what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6

Mistawasis further said, The prairies have not been darkened by the blood of our white brothers in our time, let this always be so. Chief Sweetgrass and Ki-he-win sent this letter to Lieutenant-Governor Archibald: Great Father, I shake hands with you, and bid you welcome. Treaty No. First Nations started hearing rumors that their lands were being sold without their consent. Chief Beardy, a spiritual leader known to possess powers, met the treaty party on the journey to the Fort and invited them to meet on a local hill - this was based on a vision he had. [17] The soul was able to leave the body during visions where it would accompany their spiritual helper. As stated previously, part of what the Cree wanted to be reflected by the terms of Treaty 6 was an end to the factionalism that had pitted the younger members of the Cree community against the older Indigenous Leadership. Included would be a medicine chest kept at the Indian Agents homes for the use of the First Nations but at the discretion of the Indian Agent. [11] The Cree are divided into several different tribes in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Website Development Studio. A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay & wood and maintained gardens & livestock. [14], Cree religion believed in a single powerful creator which they based their ideology and ceremonies on. It is ours and we will take what we want. The Cree resoundingly approved of Pitikwahanapiwiyins statements, waving their hands and cheering. His goal was to spread the Roman Catholic faith to the Western parts of Canada. The impact of the signing of the treaty had a significant effect on Cree life for both those who signed the treaty and those who did not. The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. This treaty was called the Great Law of Peace of the People of the Longhouse and predates the year 1450. On September 5, 1876, the Treaty party arrived ten days earlier than expected at Fort Pitt, (located between Fort Carlton and Fort Edmonton) to meet the River First Nations. Chief Vernon Watchmaker Before negotiations began, the Cree performed a sacred pipe ceremony, in which the commissioners participated. They still controlled the territory and to trade their land for an uncertain future would be an admission of defeat (, Although there was much dissension from a number of First Nations, it was Ahtahkakoop and Mistawasis whoasked the representatives of the Crown what they could offer the people if they did not agree to Treaty. (. It is considered in present day that the medicine chest led to the concept of free health care. While the following is not a definitive list, adhesions were signed by Indigenous bands at: Fort Edmonton (August 1877); Blackfoot Crossing (September 1877); Carlton and Battleford (AugustSeptember 1878); Fort Walsh (July 1879 and December 1882) and Montreal Lake (1889). A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. In addition, a medicine chest was to be stored at the house of the Indian agent on the reserves, and rations were to be awarded in times of famine and pestilence.. It is ours and we will take what we want. There was strong approval that came from the people and the Governor was visibly shaken (Stonechild and Waiser 15). When Sweet Grass was chief, the different bands of the Cree were loose in a wide-ranging areas and usually named for the territory in which they operated[13] It was not uncommon for different bands to hunt and perform rituals together as seen with Sweet Grass relationship with Big Bear. "Big Bear, Ahtahkakoop, and Mistawasis were the most vocal leaders to stop the developments on their lands. After resisting sending children into the Canadian school system, the Cree living on the reserve received no food rations, until they capitulated. There was much debate and discussions that took place with the First Nations participants, but the Queens representatives were eager to conclude the deal with the First Nations. 10 How did Treaty 6 affect the First Nations? Big Bear resisted signing of the treaty, hoping that he could hold out for a better deal with the Canadian government. This became one of many classic misinterpretations of the Treaty process as viewed in history. In Cree culture, verbal agreements hold the same amount weight as any other agreements. How did Treaty 6 affect the First Nations? Following 1876, Big Bear became principal Chief of the Crees on the western plains as many disillusioned Cree joined his expanding tribe. The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. He said that the land set aside for their reserves would be held in trust by the Queen, one square mile for every family of five. Poundmaker, a Councilor from Red Pheasants band, stood up and protested, This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. It is the unique collective right to use of, and jurisdiction over, ancestral territory and is separate from the rights of non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under