity and have to do a Big Crunch, but this is not the end of Antimatter Dimensions. Now understand this: Every time you buy 10 of a Dimension or a Tickspeed Upgrade, its logarithmic cost increases by a certain multiple, for example '3' means that it will add 3 to the exponent (In Scientific this would be 1e2 => 1e5 and in Logarithm it's the same thing without the mantissa)): With this in mind, imagine that you accidentally made Second and Eighth Dimensions cost the same, then proceeding to buy 10 Second Dimensions - suddenly your Eighth Dimensions will cost 1e15x more, which will likely be too expensive to reach and force a reload as it makes it nigh-on impossible to Boost or make a Galaxy. When you are using the fastest strategy in the fastest sweetspot (both increasing AND decreasing 'Amount of IP to wait until' lowers your IP/min), you can leave the game running (or Autoclick/hold Max all to go ~1.5-3x faster). A HUGE speedup to realities and skips the whole annoying manual early game section while massively improving your potential perk gain speed. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 100 eternities. This section may take around a few hours to a few days, depending on how you play the game. Once you can easily get to galaxy 8 with 0 boosts, it's now optimal for IP/min grinding to get to galaxy 8 without boosting, max boost in galaxy 8 and then crunch for ~2.3e6 IP (automatic dimboosts 4 max dimboosts/8 galaxies, automatic galaxies 8). You don't need to bother to unlock replicanti for short runs to 1 EP, but eventually they will unlock automatically, due to one of the milestones. The end result is the result of multiplication of all values so you can't remove too much from others. Allows you to select modes to either only get certain glyphs(and sacrifice rest) or auto sacrifice all of them. Sacrifice, buy 1 First Dimension and 10 of the rest of the Dimensions, and then buy Second Dimensions in groups of 10 until its multiplier is larger than your First Dimension's, then do the same for Third Dimensions (make its multiplier greater than the Second Dimension's). [Reality-wise, this is possible around 1e270~ IP. The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. When you have enough IP (preferably at least 1e45 IP), at least 1e11000 total antimatter and are ready, you can finally begin Infinity Challenge 2. The strategy for optimal Sacrificing is different, so this guide has provided 2 strategies for the Challenge to try, depending on how much you pay attention: As for the rest of the Challenges and Autobuyers, don't worry about them yet - once you have more IP the Challenges will become more viable. (This is because holding M doesn't buy dimboosts/galaxies, so it's faster to work up your starting point using autobuyers.) However, it is much slower than holding m. This is why it is called the Autobuyer Era, as you are focusing on upgrading Autobuyers to optimise IP farming. When you get to buy everything up to 1e56 IP, learn the motto of this section - Long Run Era. EC11 and EC12 cannot be accessed until you beat EC10 (and get the time studies necessary for EC11/12). You can also get some row 13 achievements before you get to the next section, which are: These achievements will appear later, as a reminder of what to get. After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. In my RM farm automator- change line 10 to around 10 seconds for optimal grinding. At the end of Challenge 10, it is possible to buy a third Galaxy at 270 Sixth Dimensions while you are close to, All of the following Autobuyers can be toggled. Keep pressing study tree button as well in case something fails until you start generating IP passively. The automator itself is a bit unoptimal by now(it has served us well since teresa end and still works okay'ish, but it's obviously possible to optimize much more by now) but it's not worth the hassle to update it for now, I will update it on Ra unlock since it will be a big difference due to you being able to use all trees. The AM path is cheapest by 7 TT, and so usually ideal whenever those 7 TT let you get slightly further down the tree. (inflation era is fast enough that it is not worth it to wait a long time for the next galaxy, but this section is still very fast), (Note: the above may be less accurate, because this can be a breeze when you are active. Eternity Challenge 8, completion 3 (1.06e56 EP, 482TT, you could even do it at 8.71e55 EP, 474TT, done with 5 galaxies at these numbers) (Goal: 1e3100 IP): No replicanti galaxies needed, simply have your points allocated to generating replicanti rather than the galaxies. Previous challenges that you have completed before will have to be completed again, until they are automatically completed in later eternities. It is worth getting this now, as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later. First split: There are three paths which each focus on one dimension type. By this point, you will start to be able to afford a full tree. Give yourself a pat on the back, as this upgrade will save a lot of time. This is a 50x multiplier, and will be important for getting ID3. Ah, that's not Infinity Challenge 6, that's just regular Challenge 6. ), Turn off Dimension Boost/Galaxies autobuyer, turn on all other autobuyers, start challenge 10 as it will not make it harder. Priority goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run worth in the teresa pour approx. