ck2 best pagan religion

Old religion followers will be heretics with a -25 penalty to relations to members of the reformed faith. No Revolt Risk for different religion in county. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Unlocks Raiding if unavailable (eg Hellenic). It says we can spend piety to improve curtier abilities but we can do it once per 5 years and can improve stat for one point. Pagan non-nomads normally requires the Old Gods or Holy Fury DLC to be playable. They also have access to two special casus belli: Most pagans have defensive attrition, massively reducing the supply limit for non-pagans invading their homeland. With the Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games. Having a hard time picking between prepared invasions and Meritocracy, either epic land grabs, or being able to designate best heir.. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. If allowed to spread their religion, they will in time ask the ruler to convert. The ability to raid makes some pagans uniquely wealthy in the early game. Clearly Messalian. Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert. "Converting" for a day so you can join a society seems pretty gamey to me - i.e. It's aimed at more of the casual/intermediate player. Most of them have the same attributes as normal Doctrines, plus some features: This part will decide how the religious head of the reformed pagan religion will work: And that is all you need to know about pagan reformation in CK2. The unique traits of Autonomous are not that great, and GHWs are a must against large realms like the Ere. Harmonious expands our pool of talent but makes it harder to stack bloodlines due to disallowed cousin incest. that's why those two are different Branches of Christianity, there's big enough difference on some of the theological matters. Even as Catholic I would land my kin (I tried to do that as Muslim and learned the hard way via decadence revolts to never do it again). This gives me some new options to consider. So if you like seeing dukes in the middle of other kingdoms take distant kingdoms and break out of their vassal king resulting in non stop dejure wars and infighting, then sure prepared invasions are for you (masochist). Seabound is just useless without Daring and picking these two doctrines is silly (unless we are not getting bored with constant raiding on our foes). Having young concubines (below the age of 45) gives a monthly prestige gain, which is especially useful for tribal and nomadic pagans. In 800 CE. Bear in mind that in 1066, Novgorod is Christian, and the Rurikid dynasty which holds it has multiple potential allies from other dynasty members. Although I admit the bloodline bugs with male consorts are beyond annoying. Posted January 4, 2019. AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions. it isnt meant to be celtic pagan or any pagan religion in particular. Feudal rulers bordering rivers will eventually increase their fort level to the point that Germanic pagans can no longer navigate those rivers. This means you may invade territory held by another faith, but still gain the defensive bonus so long as the battle takes place upon land of your faith. Holding the Blood Games in the Grand Amphitheater grants an additional 200 Prestige. Most pagans may raid neighboring provinces (and coastal provinces, if ships are available) for loot and prestige, even without a tribal government (which majority of the pagans are). Additionally, those defensive pagans who are tribal, may call forth Devout Warriors (without ). I wish it was more interactive (e.g. Out of all the Succession Doctrines, Meritocracy is probably the safest. Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. If consorts are available and the Peaceful religion nature and Tribalist traits from Autonomous leadership outweigh the Short Reign penalty (and the player ensures that most vassals are of the player's dynasty), it makes sense to pick Divine Marriage instead of Stability, to get an even higher score from Divine marriages, in situations where inbreeding is already likely. Access to Hermetic society. Eldership Succession law is available, Bloodthirsty Gods + Seabound + Unrelenting, Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies + Syncretism + Meritocracy. Raiding culture allows the use of armies to raid while fabricating claims, and still get piety for remaining at peace. Daring is a good way to lose moral authority because AI is incompetent, and we as a player will need prepared invasion only once (maybe twice). Great Holy War against a single disfigured child. Yes, I forgot that astrology gives access to hermetics, but imo smooth succesion > all that learning bonuses. Its holy sites are scattered around the map but are mostly controlled by right religion, even in 1066 starting date. Sky Burials. That deserves recognition. For example, if you want to paint the map, pick Temporal and use GHW. Kiev in 769 is notably a start whose default ruler, Dobrava Turov, is a woman. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous Diviner read signs before a war to try to improve troop morale. I like Romuva and Suomensusko the best but I don't have much experience with Bon but I think I'll try them soon. Access to monastic feudal government with Tibeto-Burman culture group. Hi, before Holy Fury release I posted my tier list for pagan doctrines, Wait. Each one can only occur at a certain, and different, time each year. So I'm not a very big fan of Autonomous. Characters are assigned Zodiac traits on birth and by decision. For example, the average/casual player is probably not going be aggressively bloodline stacking. The gavelkind succession law will remain even if you return to an unreformed pagan religion later. AI rulers are more aggressive.AI rulers only convert same-group provinces and only when zealous Stability is useless without Eldership law. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding.Hunting focus is unavailable.Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but county conquest CB is available.Dueling comes with a Piety cost.Cannot create warrior lodge if it does not already exist.AI rulers will not convert provinces. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Most pagan faiths permit female temple holders regardless of gender law; exceptions are noted below. I haven't tried Perun+Daring, I wonder if it would give pirate trait. If you pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or Aztec, you will lose their innate military bonuses (bug? I think these are well balanced. "Offensive" pagans get a bonus to their levy size (+30% levy size for Germanic, for example). Hierocratic and Autocephalous is a good way when we don't want to bother much with religious head but want to have high MA. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. I may found bridge from new DLC's teaser. (AI rulers are likely to accept the reformed religion if cynical, same dynasty as the reformer, or under control of a reformed ruler.) What, in your opinion, is the best aim training? Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. Also you can give away the title, the best way would probably be as a viceroyalty. I've played as African pagan a lot since HF dropped and I'd never ever take TG over AV. As I recall stability+astrology also has a synergy where you get to boost your heir at birth. As such, it is best used when the player is ready for their nation to "mature" from aggressive expansion against small targets to needing to maintain an empire. Well. Some other day I read that this isn't a bug and it's working as intendent IMO Enatic is much, much better than Agnatic, because Agnatic prevents you from matri marrying, which means any chance to get a non-crafted bloodline is over, and because there are immensely more targets for matriarchal deposition than there is for the opposite. Is it really cheesy/gamey though? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? Lose piety when at war against faithful.Penalty to Spymaster steal technology. With it, You can just forget about any problems during succession. Every religion in the world pretty much tolerates you, it's pretty stable, and you can marry back into it to acquire bloodlines if you leave it somewhere to grow by itself. You also have to remember the example you've given is a really fringe situation exploiting several mechanics. It's incredibly hard to convince other, even much weaker rulers to change to Your religion. Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. Questions, Paradox This is in addition to the pagan homeland attrition penalty, which forces the large numbers of troops needed to invade a defensive pagan home territory to face severe attrition for the duration of any siege. Astrology also enables Hermetic society which puts it up there with the notable doctrines for me. Doubles the pool for good commanders and councillors and as a bonus you can give consorts to your daughters. Levy size & attack bonus from unreformed Tengri faith will be lost. Can't agree with stability doctrine, tech and artifacts lower short reign penalty so it is not worth to take it, and as I said from my experience it is easy to overcome. When I ran a Muslim realm with a capital in Marrekech, and put 1 castle, 1 city, and 5 mosques there, I felt like I was the most powerful guy in the world. You are using an out of date browser. Addendum: Why Venerated Ancestors (Pagan Saints) is awfully designed and implemented. Aztec religion only appears in-game if Sunset Invasion DLC is in use. Faith is widespread in earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but is in decline from 1066 onwards. Top tier for me are Catholicism/Fraticelli and the Muslim ones. I admit I have not played Hellenic yet but it sounds awesome to me. CK2 Pagan Reformation - Natures The first thing you will choose is one Nature. "Defensive" pagans gain a defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion forces to take their home territories. However, the Tengri faith does not die out during the entire period of the game and there are always relatively strong rulers for it in the game. Zunists and Mongols may use Ultimogeniture; Bn may use both regular and elective gavelkind when tribal, and may also use primogeniture and ultimogeniture when feudal (or monastic feudal); Romuva/African may use Eldership when tribal; and rulers of the Celtic culture group always have the option for Tanistry. However, the longer the faith goes unreformed, the weaker it becomes. Pagans have great difficulty holding large realms together. For conquests Islam is way too OP if you're not a nomad. If dawnbreakers would have divine marriage paired with something else than polygamy it would be tier 1. As for best leadership, it depends. It also supports early-game dominance - you are next-to-none as a Germanic ruler in 867. Moral Authority edit Main article: Moral authority Stability removes short reign penalty, which was not a problem for me ever. Pagans may fight back in the name of the old gods, and even seek to eliminate the monotheists from Europe. Unlocks divine marriage, allowing and encouraging incestuous marriages. Recommended Posts. Expect frequent raids and wars between realms that accept the new faith and those that reject it. Monasticism is definitely top tier, as it allows you to make any succession law work the way you want, not to mention the flat learning boost. Norse: Cultural one, then either agnatic, stability or blood sacrifices, depending on playstyle. Autonomous leadership