illinois coal mine fatalities

He was employed as a Rock Duster and had had 7 years experience at this mine. Full Record; Other Related Research; After he was restored he immediately the missing workers. The Mine Safety and Training Division issues certificates of competency to underground and surface coal miners. Death rates for small mines employing less than 10 men emphasize high fatality rate at mines outside jurisdiction of State inspection department. All MMWR HTML versions of articles are electronic conversions from typeset documents. By doing this, we are hopeful that the accident causes may be determined and corrective measures implemented more readily. He leaves a widow and three children. December 16, 1921, Frank Linkus, miner, age 19 years, single was killed by a shot explosion in Jones Brothers Coal and Mining Company's No. During a 5-month period in 2006, three underground coal mining incidents in the United States resulted in the deaths August 1, 1921, Joe Fontanetta, miner, age 43 years, married, died from the effects of burns received while drilling out a misfired shot in Scranton Coal Mining Company's mine five days previous. January 17, 1922, Virgil Clayton, trip rider, age 23 years, single, was killed by a motor in Wasson Coal Company's No. November 15, 1921, G. B. Barnett, miner, age 61 years, married, was instantly killed by a fall of coal in Equitable Coal Company's mine. separate agency from the Bureau of Mines, to enforce mine safety and health requirements. October 31, 1921, Thomas Dungin, miner, age 56 years, married, was injured October 28 by a shot explosion in Superior Coal Company's No. (1). His body was crushed into a pulp. He leaves a widow. He leaves a widow and one child. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines; 1960. A study of accident costs in U.S. mining from 1975 through 1981 using the ACIM indicates that total annual costs increased from $180,000,000 in 1975 to $379,000,000 in 1981, a 15% annual increase after adjusting for inflation, with mining companies bearing 45% of the total and expected wage losses to mining families accounting for 42%. From 1899 to 1908, the UMW president was John Mitchell, who was born in Braidwood on February 4, 1870. He leaves a widow and one child. June 20, 1922, Archie Yuill, mine manager, age 34 years, single, was killed by an explosion of gas in Duncan Coal Company's mine. The weather and business conditions in general, also affected the miners' paycheck. CDC is not responsible for the content They ranged in experience from 1.6 to 37 years and averaged 23.6 years 11 mine by falling coal. The impossibility of living in the Terms of use Fatalities in Indiana coal mines for calendar year 1934 to 1938 are tabulated by location (surface, shaft, and underground), by type of mine, and by cause and occupation. It also should be of value for evaluating and proposing safety criteria for reducing fatalities. Some of these are shown here. Fatalities in Illinois coal mines, 1934--1936, 016000* - Coal, Lignite, & Peat- Health & Safety. July 8, 1921, Walter Ganclouski, loader, age 35 years, married, was electrocuted by coming in contact with a trolley wire in Southern Gem Coal Corporation's No. Illinois Coal Mine Fatalities 1922 Transcribed for Genealogy Trails by L. Brandau. Reported by: KM Kowalski-Trakofler, PhD, DW Alexander, PhD, MJ Brnich Jr, LJ McWilliams, MS, Office of Mine Safety and Health He leaves a widow and one child. He leaves a widow and four children. Miners sometimes tossed garbage into the shafts, and company property often caught fire during the strikes. 17 Annual Coal Report of the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, vols. MSHA News Release Posted: [June 17, 2022] WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration has proposed nearly $1.2 million in civil penalties to M-Class Mining LLC, a Macedonia, Illinois, coal mine operator.MSHA cited the operator for continuing to operate the . March 23, 1922, John Parlick, miner, age 43, married, was killed by a fall of rock in Toluca Coal Company's mine. 615 E. Peabody The other two incidents, which occurred at the Alma No. coal mine disasters with multiple fatalities were thought to be permanently on the decline. 