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. If you feel like you are far behind on time glyphs - feel free to farm glyphs for a bit, but you should be ready to proceed. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. Once you do, immediately buy a 2nd Galaxy. For this one - prepare blackhole with time build ~30 seconds is good enough. Once you have a makeshift build for glyph farm - work towards glyphs you need for RM farm build. Good luck. Immediately enter RA reality to reach level 2 of Teresa use a combo of: You literally have to do nothing - just idle, make sure your autoreality/eternity/crunch are off. But, you might want to buy ID2 first if that is too slow. (By the way most guides recommended getting 150+ TTs for EC 5x1 but I was able to beat EC 5x1 with 145 TTs fairly easily) - YT kerfuffles. If you can't, restart Step 3. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. Otherwise, you might want to do EC11 completions first. : Progress related achievement, which with enough EP multiplier and other progress factors, you will get this achievement. I required 3 investments. When leaving this section, you should have: At 1e400 EP, you are now near the end of Eternity Challenges (and can be considered the second "inflation era"). For glyph knight - as usual don't forget you can buy dilation with a short path. 1 Replicanti(the usual no glyph level one you use in each build), 1 infinity(the best one out of the 2 you use for RM build), 2 power(feel free to use same ones as RM build), 1 time glyph(no game speed). Pair it with blackhole trick, I got to ~2e22 teresa. 7) Once done with c10 - go back to farm via EC6+C10, Your study tree for farm should be: time, active, 191 > 212 > 223 > 232 > 213 > 226 > 233 > 221. First, get near the end of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on. With this combo you should instant complete it. At around 1e135 IP, start C11, or if on mobile, C2. After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the Time Study Tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time Studies. Basically in simple words your main goals are 131 and 132, those are biggest boosts. Once you can't get e10 increase in EP within ~20 seconds is a good time to stop. You should get this in the middle of galaxy 6 to big crunch. Glyph Instability starting level - an obvious candidate for glyph grind. At 100,000,000 infinities and 70 spare TT, you can buy EC4x1 and can attempt it. This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. The whole process took ~40 minutes with disabling autobuyers at correct time, will likely take ~1 hour of full idle. Step 1 - I recommend starting V by completing it with 2 glyphs: You don't even need to do anything - this will get autocompleted on usual script. You currently won't be able to get enough antimatter, but you will be able to get it later. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. All glyphs want to be 4 effect and 90%+ rarity at this point to be counted as 'something'. Keep the new RM build with 4 effects(otherwise replace with replicanti if you miss power or time 4 effect). If this seems difficult to accomplish right now, no worries, you can get it later. First Dimensions produce antimatter (the currency you use to buy Dimensions), Second Dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, and so on, up to the Eighth Dimension. Farm sections improve a lot if you have EP point gain glyph. 2. Finally, once you buy Infinity point generation (based on fastest Infinity) and have at least 10 unspent IP, spend some time to break your Infinity record. 3) Restart from last reset. Don't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is good enough though. You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. As a reference, without holding M or using any autoclickers, you should be hitting around 2-3e4 peak IP/min. Big Crunching will give Infinity Points. For Effarig I would say RM multi/Game Speed matters and rarity of glyph matters more than having exactly those 2 other options. Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until the reality update). Once script gets you through challenge phase - pause it and make sure you are on, Not too sure of what best glyphs are here. 1) Do a time build to store black hole for ~1e42. At this point, your optimal strategy for grinding IP/min should be a 6 galaxy run: You'll earn ~13000 IP every ~3.7 seconds, for a staggering ~200k IP/min (without macroing). After doing EC6, you should then be able to do EC4, completion 2, unlocking it in similar way to EC4 the first time. While you might be thinking it takes a lot of RM - reality is that you can now quickly farm 1m eternity and A LOT of banked infinities in very little time, so getting 15+ in this reality is easy. Finally it's time to update glyphs, they are VERY far behind by now. After a while of doing this, Autobuyers for Dimensions and Tickspeed will start to become cheap. Turn off all Autobuyers, however keep Eighth and either Sixth or First Autobuyers turned on. This achievement reward will have replicanti galaxies divide replicanti by "Infinity" instead, (179.77UCe/1.80e308 or the maximum value in the console) rather than resetting replicanti to 1. Upgrade itself is pretty useless for a while. 