also enables four branches: With the new reformation system, some synergies occur which present new abilities or opportunities to characters of this specific reformed religion. Enatic-cognatic law is available. Traits inherited from unreformed religion. a situation/mechanic that doesn't resemble real life in any meaningful way. As I try to have everyone with duchy and above titles be of my dynasty I have one save where I have 1000+ opinion just from veneration. Full status of woman law is enforced. The only cb you'll ever need is alexanders invasion. Religious tax wouldn't be that high tier for me, I see it as rather pointless. Strangely there are no upsides to Shia or Ibadi. This discussion is purely about game mechanics. Unyielding is a must for small Pagan surrounded by powerful Abrahamic realms. Autonomous leadership is only good if you need neither GHWs nor excommunications. Anyway, good list and I have to say I agree on most of the points! Also you cannot create warrior lodge. No female temple holders. For best run: The High Chieftess of Kiev in 769 reforming Slavic to be Enatic Clans is a stupidly fun run that I've been doing a lot of. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Will it have a religious leader, like the Pope? Ruler can spend 500 Prestige and 150 Piety to increase courtier or own attribute. Havent seen many posts about reforming the Bon religion. Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. Pagans follow the old polytheistic traditions, spurning the Abrahamic and Indian religions' talk of a segregation between physical and spiritual realms in favor of polytheistic physical gods.. Pagan non-nomads normally requires the Old Gods or Holy Fury DLC to be playable. The below table contains all 53 religions from Crusader Kings II, along with all religion IDs, for use in console commands such as religion. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in the first doctrine slot, it is lost. You trade some of your offensive/defensive capability for stability, faster conversion, and Great Holy Wars to combat Crusades and Jihads. With tribal mechanics, pagans cannot raise Tribal Organization very high without having severe relations penalty for tribal Unreformed Pagan vassals (-30 opinion with Absolute). What, in your opinion, is the best handgun? It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. As temporal head you get to choose who to venerate. Hierocratic/Autocephalous is also doable but the religious head can be a real moron and not call GHW as soon as it becomes available. They keep access to county conquests and raids. Cosmopolitan: I used it once, its fun, allows us to snatch some alliances with infidel neighbours, or non-aggro pacts with infidel vassals. Civilized already removes raised levies penalties to vassal opinion, and Hellenic can raid already. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Certain pagans have access to additional succession laws. Stability is nice, but traveling Rivers without upkeep reduction is way more expensive than walking. Reformed religions gain access to holy wars, usable on any target of a different faith (including other pagans). No male in the council. Holy sites: Perm, Ryazan, Novgorod (shared with Slavic), Saaremaa, and Kexholm. The last playable Germanic ruler available is Arnfast of Vsterbotten, who dies in 1309. PegaluxX. Inversely, it is much easier for organized religions to convert pagans. First two cancel themselves if they are picked together. It has synergy with Agnatic and Enatic doctries, giving us new CB for Patriarchal and Matriarchal depositions. Access to Hermetic society (but Hermetics still suffer -10 temple opinion). Orthodox. Reforming a faith costs 750 piety. With Holy Fury, the Hellenic and Bn faiths can be reformed. While a casual player might not notice, an intermediate player probably will. Basically we attack opposite gender ruler, depose him/her and force our gender law on their realm. Reformer becomes the first religious head. Also without Proselytizing my own vassals never bothered to spread their own religion. D. Nature: If you picked peaceful nature, I suggest you pick Autonomous leadership(since Peaceful doctrine anyway disables GHW). If tribal, remember that demesne counties which are still following the old faith will give less tax and levies. Which religion is best? I disagree here. Pont Valentr Press J to jump to the feed. PegaluxX. The selection of Leadership style determines the type of religious head. Tax on subjects of different religious group is allowed. Prisoners of different religions can be sacrificed for Piety. The reformer's courtiers at home, dynasty members, and vassals will always follow in the reformation if they are below playable tier. I agree with most of what you said but I would put the Civilised doctrine as tier 1. You want to conquer followers of the Cross/Crescent anyways. Invaders are only here because they have 3 shitty doctrines that are good when they are packed in one slot. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Sons of Ragnarok is combination of two bad doctrines, if we dont pick it, we will still retain ability to have viking trait and coastal county conquest cb, however, we will lose river sailing and prepared invasion ability which we dont need later in game ( and AI can close rivers for us by having enough fort level in river counties). Holy war ( Crusade CB ) if they are below playable tier anyway, good list and I 'd ever! Leadership style determines the type of religious head, it is much for. Unreformed, the best handgun the ruler to convert pagans supports early-game dominance you... To convince other, even in 1066 starting date too OP if you need neither nor! 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ck2 best pagan religion