4, Superior Coal Company. February 18, 1922, Homer Kelly, machine helper, age 28 years, married, was killed by falling coal in Madison Coal Corporation's No. The report is primarily designed for use in the safety education and training of mining personnel, directly or indirectly involved in the production of coal in underground coal mines. MSHA finds M-Class Mining didn't tell miners of a dangerous fire hazard, continued operations. On Aug. 15, 1883 he was united in marriage at Macon, Mo. organizations. The coal companies sold the small chunks too, but these apparently were mined free. May 27, 1922, Duncan Thompson, Jr., miner, age 30 years, married, was killed in Never-Seen Coal Company's mine by a fall of rock. 4 mine. While on strike, the miners had to rely on their savings (usually very meager, if they had any), their gardens, farm animals, and charity. Improving mine safety technology and training: establishing U.S. global leadership. 8 mine. Life was extremely difficult for the miners and their families. afternoon at the Latter Day Saints church. The underground work was dangerous, dirty, and often damp. Effective May 1, 2013, there is a $50.00 fee for each application submitted. October 27, 1921, John Tortino, miner, age 38 years, married, was killed by a fall of coal in Old Ben Coal Corporation's No. three fatal incidents in 5 months was a departure from recent trends in underground coal mining safety. Available at, Murray KA, Pogue CW, Stahlhut RW, et al. Contact | Illinois Coal & Coal Mining History & Genealogy Kankakee County, Illinois Featuring Coal Mining Kankakee County is a county located in the northern part of the state of Illinois. 170, 171 Virginia. Explosive gas was present in some mines and many miners were injured or killed by blasts. Sago Mine. Available at, Light TE, Herndon RC, Guley AR, et al. March 16, 1922, Fred Cooper, miner, age 30 years, married, was killed by a fall of slate in Bissel Coal Company's mine. The 2006 poisoning before rescuers reached them 41 hours later; the twelfth trapped miner survived. Currently there are 1,350 miners listed on the memorial with two additional . electrocuted by coming into contact with a electric heater of the same voltage. The exact way the injury was received is not known. of four years he came with his parents to this city. 15-18185. MMWR SEARCH | Serious strikes by miners in northern Illinois occurred in these years: 1868, 1874, 1877 (the year of the nine months' strike), 1889, 1894, and 1897 (after which the miners received a raise and the eight-hour day). Find your nearest vaccination location at Therefore, by identifying these accidents in specific categories, we hope to be in a much better position to propose and promugate safety criteria that will be acceptable and practiced throughout the underground coal mining industry. properly. Dawson, New Mexico Dawson, New Mexico Including 263 miners and two rescuers 2001 Accident - aircraft 265 American Airlines Flight 587 Queens, New York Second-deadliest U.S. aviation accident, and deadliest in New York City. Cement. 7 mine, Consolidated Coal Company, by being run over by a railroad car. -- With the words "Here goes nothing," Barney Nagree jumped into the coal shaft at mine until the afterdamp has subsided prevents the body from being reached. In 2006, the two incidents in West Virginia and one in Kentucky resulted in the deaths of 19 Available at. reviewed published materials and traced how events during these 2006 incidents led to the MINER Act. The issue, however, was settled and the Chinese never arrived. August 14, 1921, Harry Rich, assistant night boss, age 35 years, married, was killed in Old Ben Coal Corporation's No. He leaves a widow and two children. Superintendent Davis headed the first rescue party that went down into the poisonous chambers of the mine after the dead MINE ACCIDENT. To better understand the context of these events, NIOSH researchers reviewed mining fatality surveillance data from June 9, 1922, Samuel Crews, miner, age 52 years, single, died from injuries received May 28 in A. N. Mapes' mine. As head of the nation's most powerful industrial union, Lewis founded the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in 1936. Respectfully submitted, disasters* (Figure), with most disasters resulting from explosion or fire (Table). Users are referred to the electronic PDF version ( went to the Tipple House to investigate why all the machinery was not running and found Mr. Chvatal laying across the heater, Accidents are grouped into 10 major categories as follows: (1) Pushing or Pulling mine equipment with other equipment; (2) performing tasks under unblocked elevated equipment; (3) operator of self-propelled equipment not facing direction of travel; (4) tramming self-propelled face equipment through check curtains; (5) overhanging brows or rib rolls; (6) electrical shock; (7) work activity in proximity to blasting operations; (8) unattended equipment; (9) changing bits on energized equipment; and (10) unsafe position near moving equipment. February 12, 1922, Walter Baugh, miner, age 50 years, married, was killed by falling rock in O'Gara Coal Company's No. He leaves a widow and one child. He leaves a widow and one child. 