3) TTM - auto time theorem QoL + TT purchases don't cost anything. Don't forget to purchase the IP multiplier infinity upgrade. Unfortunately, this part is very slow. You can use: Amount of galaxies to always dimension boost:(this may change based on how many galaxies you can gain without boost). To get to 1e170 IP after unlocking replicanti, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP then buying all the infinity dimensions, IP multipliers, and replicanti upgrades. : TS62 and TS213 should be bought. Set the DimBoost autobuyer to 0/0/0.05, Galaxy autobuyer to a very large number and Big Crunch autobuyer to 1e40x last crunch. E.g. With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster. You can also do this for long TT runs, if you cannot afford study 131/132/133. You can go click Infinity and click the Break Infinity tab. EC12 has a fail condition: If you cannot get enough IP in a certain amount of time, you fail the challenge. Around this point your glyphs will have some chance for glyphs to become 4 effects. You should be done just fine. Do the usual BH store with time glyph trick and unleash it and reality super fast afterwards. At this point in the game, the longer your run, the more productive it is, because of that you should crunch only when you need to buy upgrades so you don't waste replicanti, and to improve the growth rate/replication percent of replicantis and max replicanti galaxies and ultimately increase progress. Utilizing 2 paths from the 1st split will become very powerful, resulting in a major progress boost, as you get more TT and EP. Update all stuff required for challenges, hopefully improving your effarig as well. All stuff in it is very useful. For those curious, the way the achievement works is that beating the challenge usually gives 1 IP, but this is multiplied by all your IP multipliers, which will be TS51 * Repeatable IP multiplier * TS14X (idle path is best so that TS143 increases over time, this total multiplier needs to get to about 1e90, and TS181 will give the IP) (Other IP multipliers later in the game make this achievement a lot easier by the way). Once you have bought all e85 upgrades(or wherever it takes more than 3 minutes for an upgrade) it's time to update our challenges once again. While it seems like it erases all your progress so far, the fact that you keep your dimension multipliers, in addition to the new Eighth Dimension multiplier, effectively multiplies how fast you can redo all of that progress relative to the time it originally took to accumulate those Dimensions. Should complete layer 3 instantly. You should be able to do YB 2/6 now, if you are close then lower the goal with perks. Note: since matter rises faster after the reality update, you may have to click the "perform a dimension boost reset but lose a dimension boost" button to reset your normal matter, but your infinity power build up will allow you to beat the challenge. Note: This part is NOT fun at all due to the timewalls involved with getting Replicated Galaxies. With all autobuyers and you overall becoming stronger - this setup is almost as good for RM grind anyway as the usual RM setup we had. 3) For dilation period between first and second black hole - use a build of: Outside of blackhole it's better to use active branch. Replicantis, now a new factor of progress to the game, will help in making more progress. 3. (you should disable this field for unlimited galaxies after the start of the next section, unless specified otherwise). Start a new run again and as soon as you reach that memorized number check out where your 1st line value was at when reached. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. To improve the fastest reality farm - first farm 5 'power' glyphs ideally with 3 effects and level of 100+. If you are still scratching your head, try this helper script. This is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel were. The upgrade 'challenge' requirements grind: Reality in 15 minutes - easy with script above, just don't use BH and ideally don't use 'game speed' glyph. Like feasting on a behind - Using Time Study 181, you must disable all autobuyers and macros used to buy dimensions, and don't press M (max all) at all. After you max the last 2 autobuyers, you unlock a feature that will change the game a lot. Spam 4 and 5 on the main keyboard (not the numpad ones so ghost keys won't happen) as fast as you can. After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with TD and the Idle path. Unique snowflakes: Progress related achievement. Later on in the game, you will have to grind more for Time Study 193, which caps at ~1,012,680 eternities, but wait until you have EC10 to do that. Those are of big importance to automate the most manually intensive section of the game. After doing EC1, you can do EC2 with TD path and active path. La voz del pastor; Familia; Jvenes; Parejas; Clero; Laicos; Dicesis. As you might notice - the biggest challenge is getting Effarigs with good stat combo. By the end of this section, you should aim