common law. [9] Children did not spend much time with their parents growing up, rather with their grandparents. The written treaty ceded roughly 130,000 km of land from the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Cypress Hills to the east, the Red Deer River to the north, and the US border to the south. The treaty annuities are annual cash payments distributed by the Government of Canada to the descendants of the Indigenous peoples who signed the RobinsonSuperior and RobinsonHuron treaties and the Numbered Treaties. I for one will take the hand that is offered. Ahtahkakoop supporting his fellow Chief and said, Let us not think of ourselves but our childrens children, let us show our wisdom by choosing the right path while we yet have a choice (Stonechild and Waiser 17). Currently the band controls 20,354.6 ha of land, the largest block of which is located 26 km west of North Battleford. Amendments to the Indian Act in 1985 re-established Indian status to over 750 members of the band. Prime Minister John A. Macdonald wantedto expand the new Dominion west to the Pacific Ocean (Dodson 17). An example of this would be when Sweet Grass and Big Bear assembled 18 Cree warriors that attempted to raid Blackfoot hunting territory. It is ours and we will take what we want. There was strong approval that came from the people and the Governor was visibly shaken (, The First Nations were a proud and strong people but were facing an uncertain future. From here the group made income from farming and lumber sale, supplemented with traditional methods as much as possible. 1282 101 St, North Battleford, SK S9A 0Z8. This would lead high mortality rates within the community. [55] Young Sweet Grass would eventually become chief and would name the new group the Sweetgrass First Nation in honour of his father. + - This map is a work in progress. The two messengers, Rev. Treaties were a way of settling disputes for land, trading, hunting and gathering, marriage between tribes, and ending wars. According to international law, a treaty: Is a legally binding agreement outlining the rights and duties of its signatures. At that time, they as well were facing low fur prices, and poor hunting and fishing. [15] However, this almighty creator appeared to individuals through various sprits such as the bear and horse. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Mistawasis further said, The prairies have not been darkened by the blood of our white brothers in our time, let this always be so. Morris promised the tools and animals needed to engage in farming, cash payments, ammunition, twine, schools, and presents to the Chiefs and Headmen. Aboriginal is an oversimplification that hides more meaning than it conveys. By participating, the leaders also took an oath to be truthful during the proceedings. Afterward, there were many First Nations who were upset because of a lack of consultation with them during the negotiations. In the face of survival, the Cree started to assemble and meet with one another to discuss their approach to the government. When Canada acquired the lands of the Hudsons Bay Company (HBC) in 1869 (see Ruperts Land), the Plains Indigenous peoples of present-day central Saskatchewan, including the Cree, Ojibweand Assiniboine, became concerned about the federal governments intentions with this land and with the Indigenous peoples who lived on it. Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. When Sweet Grass became Chief, his tribe had already been in an uneasy peace with the Blackfoot (Milloy 1988, 111). [6] In the more easterly villages, the chief and council formally deliberated on serious theft and in murder. Just before the Treaty party left Fort Pitt, Also, he did not want his people to be under the rule of the Crown, and said to the people, I heard the Governor was coming and I said I shall see him; when I see him I will make a request that he will save me from what I most dread that is: the rope to be about my neck. Big Bear, a proud Cree, was using a, Thirteen years later in 1889, the Lac La Ronge and Montreal Lake Bands adhered to Treaty Six which expanded the territory of Treaty Six. Sweet Grass had also requested that the government provide supplies as needed so that they may sustain themselves when traditional hunting was not an option. Popular. 6 Recognition Day in 2013. I want all my brother Sweetgrass asks. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. What Treaty 6 peoples are close to Edmonton? I for one will take the hand that is offered. Ahtahkakoop supporting his fellow Chief and said, Let us not think of ourselves but our childrens children, let us show our wisdom by choosing the right path while we yet have a choice (, The First Nations further negotiated terms not promised in earlier treaties, such as: the, assistance in times of calamity and pestilence, The last day of the Treaty negotiations at Fort Carlton took place on August 23, 1876. Sweet Grass through both policy and action would have a lasting impact on the Plains Cree. Governor Morris stated that there would be strong laws enforced through the North West Mounted Police. Treaty 6 peoples also actively participate in the Idle No More movement. Treaty 6, between the Queen and bands of Cree and Stoney First Nations, was negotiated and signed at Fort Carlton and Duck Lake in August, and at Fort Pitt in September, 1876. But the Canadian government insisted that its grudging distribution of rations was a matter of favour, not a treaty obligation. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Big Bear heard of the disharmony in Treaty 4 territory, they found that the promises of the treaty were not being honored by the government (, For several days the Chiefs met and waited for others to arrive. Using this discontent, Chief Wandering Spirit gathered support and began to purses more aggressive policies towards settlers. [2] Approaching the pasture, he hid in a bush and as a man advanced towards him, he took out his bow, killed and scalped him; proceeding to raid the pasture to return forty horses to his tribe. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Indian Association of Alberta and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations conducted reports that outlined elders views on the treaty and on the concept of land cession. A few months after the Pitt meeting, Chief Sweetgrass was shot and killed by accident with the gun presented to him as a treaty gift, at the hands of his best friend. Sweet Grass along with three other Chiefs attempted to get ahead of government control by meeting with the representative of the Canadian government in the west Lieutenant Governor Archibald to petition the Hudson's Bay Company's (HBC) sale of land to the government. 6 was signed on August 23, 1876 at Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan. [22] The attempted raid went wrong as Sweet Grass and Big Bear nearly stumbled upon Blackfoot main camp. The Crown also promised Treaty 6 signatories the establishment of schools on reserve land and a medicine chest, which is interpreted to mean universal health care. The iconography on the commemorative medals for Treaty 6 symbolizes: A.Two sovereign nations making peace and sharing the land forever B.The equality of all peoples under God C.The transfer of land and resources for material goods D.The dominance of the British Crown in negotiations and afterward A (Christensen 270). Box 147 Gallivan, Saskatchewan S0M 0X0. [12] The name Cree represents a general ethnic group, however, there are several different tribes based on region and dialect. At this point Erasmus was asked to translate for both sides, with the Chiefs supporting him. He was sentenced to three years at Stony Mountain Penitentiary in Manitoba and converted to Christianity during imprisonment. [54] Those who signed Treaty Six argue that understanding the treaty can only be understood when put into a context of the discussions that occurred during the treaty-making process. Not all Plains Cree would sign the treaty at first, and many would become disillusioned after signing. It is the only known case in which the Canadian government enfranchised an entire band. By signing an adhesion to a treaty, Indigenous peoples who could not attend or were not initially included in treaty negotiations were able to enter into the terms of that treaty. They believed that the land was sacred. Chief Beardy, a spiritual leader known to possess, Little Pine and Big Bear were opposed to Treaty negotiations because they believed that the buffalo could still be preserved and that there was a need to regulate the hunting of the buffalo from non-First Nations. [48] The Canadian government could hold out for longer than any of the Cree groups who were slowly dying from starvation and disease. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Chief Weekaskookwasayin (Sweet Grass) permitted Morris to explain those terms to the congregation. The amount of power wielded by Cree chiefs varied from person to person. Indigenous people relinquishing titles and privileges to land. How long does it take to become a CNA in Tennessee? 3 What happened when Chief Sweetgrass signed Treaty 6? They continued to deliberate for the next two days. Treaty 6, between the Queen and bands of Cree and Stoney First Nations, was negotiated and signed at Fort Carlton and Duck Lake in August, and at Fort Pitt in September, 1876. A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. They were mostly Woods Cree and Dene and had not been influenced by Christianity and farming as the others who signed Treaty at Fort Carlton (, Chief James Seenum, a Woods Cree leader from Whitefish Lake requested a larger territory for his reserve, but he was denied (. Treaty 7 was signed in 1877. Beardys main concern was the rapid loss of the buffalo and he could not see how the treaty provisions would be able to compensate for such a loss and way of life for the Plains First Nations. Treaty 6 was the biggest piece of legislation between Plains Cree Leaders and the colonial government. They believed that the land was sacred. Sweet Grass during the signing of the treaty was one of the most well-regarded plains Cree chiefs and was given a position of importance during negotiations. [41] Some of the Plains Cree simply could not accept peace with the Blackfoot. To cede land (the act of cession) is to give up or surrender the authority to control and own that land. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Arthur J. Ray, Jim Miller and Frank Tough, Bounty and Benevolence: A History of Saskatchewan Treaties (2002). The total area of the Treaty stretches from western Alberta, through Saskatchewan and into Manitoba; and inlcudes 50 First Nations. [17] After death, the soul would wonder the earth for four days, and then would travel to the land of the dead, which was believed to be in the Milky Way. Buffalo hunting and fur trading were a vital part of Cree survival. [5] This was met with chants of Sweet Grass, which would eventually become his name as a Chief in 1870. Other members of the negotiating team included treaty commissioners William Joseph Christie (an HBC officer) and James McKay (Mtis fur trader and politician), as well as translators, assistants and NWMP escorts. In 1878, Chief Michel Calihoo signed an adhesion to Treaty 6 on behalf of his band. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Sweet Grass was born with the name Okimasis, which translates to He-who-has-no-name, and Little Chief, which was related to his small size. In another significant difference from Treaty 6, Treaty 7 states that the Crown would pay for teachers salaries instead of the maintenance of school buildings. In August 1876, among the first to arrive at Fort Carlton were Chiefs Ahatahkakoop, Mistawasis and their followers (Stonechild and Waiser 5). The treaty outlined specifics as to rights of indigenous people and support and protection of the Queen. Sweet Grass or Wikaskokiseyin was born in a Cree Camp in the area near Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. However, over-trapping forced tribes to move west to find suitable forest areas. They were mostly Woods Cree and Dene and had not been influenced by Christianity and farming as the others who signed Treaty at Fort Carlton (Stonechild and Waiser 22). We Send these words by our Master Mr.Christie, in whom we have every confidence that is all., "Great Father, Let us be friendly. The First Nations were a proud and strong people but were facing an uncertain future. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. (Dedicated this 16thday of July 1993 by the Cree Nation)". Currently the band controls 20,573.80 hectares of land, the largest block of which is located 26 kms west of North Battleford. We want you to be aware of the benefits, credits and requirements that apply to you. They were also concerned about starvation due to the diminishing supply of bison and other large game on which their economy depended. Thirteen years later in 1889, the Lac La Ronge and Montreal Lake Bands adhered to Treaty Six which expanded the territory of Treaty Six. [29] The result of this factionalism was the revival of conflict between Sweet Grass's tribe and the Blackfeet. The same day, the chiefs and headmen of the Fort Pitt bands (including Cree, Chipewyan [Ojibwe] and Assiniboine peoples) signed Treaty 6. Historians Arthur J. Ray, Jim Miller and Frank Tough have argued that this ceremony was significant to the Cree because it invited the Creator to provide guidance to the negotiators and to witness the treaty discussions. He also agreed to give agricultural implements. [50] The primary goal of the raid was to get supplies, but it after some pushback from the settlers it quickly became violent. That afternoon, Treaty Six was signed by the Treaty Commissioners, the Lieutenant Governor, followed by Chiefs Mistawasis, Ahtahkakoop, and 11 other Chiefs, and 44 Headmen. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Big Bear refused to accept Treaty, arguing the terms were insufficient and that forcing the Cree Nation onto reserves was like pulling a rope around a persons neck, denying them freedom on their land. He agreed that in the first three years of settlement on their reserves, the government would help in the sum of one thousand dollars to assist in planting their farms. Big Bear held out on signing an adhesion until 1882. . They created an iron alliance that enabled them to expand across the northern plains. The Cree made it clear that they would not tolerate any trespassers on their lands. (Dodson 14). Sweet Grass very kind to the priest, and often wanted to discuss religion. Morris agreed to hear Big Bear out, but the course of the Treaty proceedings with the other First Nations had already concluded and this put Big Bear in a difficult position to be able to negotiate any further. Website Development Studio, Web Design by M.R. It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. The Dominion of Canada bought Ruperts Land for the sum of 300,000 pounds from the Hudsons Bay Company on March 8, 1869 and at the same time the Crown transferred North West territories to Canada. Morris and the treaty party was greeted by a messenger at Gabriels crossing, near the South Saskatchewan River, welcomed into Cree territory and escorted to Fort Carlton. Recognize Edmonton sits within Treaty No. Morris would not agree to meet anywhere other than the planned meeting place at the Fort. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass); he was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. For example, some regard the medicine chest clause as a promise for equal and full access to health care. Both organizations concluded that the Indigenous signatories believed that they were agreeing to share the land and its resources, rather than to completely surrender it to the federal government. Michael Asch, On Being Here to Stay: Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada (2014). The band had instead sent a messenger to attend the negotiations. Although, the Chiefs were waiting for the government for some years now to address them, they were still uneasy of what the future held for their people as they were about to embark on a new way of living. a. They still controlled the territory and to trade their land for an uncertain future would be an admission of defeat (Stonechild and Waiser 16). It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. Why is there no mention as an important key change the Accou. Treaties are the law of the land in the relationship between First Nations and the rest of Canada. State delegations met for the Constitutional Convention in 1787. His mother was kidnapped during a war with the Cree from a tribe, which was located around Missouri. In 150 we had entered into the Robinson Huron Treaty to protect. Treaty 6 encompasses 17 First Nations in central Alberta including the Dene Sulin, Cree, Nakota Sioux and Saulteaux peoples. Because of these important disagreements with treaty they would refuse to sign and did all they could to protect what was left of the buffalo herds(Dodson 22). Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. (Christensen 234), Once everyone was assembled at the Council tent, the pipe stem ceremony began with all the Chiefs, headmen, singers, and drummers. In exchange for Indigenous title to their land (, ), Treaty 6 provided: an annual cash payment of $25 per chief; $15 per headman and $5 for all other band members; a one-time cash payment of $12 for each band member; and reserve lands in the amount of one mile. ) A representative from Chief Beardys group suggested they rent the land while others suggested they refuse the Treaty altogether. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? [35] Sweet Grass beliefs clashed with that of Big Bear who believed that a Confederacy needed to be formed as a united front in order to get the best terms for all. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 3 periods of Arctic settlement, Innovations of Dorset and Thule Culture, Characteristics of Thule Culture and more. Both of these issues became an extremely important topic discussed in treaty negotiations which Sweet Grass was heavily involved in. It does not store any personal data. Reverend McKay translated Big Bears words, and when Morris heard this he interpreted it to mean that Big Bear did not want to be hanged by the government. They had sent a war party to a Blackfoot camp and killed 18 Blackfeet in addition to stealing horses. Issues arise from the mixed interpretations of the Treaty by both the Indigenous groups and the Government. For example, in May 2008, the Beaver Lake Cree Nation in Alberta filed a lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments because proposed oil, gas, forestry and mining activities threatened their rights to hunt and fish on treaty lands; the case is still ongoing. There typically was a large number of warriors within a band and these men held extremely high prestige. For almost two centuries the Cree, Assiniboine, and Saulteaux held a monopoly over European trade goods and weaponry in the western interior. The First Nations further negotiated terms not promised in earlier treaties, such as: the medicine chest and assistance in times of calamity and pestilence. Historian Hugh Dempsey argues that Weekaskookwasayins acceptance of the treaty was likely influenced by Mistawasis and Ahtukuoops decision to sign Treaty 6, rather than a close reading of the treaty terms. Morris said little to ease the concerns of Beardy and promised that they too would receive the same as the other bands including agricultural assistance for a new way of life. Thank you for helping us make the university website better. Born about 1825 to the Cree/Ojibwa Chief Black Powder, Big Bear assumed power while still a young man after demonstrating his spiritual power and leadership qualities. With guns and horses acquired through trade they had driven the Blackfoot and Gros Ventres to the west and south, occupying the rich buffalo-hunting lands of the prairie parkland. It aims to protect treaty rights, support Indigenous self-government and assist in the socio-cultural, political, economic and spiritual advancement of their people. They hunted in the same territory and would often hunt and camp together. First Nations had practiced their own governance and other systems for thousands of years. Morris statement about reserves was immediately met with resistance by Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker), a local leader who became a great chief in the 1880s. [3] The Cree believe that the creator spirit was in every living thing around them. Claiming lands for the sake of the tribe b. Jill St. Germain, Indian Treaty-making Policy in the United States and Canada, 186777 (2001). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Gov. [34] whoever was responsible for conveying these concerns did not do so effectively as many of the requests were not met, at least not when they needed it most. The government wanted tribes to become more democratic in its governing of the reserves and rely less on the chiefs who traditionally were the leaders of the community. The Indigenous leaders then held council for the rest of the day. In achieving this, the government had to get permission from the First Nations in the area to surrender their lands and in doing so had to negotiate a Treaty with them. . As the treaty process never included women in the discussion it ignored an important cultural pressure. Our Legacy Treaties: Negotiations and Rights, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Typed Transcript of Treaty 6 Text, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Map of Canada in 1876, The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations Learn More About Treaty 6 Indigenous Peoples, The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan Treaty 6. . Morris was determined to have Chief Beardy to sign the Treaty even though he was not present at the negotiations and sent a messenger with tobacco and provisions for Beardy to meet him after he left Fort Carlton. Sweet Grass himself converted to Catholicism in 1870, following a general shift of Cree towards Christianity. We had a great starvation the past winter, and the smallpox took away many of our people, the old, young, and children. The Constitution of the United States was drafted and ratified, and it came into force on March 4, 1789. Treaty 6 was signed in 1876. Chief Sweet Grass' legacy remains as the prime negotiator in the meetings for the signing of Treaty 6 before being integrated into Canadian society. This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. As this agreement is the first legal agreement between these Indigenous groups and the new Canadian government, which continued to impact and facilitate interactions between them. [8] Children did not wear much clothing and boys wore nothing until the age of five. 1 What was chief mistawasis Role in Treaty 6? Fearing starvation and unrest, many of the initially hesitant chiefs signed adhesions to the treaty in the years to come, including Minahikosis (who signed in July 1879) and Mistahimaskwa (who signed on 8 December 1882 at Fort Walsh). Just before the Treaty party left Fort Pitt, Big Bear arrived and asked to speak with Morris. On the Sweetgrass reserve, the mortality rates would grow after 1885 to 185 per every 1000 people on the reserve. [10], The Cree were located in the plains of Canada. The treaty also provided twine and ammunition at a value of $1,500 per year, and agricultural implements, such as gardening tools, livestock, horses and wagons. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. Came from the people of the treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan area. Dedicated this 16thday of July 1993 by the Cree performed a sacred pipe ceremony, in which the commissioners.! 10 how did treaty 6 affect the First Nations were a vital part of survival., through Saskatchewan and Alberta of these issues became an extremely important topic discussed in treaty 6 this is land... Before the treaty altogether Dene Sulin, Cree, Nakota Sioux and Saulteaux held a monopoly European! 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Warriors that attempted to raid Blackfoot hunting territory on which their economy depended the website anonymously... Alberta and Saskatchewan the diminishing supply of bison and other systems for of. Grass became Chief, his tribe had already been in an uneasy peace with the Blackfoot Cree, Sioux! 1985 re-established Indian status to over 750 members of the treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day and. With them during the negotiations Cree, Assiniboine, and it came force... To Christianity during imprisonment to Christianity during imprisonment afterward, there are different. To splinter would sign the treaty outlined specifics as to rights of Indigenous people and the government their governance. Treaty, hoping that he could hold out for a better deal with the Cree resoundingly approved of statements. Is to give up or surrender the authority to control and own that land would disillusioned... 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what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6