196, 197 . 2 mine by a fall of slate at his working place. They are Robert, Eugene, Fred, Miles, and Phama, all at home. Like the miners' work, they are dark, drab, and dirty. of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (1977 Act). He leaves a widow and two children. March 9, 1922, George Moslowski, miner, age 30, married, died from injuries received the previous day by a fall of coal in Standard Oil Company's No. E. J. Hoey, Inspector, ELEVENTH INSPECTION DISTRICT - 1922 Pgs. called and he worked over Mr. Chvatal with a pulmotor for over an hour to no avail. Unfavorable record of industry for 5-year period apparently indicates lack of progressiveness and disinclination to do what is necessary to accomplish results obtained elsewhere through intelligent attack on problem. The other 12 miners in the No. Washington, DC: US Department July18, 1921, Bert Sewell, electrician helper, age 21 years, married, was thrown off cage and fell to bottom of shaft and was instantly killed in Big Creek Coals Company mine No. Chicago Wilmington and Franklin Coal Company. 26 mine. August 20, 1921, J. Three other miners died of carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to Deceased jumped off motor while in motion to turn the switch. 1) emergency oxygen supplies, 2) refuge chambers, and 3) communications and tracking systems. The bodies He leaves a widow and one child. Melzer leaves a widow and one child and Eggerman leaves a widow and four children. One of the most common methods used to force the miners to return to work was the threat to fire them and bring in "strikebreakers." August 5, 1921, James W. Richardson, laborer, age 53 years, married, was killed at No. Joseph Haskins, Inspector, Sixth Inspection District - 1922 Pgs. Braidwood once had 8,000 people and was the second largest city in Will County. document.write(cy). Because communications were cut off by in preference to the usual accident classifications of unsafe act, unsafe condition, or unsafe equipment in order to identify and pinpoint the act or task involved at the time of the accident. 1 mine. Assumption. (7). Effective May 1, 2013, there is a $50.00 fee for each application submitted. August 31, 1921, John Smith, trackman, age 47 years, married, was killed in O'Gara Coal Company's No. He leaves a widow and four children. The laws were thus struck down. He leaves a widow. February 3, 1922, Mike Donham, driver, age 39 years, single, died from being crushed between mule and car in Benton Coal Company's No. October 10, 1921, Walter Kewalla, loader, age 28 years, single, came in contact with the trolley wire and was electrocuted in Chicago, Wilmington and Franklin Coal Company's Orient mine. July 1, 1921, John Brtva, driver, age 26, married, was killed by pit cars in Chicago, Wilmington and Franklin Coal Company's No. Chromite Chromium Ore. Clay Ceramic Refractory Mnls. October 23, 1921, Con Perry, face boss, age 38 years, married, died from injuries received four days before in Old Ben Coal Corporation's No. ABOUT MMWR | November 29, 1921, John C. Miller, Jr., face boss, age 29 years, married, died from injuries received by a fall of slate in Consolidated Coal Company's No. November 15, 1921, Christ Grandcolas, miner, age 50 years, married, was killed by falling clod in Groom Coal Company's mine. March 18, 1922, Howard Phegley, machine helper, age 35 years, married, was electrocuted in United States Fuel Company's Middlefork mine. An original paper copy of this issue can be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. 26 mine. March 14, 1922, Rosch Cruse, laborer, age 50 years, married, was killed by railroad cars at Chicago-Sandoval Coal Company's mine. September 14, 1921, James Waller, miner, age 28 years, married, was killed in United States Fuel Company's Middlefork mine. 46-08801. Research, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory; DB Reissman, MD, Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC. Accidents are grouped into 10 major categories as follows: (1) Pushing or Pulling mine equipment with other equipment; (2) performing tasks under unblocked elevated equipment; (3) operator of self-propelled equipment not facing direction of travel; (4) tramming self-propelled face equipment through check curtains; (5) overhanging brows or rib rolls; (6) electrical shock; (7) work activity in proximity to blasting operations; (8) unattended equipment; (9) changing bits on energized equipment; and (10) unsafe position near moving equipment. October 31, 1921, John Piprek, miner, age 37 years, married, died from injuries received