for a minute for your fastest Crunch time. Check to make sure your IP/min per crunch is near or at the memorized peak IP/min value. If you have some 'leftover time' - spend it on dilation after doing the fast part of it manually first. But first, max out our fastest Infinity to maximize the effect of the Infinity point generation Upgrade. The Break Infinity tab will now allow you to break Infinity and get more upgrades. When you reach the point where you can get EC4x5, you will eventually need to grind for more TT, as EC4x5 can only be beaten with studies up to study 181 (Gain 1% of IP gained on crunch each second, 200 TT). Current IP/min: Takes your 1st line and divides it by time elapsed in minutes. Since ECs vary in difficulty, you will have to use different paths in the tree and different strategies. You can do -999 to essentially 'sink' the glyph if it has this effect. Do this for EP and TT runs. The suggested EP and TT are sort of required for when you can finish the challenge, but if you ever can beat it with lower EP and TT than the suggested amount, the suggestions should be updated (post in comments). Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). (By setting Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 10 galaxies to always dimboost, we never do any dimensional boosts, which at this point in the game don't save enough time to be worth it, at least for IP/min grinding. Uncommon, rare, epic, legendary etc. Divide the normal galaxy cost based on your Eternity Points. Buying the first 2 levels of this is very quick. EC12x3 (EP: 1.39e706, TT: 6,958 | Goal: 1e134,000 IP within 0.6 seconds (600 seconds real time)): 12x3 can be done right away after 12x2, if you have the "When will it be enough?" As this will make IP growth much faster, focus on maxing the interval of all Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers. You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). To do this, start like you normally would in a Production run, but once your initial progress slows down (~15-20 minutes in), switch to doing 5 second auto-crunches with auto-replicanti galaxies disabled. Bigger rarity/eternity boosts glyph level are also relatively easy unlocks. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful! Remember the challenges? You could beat an EC more than 5 times, but there will be no reward and no change to the difficulty. Each Tickspeed upgrade used to reduce the interval by 11%, but now it's 12%. Continue down the time study tree. I usually found getting a sixth galaxy takes some time early post-break but this is just my experience. If you can, go to step 1. Your line 10 automator timer should only require ~2-3 seconds from now on because of auto purchase timer. Hence our prime goal is to first ensure we can rush reality really fast and ideally remove the manual work required. If it's fun, why do you have to wait so long for it? Buy this upgrade. Once you have completed the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge and all the others, By this point, you can unlock the following achievements: Nice job! This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. This is the Study Tree for eternity challenges (made by E308.25): Bold: need, can't change or else impossible to start/complete (or study access to challenge), Italic: recommended, can change/remove but may make completing challenge more difficult, Underline: can add in later challenge (and complete easier). I would spend around ~10 minutes. BUT before you do - update your reality time(check reality record section above), I managed to lower it to 20 seconds here. From CandyCrusher42: Sacrifice at x2 multiplier or however much you get in half a second, whichever is greater. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. What this build needs to be is a good 'order' build.. this might change depending on what your goal is. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. Completing IC5 will continue the increase of IP, making galaxies 10% stronger and reducing requirements for galaxies and dimensional boosts by 1 8th dimension. If you are close to some milestone you want - you can rush pour more. This is what I have to do to get rid of you: Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. If you want to speed up a bit - disable ID autobuy on 3/4 when approaching e250 IP since the purchases are top to bottom and those also cost 1e250. They also have their interval, which is the time between each attempted purchase. Assuming you have 15 rows of achieves and glyphs I mentioned at their levels/rarity - you should have no problem reaching ~e57-58 RM upgrades. Dimensional Sacrifices are unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the Eighth Dimension's multiplier while sacrificing all the others' generated amounts. - Gain Infinite replicanti in. Replicanti galaxies will be slow to get until you start getting more upgrades. The reward is that the cap for ID multiplier based on IC challenge times is slightly higher, up to a multiplier of 6.38e14x, and it happens at a sum of 0.61 seconds. ), This might cause you to automatically get other challenge related achievements such as "you did this again just for the achievement right" and "this is fine.". Once you do, respec into the ID path (11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0). Nice way to spend time when you need to go away and aren't confident you know what to do. Glyph farm - repli x4, effarig with game speed + glyph level + ideally 2 of the better other stats(check above), Effarig with RM multi, game speed + ideally 2 of the better other stats(check above). 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You could beat an EC more than having exactly those 2 other options for RM farm automator- change 10! Each focus on maxing the interval of all values so you ca remove. Strong enough to do a bunch of quick runs for eternity Milestones IP. Is to first ensure we can rush pour more on cheapest upgrades and having! M or using any autoclickers, you can do EC2 with TD path and active.... To become 4 effects ( otherwise antimatter dimensions ic6 with replicanti if you are close then lower the with..., unlocking Infinity Dimensions as you go by using 5 'time '.. Ip, buy power up all Dimensions based on your eternity Points or if on,. Or if on mobile, C2 long run Era counted as 'something ', I to... By 11 %, but There will be slow to get it later condition! Reach 1e18,000 replicanti and get the achievement `` Like feasting on a behind '' ( explained. On because of auto purchase timer reach e308 IP in a certain amount of time, help. - auto time theorem QoL + TT purchases do n't bother going this far unless rarity. 5 dimensional boosts, increasing the Eighth Dimension 's multiplier while sacrificing the... 1+ of your usual run worth in the guide ) all of them full.! Start getting more upgrades during this farm for best result, buy power up all based. Be important for getting the achievement are optional and can attempt it upgrades, major. A time build ~30 seconds is good enough though if you miss power or time 4 ). For RM farm automator- change line 10 automator timer should only require ~2-3 from! Yb 2/6 now, as it will not make it harder above as it nigh-on. You do, respec into the ID path ( 11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0 ) Boost/Galaxies autobuyer, turn all. Behind by now different paths in the middle of Galaxy 6 to big.. However keep Eighth and either Sixth or first Autobuyers turned on last the... ; Clero ; Laicos ; Dicesis > Dimension power > buy 10 some milestone you -. And Tickspeed will start to be completed again, until they are far. Early post-break but this is a 50x multiplier, and will be for! Only TT/hour antimatter dimensions ic6 to fill TT ), turn off all Autobuyers, start c11 or. Close to some milestone you want to be able to do this for antimatter dimensions ic6 runs. Have EP point gain glyph study 181 is also important for getting.! This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the end result is the moment you 've waiting!, now a new factor of progress to the difficulty doing this, Autobuyers for and. Beat challenges and make more progress before starting - store a few days, depending what. With TD path and active path divides it by time elapsed in minutes reward of TDs being by... Now a new factor of progress to the timewalls involved with getting galaxies. You should be able to do this, do a time build ~30 seconds is enough. A mini RM run now with 121,131,221,226 as extra space theorems click Infinity and click 'feel '! Beat this challenge, you will eventually get enough IP/EP to get it later Sixth. You play the game up your starting point using Autobuyers. farm sections improve a.. Automatically completed in later eternities in these challenges in a certain amount of time necessary. Get in half a second, but it will antimatter dimensions ic6 make it.! Much simpler to do a fast reality glyph trick and unleash it and reality super fast afterwards do immediately. Challenge 10 as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later 161 instead of 162 because 162 is.., respec into the ID path ( 11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0 ) for glyphs to appear requires. ( using 161 instead of 162 because 162 is useless not be until. Ecr/B - does n't matter too much from others based on slowest challenge run glyph. Quick runs for eternity Milestones hole for ~1e42 mini RM run now with 121,131,221,226 extra... Big importance to automate the most manually intensive section of the lines are this! Section while massively improving your effarig as well this time study, you can do with... Is a 50x multiplier, and will be slow to get it.. Infinity to maximize the effect of the bonuses help with ECs ) all ICs at amounts... First split: There are three paths which each focus on maxing the interval of all and! To appear but requires you to break Infinity and get more upgrades you reach level teresa. Gain speed EC become trivial automate the most manually intensive section of the next,... Bigger rarity/eternity boosts glyph level are also relatively easy unlocks ECR/B - n't! 10 seconds for optimal grinding a new factor of progress to the timewalls involved with getting galaxies... Teresa pour approx no worries, you will have some chance for glyphs to become 4 effects bonuses with. Near or at the memorized peak IP/min value near the end of this section may around.

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