three days before in Shoal Creek Coal Company's mine by a fall of coal. Son of William Josiah & Elsie Earline (Garver) Bryant Married Beverly J. Tope on August 10, 1957, in Carbondale, IL Member of Pleasant Hill Christian Church Children: Richard Bryant. October 7, 1921, Oscar Hall, miner, age 33 years, married, was killed by a fall of rock in Freeman Coal Mining Company's mine. December 19, 1921, Andrew Anderson, shot firer, age 26 years, married, and Charles Powell, shot firer, age 29 years, married, were killed by powder explosion caused by firing dead holes in Slogo Coal Company's mine. These accident categories were selected. November 5, 1921, Harold Short, loader, age 23 years, married, was killed in Willis Coal and Mining Company's No. If factories cut back or closed during a depression, even less coal was needed; so again miners were out of work. All three incidents received nationwide attention, particularly the Sago Mine disaster, which occurred on January The greatest compliments p 2 mine. But to create a coal shortage, the men had to make sure no coal was mined or shipped. Most mining towns were "company towns." SECOND INSPECTION DISTRICT - 1922 - P. 130 DeMarchi J. 3 mine, South Wilmington. Fatal Accidents. Respectfully submitted, 150, 151. To correct these abuses, the miners formed unions. He leaves a widow. | A conveyor belt that removed coal from the mine caught on fire. He leaves a widow and one child. Miners who signed these promised not to strike or join a union while employed by the coal company. 57 mine, was killed by suffocation, the result of firing an improperly prepared shot. He leaves a widow and five children. telephone: (202) 512-1800. classified by cause as follows: 1) explosion, 2) fire, 3) haulage (i.e., transportation of personnel, material, or equipment), 4) ground Health and Safety Academy; 1997:34--44. October 20, 1921, Henry Mosley, miner, age 22 years, single, was killed by falling coal in Paradise Coal Company's mine. miners could not be told they were 700 feet from fresh air and could walk out of the mine. He leaves his mother dependent. he was apparently dead when found but every effort possible was made to revive him. He leaves a widow. For more information on these certifications contact The three In the Annual Coal Reports of the State of Illinois, only those "accidents" where more than two were 212, 213 who was injured about two weeks ago while at work at mine No. Three men, N. P. Akeyson, John Eustice & Jacob Williamson, lost their lives while attempting Lula Gregory of Kansas city, two brothers, Andy of Troy, Ill. and Archie of Iowa and a sister, Mrs. Ida 8 mine. January 11, 1922, Samuel Mills, miner, age 30, married, was killed by falling rock in O'Gara Coal Company's No. URL addresses listed in MMWR were current as of During 1900--2006, a total of 11,606 underground coal mine workers died in 513 U.S. underground coal mining disasters* ( Figure ), with most disasters resulting from explosion or fire ( Table ). 16 GenDisasters. The second 2006 incident occurred on January 19 at the Alma No. disasters and the number of deaths of miners decreased substantially during 1970--2005. Within these divisions, the office: regulates the mining industry throughout the State of Illinois, regulates the possession, use, and storage of explosives, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention A The report is primarily designed for use in the safety education and training of mining personnel, directly or indirectly involved in the production of coal in underground coal mines. 11 mine by falling rock. 11 mine. Information compiled from reports on fatal accidents in Kentucky coal mines during 1934 are summarized giving data on causes of accidents and suggesting measures for future prevention. 7 mine. This Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration report gives a brief description of face machinery accidents that occurred during 1973. Founded the Congress of industrial Organizations ( CIO ) in 1936 the underground work dangerous! On Aug. 15, 1883 he was employed as a Rock Duster and had had 7 years at! These apparently were mined free establishing U.S. global leadership ; other Related ;! A $ 50.00 fee for each application submitted paper copy of this issue can be obtained from the caught. Dangerous fire hazard, continued operations Mining didn & # x27 ; t tell miners of a dangerous fire,! 2006 incident occurred on January the greatest compliments p 2 mine by a fall of slate at working... A coal shortage, the miners and their families the superintendent of documents, U.S. 26 mine is not.... 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illinois coal mine fatalities